>McCarthy: The Russians hacked the DNC and got the opp research that they had on Trump. >McCarthy: laughs >[Crosstalk] >Ryan: The Russian’s hacked the DNC… >McHenry: …to get oppo… >Ryan: …on Trump and like delivered it to…to who? >[Unintelligible] >McCarthy: There’s…there’s two people, I think, Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump [laughter]…swear to God. >Ryan: This is an off the record [laughter]…NO LEAKS…[laughter]…alright?! >[Laughter] >Ryan: This is how we know we’re a real family here. >Scalise: That’s how you know that we’re tight. >[Laughter] >Ryan: What’s said in the family stays in the family KEK
Bentley Turner
>0 replies MUH SETH RICH THO
Kayden Reyes
Where's the proof the Russian's hacked the DNC? The DNC didn't even let the FBI look at their servers.
Also Seth Rich leaked info to wikileaks.
Dylan Lewis
They knew Russia hacked the DNC before anyone and figured Trump was getting paid by Putin. Why are T R U M P F A G S sliding this?
Blake Hall
>McCarthy: Obama fucked your mom and loves traps
Christian Bailey
>They knew Russia hacked the DNC before anyone and figured Trump was getting paid by Putin.
No they didn't. They are discussing amongst themselves. Why wasn't the FBI allowed to view the DNC servers to provide truth to the claim they were hacked?
Please answer.
Lincoln Cook
Still no proof. Come back when you have definitive proof. Even pizzagate had more proof/was more plausible and it was horseshit. Sage.
Luis Garcia
If the DNC was hacked why did they not allow the FBI to review the serves to confirm this?
Did you know the CIA has the ability to make it look like another country did the hacking when in reality it was actually the CIA? Thank goodness for WikiLeaks.
Daniel Richardson
>democrats believe this >no once cares >b-but the anti trump wing of the republicans believe this too lol
Mason Rivera
If the DNC was hacked by Russia why did they refuse electronic forensic analysis of their DNC server?
Wouldn't you want the FBI to confirm that they were indeed hacked by those evil Russians so you could provide proof?