Books thread

Did anyone else feel disappointed by pic related? I mean, I liked it and I felt I learned some stuff, but I was expecting more I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:




I'll give you a bump OP

"GO READ A BOOK!" - The unread leftist

"I did, it's called Mein Kampf." - The snarky white man

>I don't get it. Why is Sup Forums obsessed with Jews?

Read this book. Probably the biggest redpill one can get from a single book.

It's also available totally free online, just google "Culture or Critique PDF"

*Culture of Critique

Free pdf here:

I'm currently reading pic related

>500 pages

oy vey


Reading is racist

frick off


I'm reading American Psycho right now and it's a laugh riot

I remember trying to read it when I was younger and found it difficult, but now that I'm older I'm enjoying it thoroughly

Its probably useful to know these things, at the very least in order to know where they think they're coming From. Its like reading the Quran or the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in that sense.

love this book

How about instead of posting the same old shit Sup Forums recommends day in, day out; let's get some books that are quality but rarely mentioned here.

comfiest books of the all

Currently making my way through Altas Shrugged, after that I have Guns Germs and Steel, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, and To Hell and Back. Gonna buy Culte of Critque soon, any others to add to my list?