MFK: Amy Schumer, Rosie O'Donnel, Chelsea Clinton

MFK: Amy Schumer, Rosie O'Donnel, Chelsea Clinton

Who would you marry, fuck, and kill out of those three?

Have fun deciding :)

I'd kill myself before I'd do any of those 3

I'd start by killing myself and then i guess they can fuck my corpse if they want

Marry Chelsea Clinton in order to own her in divorce, get dat alimony.

Kill Rosie, obvious reasons.

Fuck Schumer. Paper bag it and hit her from behind. I'll probably regret it after though.

Fuck Schumer and hope she falls in love w my bbc. Kill Rosie because shes too fat and irrelevant. Marry Clinton for the connections.

You really want them doing that to your corpse?

Well if I married any of them I'd be fucked so I'd have to kill myself.

Any other answer than this is objectively wrong.


MARRY: Chelsea Why? all the moneys and power.. and dump asap and live off the alimony

fuck .. amy shcumer .. she's fat but if she wants the D she needs to get on teh treadmill. (she's ok if she lost weight). besides after a good dicking she'll be a conservative slave.

kill Rosie .. she can't be redeemed.

This guy is right.