>anonymous source calls up the (((New York Times))) to read a supposed excerpt of a memo over the phone

>nobody has laid eyes on the memo
>nobody knows if anything was added
>nobody knows if anything was omitted
>nobody knows if it's even real

>reminder that all private meetings with the President are off-the-record
>note-taking is never permitted
>people are only allowed to record their "reflections" after the meeting is over

If the memo is even real, it is not admissible evidence of anything. The president — every president — is protected by the no recordings policy.

teal deer there's no proof the memos are real, and if they are, there's no proof their contents are accurate.

Other urls found in this thread:

>reminder that Comey was probably the leaker that has been plaguing Trump all these months

10 Drumpfbucks have been added to your Reddit account

Cherry on top.

They just sent a request to the FBI for that memo and anything Comey had on Obama, Clinton and Lynch.

Congrats CTR/Shariablue...ya just played yourself.

>we want comey's memos
>wtf Comey where's the proof of Trump wanting to obstruct?
>that was fake news
>All these memos on the Obama administration are not

Reminder that Comey said under oath it is illegal for those with classified clearance to give out real information but it is technically not illegal for them to call up news agencies and tell them bullshit

I guess we'll find out during Comey's PUBLIC testimony to Senate Intel.

Here's a spoiler; Blumpf is going down. FBI has moved to bring in a Special Counsel on the Russian ties.

well that explains why the Seth Rich bogus conspiracy gained so much traction with right wing retards.

Meanwhile, in the REAL world, subpeonas have been issued against Manafort and Flynn relating to the Russia investigation and FBI has brought in a Special Counsel.

so it was a Barium Meal test, thats what your saying?

>muh Russia
You're in dreamtime son.