I'm tired. I've watched Styx, infowars, stefan, varg, and other such channels. I'm done. I've learned what I need to make it in the world.
I'm tired of politics as well. It's such a small part of your life, yet you've let the fear mongering captivate your attention.
This site is no different. It's marketing strategy is, "You're here forever". That's not true.
A majority of the people who browse this site are 18-25. I'm 23. I remember when I used to browse Sup Forums and then /r9k/ occasionally during my depression. Sup Forums is a shitstorm of nonsensical fear mongering. People have been baiting ww3 and other crap for months.
I'm sick of it.
I'm done. Peace out.
Kayden Hughes
See you tomorrow.
Justin Hill
>I used to browse Sup Forums and then /r9k/
Sup Forums is not for you anyway
David Jackson
you'll be back
Nolan Hall
>browsing Sup Forums and /r9k/ more than once.
James Thomas
Tell your step dad about it faggot
Gabriel Kelly
K bro see you in the morning
Thomas Rivera
Don't worry, something stupid will happen tomorrow, and no one around you will be able to make sense of it without CNN.
Gavin Smith
I'm 30 and I'll never leave. I am also well adjusted, have a nice job and a loving girlfriend.
You'll be back when you realise this is the last bastion of free speech and like minded people you'll ever find. You'll read some CNN article, or hear a news clip, and want to know what is really going on, then right back to pol you go.