This is fucking it Sup Forums we need to stop this now. We need a final solution to the ponyfag problem. I never thought I'd say this but I miss the leaf posters, at least they weren't faggots (well most of them). What do we do?
I'll offer you pony pussy for 50% equity in this board.
ponies are based, soon Reddit will be purged completely
we need just this little bit of degeneracy to survive as a board.
and this is coming from someone who posted here back when they didn't have a containment board and shit up Sup Forums and Sup Forums constantly several years ago.
t. poster from when this board was born in 2011
Eh, the discourse has actually become more refined somehow.
sry man, u can't do anything but try to accept us like we try to accept you. end of the story.
Was it Sup Forums or was it /mlp/ that actually started as an April fools prank that ended up surviving... I can't remember?
Sup Forums started because moot realised he was being an anti-free speech bitch by deleting /new/ for racism (our ancestor board)
/mlp/ started because back when that show started earlier this decade they used to flood every single board with ponyposts. /mlp/ is a prime example of a containment board, not knocking them or anything but it was literally created to contain them. Neither were April Fool's pranks as far as I know.
For anyone who thinks they could use this merge as weaponized autism at their fingers to plant political seeds in the brains of the bronies to make the left look dumber than when Pepe the Kek went national on TV have also put a bear trap on their own soil as the left laugh their asses off seeing right-wing political ideology come from the demographic collective known as the My Little Pony Fandom. Either one can claim that right-wing truth got so wide spread even the bronies know it, or it reveals something so openly questionable and alerting that there will be a mass shift towards the left like never before seen if the TV and/or mainstream news websites start showing a linkage of their kind with your kind which, in the end, all came down to beholding cyber low life hooligans who used these various websites full of human abomination.
>TLDR ponder which side can really profit the most in this board mix in a mental game of exploitable chess when content contained here spreads outside Sup Forums as it has in the past
/s4s/ was started on april 1st
Yeah I remember when the bronys used to just shit up Sup Forums and everywhere else before they got a board and similar situation for 'politics' before Sup Forums was around but I swear one of them started as an April fools day prank that stuck.. I could be wrong, maybe it was another board.
Ahhh that was it, my bad I thought it was one of these two.
>implying that cross-contamination between boards hasn't been obviously ongoing, probably since /mlp/'s inception
Haven't you noticed how completely fine with this merger people are? I believe that no small part of the Republicunt neckbeards on Sup Forums were ponyfags the entire time.
Horsefuckers did nothing wrong.
Horsefuckers are making Sup Forums great again. And for that reason, I'm out.
O'leary leaf faggot
>sellout to Canadian establishment
>liberal psy-op to undermine alt-right
>massive globalist shill
Sentence is death
Everyone just start reporting the pony posts.
fuck Sup Forums if they're going to behave this immature and unprofessionalistic
There is nothing wrong with making a profit anyway you can
Fucking this
A___F___ U___C___K___I___N___G___L ___E ---A-- F
Nah, its just desperation of trying to get the board back to the state it was before 90% of the threads were shitposting.
There is little actual discussion going on. All threads get derailed into meme fiestas. People just want the board to change (which can only be for the better)