Robert Mueller now leading Russia Probe

>Graduated from Princeton University in 1966 and received a master's degree in international relations from New York University the following year

>Served as a Marine Corps officer in Vietnam for three years, receiving a Bronze Star and Purple Heart, among other medals

>Graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1973

>Worked for 12 years (1976-1988) as an investigator and prosecutor for U.S. Attorney offices in Northern California and Boston

>Joined the Justice Department in 1989 as an assistant to then-Attorney General Richard Thornburgh. During his three-year tenure leading the DOJ's criminal division, Mueller oversaw the prosecutions of Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega and crime boss John Gotti, as well as the investigation into the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.

>After two years as a partner at the Boston law firm of Hale and Dorr, Mueller rejoined public service in 1995 and went on to work for the U.S. Attorney's offices in Washington D.C. and Northern California.

>Was nominated to be FBI Director by President George W. Bush on July 5, 2001 and officially assumed that position on Sept. 4. During his tenure, Mueller helped turn the FBI from a criminal investigative bureau into a counterterrorism and counterintelligence unit.In 2004, Mueller, along with then-Deputy Attorney General James Comey, threatened to resign over the Bush administration's program of warrantless surveillance. Bush ultimately agreed to changes in the program and both men stayed on.Mueller left the FBI on Sept. 4, 2013, having served two years beyond his ten-year term at the request of President Barack Obama.

>He is the second longest-serving FBI director in the bureau's history, behind only J. Edgar Hoover

This man is a war hero and a prestigious non-biased legal expert. The truth will be reveles soon, one way or another. If Trump lied, we will knoa soon.

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I can't wait for there to be nothing of interest and it won't be good enough.

>is mueller a Russian plant to keep the smoke up for Trmp?

Depends on what Comey releases.
If the memo exists, thats cause enough for impeachment.
You have to remember that Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about having sex.

For the record, impeachment would not result in remobal from ofdice but it would certainly increase the divisiveness and give dems a good chance to take back control in 3 and a half years.

Saying a prayer for our president that theres no connection

>implying Comey memo doesn't exist
>implying russian connections don't exist
Keep living the T_D dream, boy.

>If the memo exists

Yes surely this is it, this is the last straw for Trump.

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about fucking an intern. Quit being a reductionist.
The memo is likely to be very real, but It won't have any incriminating value, as Clmey has already stated, under oath.

>Yes surely this is it, this is the last straw for Trump.
I mean, it won't result in impeachment, but only because republicans control the house. If it exists, an impeachment vote is likely and it will likely fail.
Its still damaging to Trunp's reputation and the chances of republicans keeping the house after 2018, which if they lose it would render the rest of Trump's presidency a dud

>muh based swamp monster
suck a huge dick shill