Why does /pol hate Reddit so much? Browsed it a couple of times, whats the big deal? You autists scared of muh memes being taken away?
Why does /pol hate Reddit so much? Browsed it a couple of times, whats the big deal...
Charles White
William Howard
Chase Clark
Fuck off
Kayden Turner
it censors and bans almost everything
Justin Brown
So i've heard. Really THAT bad though?
Evan Peterson
Too fucking controlled, even a contradictory opinion with evidence gets you downvoted
James Lee
And downvotes just lowers your opinion down the page right? I can see how that'd be annoying compared to a board/forum.
Owen Anderson
It does, even as far as /r/conspiracy bans stuff, I posted my theory that Alex Jones and David icke espouse insane conspiracies with probable conspiracies to discredit them, like diamonds In a sewer, that fucking got deleted.
Gabriel Anderson
You gotta calm down man, you're acting crazy.
Parker Gutierrez