Your Daily Reminder of Failure

Are you redpilled on Trump yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

>believing the (((msm)))

Nice try shareblue

...or are you the only person at the poker table who doesn't see the mark?

>Nice try shareblue
deflect, deflect, deflect away... you're so blue pilled it's unbelievable

>waaaah please don't insult my god emperor, you shareblue meanie

Go back to t_d, faggot.

I don't know why you felt the need to include Barney in this picture when he got sold out by a woman.

Ok, sweetie, whatever you say.


Sage. If you can make a real thread about real issues or policy please do but just making a drump btfo post with an unflattering photo is cringe tier

Hi there


deflect, deflect, deflect away... even worse than coming in second is coming in first... AND THROWING IT ALL AWAY.

Trump lets down everyone who ever does business with him... watching an entire party slowly awaken to this epihany is pure gold.

epiphany, sorry.

>elections rigged for her
>she loses

How is that even possible you tard?

Shill. Sage. Seth.

because these guys:
are suffering from cognitive dissonance.

This is for you OP

>comey might have locked himself in a box
>for suggesting something more dire
>under current law
>the FBI director must report it
>or face jail

I look forward to the hearing.

>If you criticize Trump you must be a Hill Shill

what the fuck i hate trump now (i don't)

>Got that (((boys))), everything Trump does is illegal, we got the (((media))) in on this too, we're gonna make his life hell!
>Sir, won't that turn the goys I mean public against (((us))) in the long run?
>Shut your mouth, our (((tribesmen))) have a lot of money riding in this thing, more than (((you))) can all imagine.

>Shill. Sage. Seth.
Deflect. Deflect. Deflect.
Donald J. Trump is going down and taking an entire party's agenda with him. Watching the MAGAnormies get so butthurt is glorious.

Bernie is a kike that legit swindled millions of dollars from gullible goyim. Fuck! I would be laughing too if I were that old bastard
I wish I was a Jew, so that I can get shekels.

That's what it always ends up being, yes.
>Lol I'm not a Hillshill I'm apolitical, you Drumpfy Drumpfkin :))
Who do you think you're kidding, honestly?

>>Got that (((boys))), everything Trump does is illegal, we got the (((media))) in on this too, we're gonna make his life hell!
>>Sir, won't that turn the goys I mean public against (((us))) in the long run?
>>Shut your mouth, our (((tribesmen))) have a lot of money riding in this thing, more than (((you))) can all imagine.
(}{)}({)}{)}({(}{)}{)}{ deflect }{}{(}{)}({)}((({}){(}({
(}{)}({)}{)}({(}{)}{)}{ deflect }{}{(}{)}({)}((({}){(}({
(}{)}({)}{)}({(}{)}{)}{ deflect }{}{(}{)}({)}((({}){(}({


what's the matter wagecucky? are you mad that rumpald rumpf denied all your healthcare?

Look, Hillary Clinton is literally never, ever becoming president. Even if Trump leaves, The Electrician simply takes his place.

Actually, it just means you're retarded.

If you've been here more than a few months (which you haven't), you'd know that Sup Forums has always backed Trump except for a few Bernfags who wanted free college and a few holdouts who still wanted Rand Paul.

So, knowing the history of how this place has been for years now, I'd say that it's clear that anyone posting anti-Trump garbage is pretty much just a retarded faggot who thinks they're actually changing minds when they're just agreeing with other faggots who think they can actually "change" this place with their shitposts.

Here's the rub - you've lost more people in your efforts than you've gained. We convert disgruntled libtards to NatSoc every single day, and there's nothing you can do about it.

But, keep sending us fresh meat, we're enjoying the feast.

>we hired thousands of nerd virgins to troll and push the narrative! It worked great with CTR, we're new improved Shart Blue! We'll win this time, promise!

>Who do you think you're kidding, honestly?
I'm not kidding anyone. Trump is a fraud and watching a long con come to an end is 11/10 level entertainment.

>Look, Hillary Clinton is literally never, ever becoming president. Even if Trump leaves, The Electrician simply takes his place.
Look, you're simply deflecting by pointing at other things.
>something that isn't Trump's failure

KEK you're so funny

After a daily barrage of the MSM shitting on Trump it's hard to take anything they say seriously. And in my experience if they don't like what he's doing then he's probably doing something I agree with. If he runs, I'll vote for him again.

can you at least make a decent shitpost, fuck me this is why Canada and Australia are miles ahead, no tip for you


more like you're the retard who's playing mental gymnastics with yourself.

>leftist memes

Is that literally clipart pulled from google images? Did some plebbitor actually look up "laughing" to make this meme? Leftists really can't meme for shit.


>Go back to t_d, faggot

Shill confirmed. You faggots have been spamming "hurr t_d" here for days. I thoroughly enjoy seeing how triggered shills get by our little tumor on plebbit. They try so very hard to shut it down.

> Leftists really can't meme for shit.
And yet, "Trump is a Failure" is becoming a meme all by itself!

Shills please go it's late and we all can't be welfare rejects some of us have to work.

Just because you find the word red pill on Google doesn't mean you know how to use it.

>deflect, deflect, deflect away...

Trump is a disappointment. A failure. And the source of a million KEKs at those who try to defend him.

tell me OP, what has he done to disappoint you so much?

>Just because you find the word red pill on Google doesn't mean you know how to use it.

KEK okay MAGAnormie KEK

Dear lord I can feel the autism. Putting MAGA and normie together even when insulting someone. You don't even speak the same language. Its like you can't tell rice crispies from rat shit.

I swear it like you're a manatee cramming random buzz words together.