I just saw the memos

I just saw the memos

I-it's bad. Really bad.

me too. Comey is gonna fry.




>It's not what's in the memo boys, it's what the public will believe when our (((friends))) in the media spoon food it to them.

Comey is already dead. We already saw what Trump was capable of when Obama mocked him.

you shareblue fags are so fucking out of touch and autistic. I'd feel bad for you if I didn't want to throw you into traffic.

The one about trump asking comey to end the flynn investigation is about two pages long. It goes way beyond just joking around and borders on intimidation. There's also a bit about jailing reporters who publish leaks.

I'm so damn tired, so tired it hurts. I'm gonna lay down, don't let me fall asleep, damn I can barely...stay....