If you don't vehemently condemn the actions of these roaches, you are not a nationalist. It doesn't matter what these people were protesting over, or if they were libturds, or whatever. It is absolutely fucking unacceptable for foreign diplomats to attack American citizens on American soil AND GET AWAY WITH IT SCOT FUCKING FREE.

If Trump does not seriously fucking punish Turkey and Erdogan for this, I will have lost nearly all respect for him. I fucking hate Muslims and Commies, but this supersedes that. If I had it my way I would be declaring war on the fucking turkroaches over this.

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What do you mean to suggest? That there's some significant segment of the population that's totally ok with foreign government thugs beating up American civilians on US soil?

Whatever fantasy echo chamber you live in, you're spending too much time there.

>That there's some significant segment of the population
There's a significant section of Sup Forums that seems to think this was okay because the protestors were libtards.

Yeah, this is fucked.

Arm the Kurds.

Liberals work for decades to weaken the male species.
Get furious when stronger males dominate their weakened males.

Now, had these Turk fucks tried this on a man from 50 years ago, they'd be going back to Turkey in a Ziploc.

Y'all created this soft generation, now deal with the consequences. If you went there to instigate violence, and violence was what you got, and you weren't prepared, then you deserve to have your melon caved in.

Same with you pussy ANTIFA faggots, you have no physical prowess, and you get dick slapped at every rally when a real man steps up to your "protests."

>be a nationalists
>be perfectly fine with roaches coming to your country to beat people up

>If you went there to instigate violence
No one went there to instigate violence you fucking moron. This isn't about muh white race; this is about Trump allowing foreigners to come to America and attack American citizens. This is exactly what cucked nations allow Muslims to do.
You're not a nationalist then.

Not there to start violence?

Oh, they went there to have a deep and powerful conversation with them I suppose.

Those guards knew full well they had diplomatic immunity, and was welcoming the chance to bash some Beta and Omega skulls in.

What was their demonstration going to do anyways? Force Erdogan to retreat back to Turkey?

Y'all act like we didn't arm Erik Prince in Iraq who rampaged downtown areas like a kiddie paintball field.

If you're going to go protest a violent people, you better expect violent people to be there.

Get smart or get dead. No excuses.

>them roaches "dindu nuffin"

You're fucking pathetic Islamic apologist. American's have a first amendment right to protest you dumb fucking nigger. Foreign have no right to come and fuck with our rights.

You have to be a shill.

>If you're going to go protest a violent people, you better expect violent people to be there.
I think it's a reasonable expectation to have that police will follow the law and use their power to break any diplomatic immunity if a crime or violence is being committed.
>What was their demonstration going to do anyways?
It literally does not fucking matter what the end result was going to be. It is a God given right for people to protest in this country, however futile.

You are just as cucked as a Swede, only instead of justifying it with "we embrace multiculturalism," you justify with "this is what libruls deserve!!"