Obama was treated far worse than Trump

Obama was treated far worse than Trump.

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A fucking leaf

learn to sage you dumb faggot
dont give them (you)s

the democrats have been giving trump shit because he is a white man
Checkmate liberals

Obama? You mean Barry Soetoro?

>just because he was black
>people are actually stupid enough to think this

This, finally a based leaf

>because he was black
>not because republicans need to maintain the illusion that they're not inside the kosher sandwich with the democrats

Everyone knows Trump and his shills are the real snowflakes of the world.

They can't take one hint of criticism without sperging out.

To be fair though, they were easily tricked by a snake oil salesman and some dumb russian shitposters.. so they aren't too bright to begin with.

Keep in mind liberals also throw around the notion that Obama had to put effort in to 'talk white' in order to fit in around other people in washington because America is racist.

Editor of Harvard Law Review..

Constitutional law Professor






Obama is whiter than 99.9999% of all white people in the world and people hate him so, so much for that. The fact they they couldn't do shit with their lives and all they have for an excuse is... nothing. Obama wasn't born rich either.

I disagree with him strongly on a lot - drone strikes, drug laws, not standing up more forcefully against gerrymandering such.. But goddamn the man was at least thoughtful about his decisions and did not disgrace the white house.

He will go down as one of the greatest presidents in history now simply because the right was against him for 8 years STRAIGHT and they fucking imploded themselves, and we get to watch them fall apart slowly while Trump gets impeached.

The Right imploded themselves by taking back the House in 2010, the Senate back in 2014, and the White House in 2016.

Obama has been so good for the Democrats that the only candidates that they could put up was a mummifed Communist and one of the most Corrupt Career Politicians the US has ever seen.


Trump, and the repubs supporting him, will end or drastically change the republican party permanently, and not like the tea party tried to do.

actually president Obama didn't do well in his second term, thats why the democrats had a rising number of support for bernie. Trump was the right wing bernie

"stupid shit"
- some guy, north carolina

Obama was put behind a curtain by the media.

>occupy democrats

>Trump was the right wing bernie

By bernie, do you mean the anti-establishment?

I agreed, but then he hired most of the establishment and is continuing to do establishment things (sessions and the drug war etc)

he's actually not wrong. They were poor ideas because he was black, and they were rejected because they were poor ideas. Ipso facto they were rejected because he was black

Nigger lives are worthless

all of those were obtained through affirmative action though, obama would have been a nobody if he was white...

Hmm if that were true he would not have done so well at Harvard and after then.. just simply got in.

you honestly think bernie would have got less establishment people to join his cabinet? He doesn't know anyone outside of the government. To him government is anti-establishment, it's a complete meme. Trump did hire many people who were fresh to politics (bannon, tillerson, devos, carson)

he never released his transcripts, probably because he did extremely poorly. Doesn't matter if he got Cs in law school, he was a well-spoken nig with a harvard law degree, he was destined for "greatness"

Literally who


The lefts efforts to oust a democratically elected president is setting the precedent that we get to carry and expand into the next time Democrats regain political power.

Also, the destruction of big government by way of undermining an American administration helps us push our 'smaller government is better' agenda.

I assure you the left is doing more damage to the American Democracy than the Russians could ever imagine even in the darkest days of the Cold War.

>you honestly think bernie would have got less establishment people to join his cabinet?

I never said that

>Trump did hire many people who were fresh to politics (bannon, tillerson, devos, carson)

yes - donors, favors, oil execs and puppetmasters

That's not what people imagined when he said drain the swamp

Seems extremely out of character for Obama to be a C student.

In fact, you can be guaranteed he was not, judging by his editor position

that's exactly what I imagined. Bad ass ceo billionaire successful entrepreneurs is EXACTLY what i expected.

>The lefts efforts to oust a democratically elected president is setting the precedent that we get to carry and expand into the next time Democrats regain political power.

Uhhh.. were you sleeping during the Clinton presidency?

editor was given to him because he was black. It seems very likely he was a C student

Obama got away with

>Gun running to drug cartels to blame American gun manufactures and hopefully turn public opinion to gun control

>Instructed IRS head to target conservative groups with a higher scrutiny and destroy all the evidence

>Wiretapped journalists and likely wiretapped supereme court justices

>openly threatened the supreme court if they correctly determined his healthcare bill was illegal

>ran guns to terrorist groups in Libya, Tunsinia, Egypt and Syria

>blamed an innocent man for the death of an us ambassador that was engaging in gun runnings for the administration

I hate liberalism.

OP's thread:
->complete delusion

If you think Tillerson isn't part of the establishment than you are a retard. Establishment isn't made up of only politicians.

Proof or shut the fuck up you inbred hick

Based Michael Bowman dropping truth bombs.

kill yourself shill rat



>republicans rejected

They didn't reject anything. They had no control over the fucking congress. The Healthcare bill was passed by dems only.

Do you think a republican administration would not have done all those things? We are arming a a terrorist group in syria and selling weapons to saudi arabia under trump

If you think the Right is somehow more moral or law abiding than you are pretty dumb. Do you remember bush?

prove he was better than a C student

agreed. republicans are scum. treasonous scum. owned by rupert murdoch.

Were you asleep during th Bush presidency and the Obama presidency and the Trump presidency?

This is only going to get worse and the next time the Democrats have political power even Hell itself will be a political vacation destination compared to DC.

Seriously, you think the rate on Clinton/Obama/Hillary was bad... just wait.

hate not rate

They didn't in fact.

Bush did not use the IRS as a political weapon. Bush did not use Fast N Furious to blame gun manufactures for deaths. Bush did not wiretap supreme court justices and journalists. Bush did not run guns to terrorists groups. Bush didn't blame a video for an ambassadors death nor did his administration cover up attacks on foreign embassasys with fake stories to hide their arms dealings.

Obama did all of those things. They were revealed in public but luckily liberals control the media and told us it was nothing and we were racist to even bring them up.

Fuck off you nigger.

It was his last term, of course he wasn't going to get support

Christ you're thick

uh he graduated Harvard magna cum laude

That's the highest academic honor, and based mostly off grades


So wait, you mean Republicans stopped Obama on things other than his attempts at Gun Control and his pick of the Supreme Court in his last year?

SO he didn't get away with massive spending through omnibus bills? Or everything else he did?

which one are you shill?

no summa cum laude is the highest distinction, and harvard has notorious grade inflation, if you don't believe me just google it. This is excellent evidence he was a shitty student

Repubs rejected all of Obama's policies just because they sucked.
And the Dems rejected every single budget he sent up.

>12 posts by this ID
You want Obama to fuck your wife cuck? You are so pathetic you praise a mediocre mulatto. Says alot about you.

He had senate majorities for a large share of his turn and the GOP could only fillibuster so much.

I'm single

I think he's referring to the fact that it was the right who tried to oust Clinton (a democratically elected president)

Most of them didn't even try, though.

Didn't Rand Paul filibuster for 13 hours or something until they stated that drones could not be used to strike American Citizens on American soil?

So Obama passed nothing in 8 years?


lmao this nigga said "Concorde"


yes, that was Hitlers master plan to divide Berlin with a wall.

Obama is a piece of shit Marxist.

The Berlin Wall was constructed in 1961. Lol built by Hitler you shill faggots.


Barrack Obama. He was president once.

uh he seemed pretty capitalist to me - what did he do that was marxist?


Healthcare. Initiatives on "community youth organizations"

Is it any less accurate than what OP posted?

>party A stops party B from doing things that party A doesn't like phlisophically

I can't believe they hate niggers!

>just because he was black
sounds like a good enough reason to me

you just made it more appealing.

We are all around you arrogant fuck!!!!!!

Did they just quote a complete random moron?

obongo was treated like a kang n shieet. they fucking gave him a nobel prize for being a nigger.people all over the world were kissing his grey ass, you know that kangs n sheiit.
President Trump has had nothing but people and organizations fighting him since he got selected as the gop candidate. The guy is a billionaire. he's not doing this for the money. hell, if i had a million $, i wouldn't even consider being POTUS. anyway, if he didn't have all of these whiny-ass should have been aborted antifas and libs making shit up, maybe, just maybe he could get something done

Well, if this meme attributed to a bearded cuck says it is true...Who am I to suggest otherwise?