Other urls found in this thread:
360 degrees be the sum of all material KNOWLEDGE.
>learning 360 degrees and walking away
That's why 720 is the sum of all material AND spiritual knowledge.
360 dagreeze is tha circle (complete) knowledge, tha whyte man stoled it from KEMET (Afrika) and lie bout dimenshuns to hide OUR histry
no but seriously. i know you all hate black people but just think about this for a second: weaponize black anger AGAINST (((our enemies))). Do you realize how easy it would be ?
Show this to the muzzies and let em have it out
So, according to that pic, Somalis aren't real Africans?
>nation of islam
lets get this shit going
>Hate black people
Being real about racial statistics doesn't mean hate
>How easy would it be
It already sort of happens in NYC where Jews actually live around them, but for the most part they're seen as greedy whites with funny hats and won't hold a staunch distinction.
nah but nigger hate threads do. its fine man personally id prefer a black neighbor over a muslim or jew or chink neighbor most of the time anyway
>pic related
dont argue with my gets faggots. kek is speaking beyond the grave. Our next mission should be to mobilize blacks against their jewish masters
Spiritual science, bruh
Im in, we just need to start shitposting this on some islamic boards and get them pissed af at the nogs
Black people can't see beyond skin color, they'll claim to be jews, hebrews, etc. We just need to get them to make these claims infront of them.
For lulz - youtube.com
Yeah I talked with a friend (black, girl) about how I don't buy the black jew thing. One interesting tidbit that sticks out is that these black israelites believe that whites were made by the evil scientist Yacob. Can we meme it into Yacob making Jews instead?
pic related
>Jews were the original evil made by yakub
>Jews flipped the script on black people and took over the world
>Black people should be the %1 because the jews dun stoled it
Nothing to get black people riled up like assumptions and envy
It's like how most white people will look at a group of distantly related Africans amidst African Americans and Brazilian mulattoes and be unable to see a difference, or how anyone else might be unsure which Asian is which out of a group of Asians.
Ashkanazi have light skin, the same hair diversity and can have the same types of eye color. Trying to tell blacks the nose knows won't do much. They'll only ever see white people.
Unfortunately we are just outclassed, they can use their antenna powers to absorb information through space and time, whereas we are simply racists.
That works in terms of talking to black israelites but in terms of the normie BLM black how do you get across that (((they))) are the real threat?
egypt wasn't bla..
egyptians were ara..
We just have to convince BLM to buy into the black hebrew stuff and that they should be the rich jews and that jews are the original white man etc. that yt as they know it is just some subset of indian and the jews shifted blame to us
first dynasty was sem..
>black hebrew
good point user im just going to shit post from this point
Why aren't Egyptians currently black and why do they hate black people?
>The Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature says, "There is every reason to conclude that the separate colonies of priestcraft spread from Meroe into Egypt; and the primeval monuments in Ethiopia strongly confirm the native traditions, reported by Diodorus Siculus, that the worship of Zeus-Ammon originated in Meroe, also the worship of Osiris. This would render highly probable the opinion that commerce, science and art descended into Egypt from the Upper Nile.
egypt was ara..
>"The Ethiopians," says Lucian, page 985, "were the first who invented the science of the stars, and gave names to the planets, not at random and without meaning, but descriptive of the qualities which they conceived them to possess; and it was from them that this art passed, still in an imperfect state, to the Egyptians."
pre-dynastic egypt didn't develop in afr.
why arent currently north americans amerindians?
why do they hate ameri-indians.
good analysis sherlock.
So why does no one else in the world like you? If blacks are so superior how have they been defeated time and time again and blame everyone else for their failure while having virtually no accomplishments? Why do you have to wait for Ra to give everyone else skin cancer and die off before you can take back whats yours?
Name some stolen achievements that arent ancient history for bonus points.
>Superior race
>Superior culture
>Defeated by small group of cave dwellers
>Can't make a come back for the rest of history
>Brag about achievements nobody but you believes you had anything to do with
>Still useless
You cant, because ya garbage.
>not at random and without meaning, but descriptive of the qualities which they conceived them to possess
So... Like everyone else?
every thing in the world obeys cycles my friend. blacks were the greatest at one point, greatness breeds complacency, which brings about downfall but will come back with a vengence
>Thus the Ethopian of Thebes named stars of inundation, or Aquarius, those stars under which the Nile began to overflow;* stars of the ox or the bull, those under which they began to plow; stars of the lion, those under which that animal, driven from the desert by thirst, appeared on the banks of the Nile; stars of the sheaf, or of the harvest virgin, those of the reaping season; stars of the lamb, stars of the two kids, those under which these precious animals were brought forth: and thus was resolved the first part of the difficulty.
Kemet wasnt a colony of cu..
U rite senpai. Even though you're in the UK for some reason when you could be back in the far superior homeland. Why are you in the UK with the cave dwellers when you could be in your advanced kingdom? Since you're such a genius I'm sure you would have no problem getting into any of the many prestigious universities of kemet.
rixzkahkis rishing from the shim shams?
Sorry Egyptians weren't black.
If you would read anything the Egyptians wrote about blacks or look at how they depicted themselves together with blacks, you'd know this.
Looks like you got me. The science of astrology is just too legit. If only I had 12 melanin centers in my brain to make me kang
yea everyone else invented the scientific study of the stars. yea good one.
>The development of Semitism, as has been already remarked, belongs to the early part of the 20th century B.C., long subsequently to the time when Hamitic kingdoms were set up on the banks of the Nile and the Euphrates.
Egyptians were semit..
>niggers naming stars
The evidence is just 2 reel
Egypt wasn't the only place rules by tha tru kangz
yeah, greeks+romans thought germans+anglos were barbarians and elsaved slavic and anglo people. surely greeks werent white then.
great logic fagot. the egytians said their ancestors came from punt, in somalia. im sure they were black.
only 25th dynasty was negr..
>sun of God not son of God
Do... Do they think Da Vinci or the Early Church spoke english?
This has certainly been an education in Taoist philosophy.
>yeah, greeks+romans thought germans+anglos were barbarians and elsaved slavic and anglo people. surely greeks werent white then.
so what? They didn't paint them as nigger because of it or compare them to monkeys like the Assyrians did when they conquered Egypt from the Nubian dynasty.
thousands of years of observation used to make predictions on time, agriculture, navigation, and much more, definitely useless.
good one fag.
I've had many more shitty experiences with niggers and Jews. If anything I'd use the Jews against the niggers and find a way to get rid of them after.
nice irrelevant minority tribe you've found there
wassup muh bruh-thah?
Im not sure they even think at all
Choose one
Lets not forget the navigational aspects, considering Afrikans are well know for their sea voyages - I mean, intergalactic travel
Who cares if it's in your DNA when you're likely to be overweight, can't speak proper English, have bastard children that turn out to be criminals and fight each other for free weaves in a dumpster?
nah senpai if you really prioritize blacks over (((dudes))) in terms of who the real problem is you need to go back to the /r/the_donald. You understand that the reason why blacks are here is because of (((dudes))) right?
Portugal always get WEWUZZING
becuz our dna iz da univerrse senpai
the power and culture of pre-dynastic egypt was in nubia. the average egyptian couldn't read their script, mostly the priests were familiar with the scripts and reading. but in ethiopia this same script was known by the commoner. meaning egyptian culture and language developed in ethiopia, and the priest of egypt were descendants Ethiopian of ethiopia.
the oldest cities and signs of civilization came from nubia. everything is egypt had its origins in ethiopia faggot.
white americans propagandize and go to war against germans. germans arent white.
muh 25th dynasty.
the 12th dynasty was also 100% nubian. and it is considered the greatest dynasty. read a book faggot.
once a nubian became egyptian they were painted and depicted with the same trappings as egyptians you faggot.
Is this some Portuguese anime? lol
Real africa story attached for whoever hasn't seen it.
majority of americans are europeans.
the ancient americans were europeans.
great nigger logic faggot.
Can confirm. I bought some melanin on the deep web extracted from ground up kangs. I rolled around in it until Ra (tha tru god) allowed me to traverse time and space. I saw it with my own eyes.
No, it's a crowdfunded indie game called indivisible. The character is named Vasco(inspired by Vasco da Gama, portuguese explorer), he's based on the spanish conquistador and the american cowboy. Morgan Freeman on the right is a redesign.
earliest domesticated plants and animals originated from nubians, before egyptians. according to the archaeology. agriculture developed on the nile at around same time if not before when it did in the lavant.
>Egypt itself was a colony of Ethiopia and the laws and script of both lands were naturally the same; but the hieroglyphic script was more widely known to the vulgar in Ethiopia than in Egypt. (Diodorus Siculus, bk. iii, ch. 3.) This knowledge of writing was universal in Ethiopia but was confined to the priestly classes alone in Egypt. This was because the Egyptian priesthood was Ethiopian. The highly developed Merodic inscriptions are not found in Egypt north of the first cataract or in Nubia south of Soba. These are differences we would expect to find between a colony and a parent body. Herodotus (bk. ii, p. 29) says that Meroe was a great city and metropolis, most of its buildings were of red brick. 800 B. C. at Napata, the buildings were of hard stone. (Meroe--Crowfoot, pp. 6, 30.)
inb4 muh red hair haha
pic 1 related
Pic 2, the vision granted to me by Ra. I had to physically battle yakub on the spirit plane before I finished him of with a kwame-hame-ha
very scholarly argument. continue, would love to know more.
Although no domesticated plants or
animals are associated with the Nile Valley
settlements during this time, domesticated
cattle, presumably descended from local
wild ancestors, have been identified at
several sites in the oases and playa lakes of
the western desert as early as 9000 years
ago. That is about the same date as the
earliest domesticated cattle in Europeor the
Near East. Evidence of domesticated cattle
at the Egyptian sites is based not only on
minordifferencesin size and shapewith the
wild forms but also on the fact that the rest
of the animal bones all come from animals
smaller than a gazelle.
If this gets confirmed I know for a fact Christogenea was right all along
>does anyone read nip?
sorry forgot to attach
haters will say its photoshop
melanin gets you high
i heard u can mix it with dmt to travel to the 12th dimension
kek hard at morgan freeman
why yall starving tho bruh?
>allah is a nigger
no wonder world is screwed
>As Africans, they
were certainly in contact with emerging
states to the east, first adopting from them
some of their domesticates and later other
inventions such as bronze metallurgy. But
the basic achievements of ancient Egypt—
the initial domestication of cattle and
barley; the manufacture of fine pottery,
jewelry and precious stone vessels; the
special emphasis on mortuary rituals; and
the invention of hieroglyphic writing-
developed from African roots. If Williams
is correct, even pharaonic kingship may
have originated in Nubia and spread north,
rather than the reverse.
The Roots of Ancient Egypt
/pol racists get btfo, think they are red-pilled but only know what a bunch of jew masons have allowed to be taught in schools.
What does this say?
You will actually be able to go to the outer rim of the galaxy and talk to the tru original afrikan kangz
They didn't leave the french without some either. The difference is that this one looked like this since the beginning
heard of economic hitmen?
heard of debt as a weapon?
heard of cartels getting together to prevent competition? of embargos? of jew imf? of fiat-currency backed by military industrial complexes. of balance of power theory.
hear of globalization and destruction of domestic markets because dumping of cheap foods from foreign farmers, driving locals out of business.
heard of Monsanto, the american fruit company, cuba, india and the cia
pathetic. and this faggot probably thinks he's red-pilled
>This is from cripplechan but bear with me
This is a book written by a Jap that goes into detail about the (((JQ))). When confronted by reporters about his books antisemitism the author simply replies "You come from an advanced and higher culture / explanation so why does this bother you?"
>pic related ADL spied on MLK
you faggots have nothing to counter with but muh believes.
>n the basis of the archaeological
evidence from the Egyptian predynastic
period, no case can be made for large-scale
invasion from the Near East. Even the
evidence for direct contact could also be
interpreted as indirect trade through
intermediaries in the Delta. The main
elements of the Egyptian state appear to
havedeveloped locallyand tohaveinvolved
extensive contact with other African
while i drop some knowledge on you faggot.
That is a fuckin jacked frenchman
So, you're the progenitors of humanity and supposed to be the greatest race and you still are blaming everything on external factors... from the UK, on a machine and through a medium created by white people? Ok. As if the other countries of the world aren't being crushed by debt and the banksters etc. yet still not starving to death with 12 kids by the age of 20.
Sounds like some based jap stuff to me, is there a scanlation online?
You still haven't said why you aren't living in the superior Egypt or some other great kingdom of Afrika. Idk why a genius such as yourself would want to be surrounded by the subhuman cave YT in a cesspool of Europe when you could be among true Kangz such as yourself
all religion is the worship of ancestors who were once great and progressed to mythical status and became associated with the stars.
reasons pharaohs could be claim to be god-kings, the thing faggot Louis XIV tried to claim as sun-king, and his statement l'état c'est moi
if you worship believe in a god/religion, they all have the same origin with ancestor worship. which originated with guess who.. not albino crackers.
Looks like this book is only in nip
True that the nips abhor kangz above all others? I understand they generally hate foreigners but that's ok with me
haha so you are writing, using a form of a script, which originated from african people. good one faggot.
modern pc wasnt created by whites, the lead engineer at ibm when they developed the modern pc was a black american. who holds 3/9 of those original patents.
algebra, fractal geometry, concept of infinity and recursion, all crucial concepts for the development computers, didn't originate from whites.
so maybe you shouldn't be writing, or using the computer either white boi, if you think whites came up with all the scientific disciplines that brought us to the modern age.
cracker please.
inb4 muh blue eyes haha
your ancestors in greece recognize that all forms of religion and worship originates from the ethiopians.
so you shouldn't believe in a greater power or reverence for the unseen, or judgment for sins. niggers created that.
haha white devil
>cracker please.
I knew it. U wuz errythang but still not in kemet for some reason. I wish i was reptilian
Black people came from Phaeton.
When the planet collapsed they escaped to Earth bringing 99% of all technological advances known to mankind