Just so everyone knows, the raid is in full effect.
We're infested. We've got to keep pushing the Seth Rich story. Its clearly fucking with them.
>pic related
Just so everyone knows, the raid is in full effect.
We're infested. We've got to keep pushing the Seth Rich story. Its clearly fucking with them.
>pic related
Other urls found in this thread:
josh dolin
adrienne watson
amanda karpay
elizabeth shapell
matt mcclure
Rebecca charen
Benjamin fischbein
Burns Strider
Ellie Cohen
Elizabeth Price
Johan Newman
Benjamin Williams
Caryn Lennhoff
Daniel Wessel
Karla Towle
Kathleen Kennedy
context pleas
>Here is fresh, definitive evidence that some devious posters are trying nefariously working in coordination to interfere with the most excellent IRL political action I would like to see conducted using this political discussion board as a base of operations
>I bring evidence
>xxxxx chan
>But I'm not the raider. Others are.
Fuck off retard, I've been here for years. I browse both of them so therefore I must be a raider.
You're a God damn trogolodyte.
Yes, you are the cancer. That you've been the cancer for multiple years doesn't make it better.
For demonstrative purposes, I present this thread, which is not discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics which is the purpose of the board, but is tangibly related to your meta concern, what posters from other sites may be doing to interfere with your ongoing cross-site political activity--which again is not the purpose of the board.
It is literally completely talking about a threat to this board. It is literally completely talking about politics, and Democrats flooding this board to undermine the investigation of politicians. It is literally evidence of people trying to ruin this specific place and you say that it isn't related at all to this board?
Are you actually that unaware of how stupid you sound? You contradict yourself.
well, they don't know about the other chans either. They seem to be focusing on Sup Forums. 8 chan has pins. This is like the flood plain.
Are any of the other Chan's even doing anything? I never hear shit from them. Every time I try to go on one I haven't seen anything posted in 6+ months.
it's okay user its just the same faggot I get into arguments with almost daily over on 8c because he's too autistic for either chan. probably one of the people that shit all over my ngo ship thread. its not worth it arguing with him... he's special and can't understand.
they do. laci green went to 8c ffs as part of her new, taking the redpill hurr gib me attention, thing. basically spelled it out in her thread too. it was like reading a transcript of her video. they know because it keeps being mentioned here like this thread. if you mention it in some way that youre not explicitly naming it its not a problem. but OP just ensured the shills go there.