Is my step-dad /ourguy/?

is my step-dad /ourguy/?

>working class
>hates spics
>hates niggers
>wants to keep refugees out
>hates LGBTs and feminists
>refers to minorities as riffraff
>voted trump

pic unrelated

No, he's a cuck.


kek you're his wife's son. you're a walking meme my friend.



sound like an average american retard.

Stop dissing step dads, Sup Forums. My biological father beat my mother into a concussion while she was pregnant with me. Then he ran away before I was born because he was in trouble with the law. My step dad raised me since I was two, he took in an abandoned boy and raised him as his own. He isn't a 'cuck' to me, he's my hero.

post a pic of his maga hat, I want it for my pede folder. does he know shadilay and meme magic? you dont want to red pill him too quick, it might be too much for him to handle. Have you shown him MDE? shits so cash, I showed my mum but she didn't get it, be careful bro, even your family can be cuck libtard shill fags (homo's are ok, that was just an insult kek) praise pepe, (this is my oldest and rarest one, enjoy) we need more based guys like you showing these old guys the truth.

No he's a cuck

I'll beat your mom... With my dick KEK