What happens after death is one of the great mysteries of life

Will we ever know what happens after death?

I'm not asking what people believe happens after death. The question is: will we, as a species, ever know for sure? One possibility (but not the only one) would be through rigorous reincarnation research.

Other urls found in this thread:


Do you really want to research it and experience it personally?

Take 5 dried grams of psylocibin mushrooms in complete darkness, close your eyes and look into your eyelids with the intent of seeing something.

You will understand everything, as your ancestors did.

We alredy have the sciance to bring someone back from the dead its just not ethical. For example just do this shit with a human: youtube.com/watch?v=Ub7l1D7_B2I


Shit... we'll all get to see what happens after death. Pretty much guarntee you dat.

What's the necklace the girl is wearing? I see it everywhere, is it some subtle 14/88 thing?

Whatever happened before you were alive. You just become nothing again.

Thats something a marijuana addict would say

Reincarnation is one of the original lies from satan "you will live forever if you turn against God".

google schwarze sonne

>not spending hours and hours researching near death experiences
>making thread about what happens after death

I know what happens after death, but of course, no one will listen, no one will believe, everyone will just send me to /x/.
so yeah...

I don't smoke marijuana, nor drink alcohol.

fine what happens after death then oh wise one?

ive been dying to take DMT, legit no idea where to find it

Once you're dead, you're just dead. Unless God chooses to resurrect you, you stay dead.

Pretty much.
Better hope you're in the book of life.

That's something an ignorant religious retard would say.

Dang.. So these girls wear the necklaces for real, or is it just a shoop?

Guy who's died in the hospital 5 times here
I've been brought back every time once almost an entire minute I was dead
So anyway I can answer you op
You just it's like.. sleeping then when you're dead that's it it's over there's not really anything
It's he feeling you get when you come back to life that has a feeling
Like you're awake again
Basically what I've learned is we are just biological machines for our brain to pilot and when our body gives out it dies and rots fast
We are no different then a Rat dying or a plant it just sucks being smarter

>you stop paying taxes and get a well earned eternal holiday.

Tfw you know you'll die with no gf.

after your current body fails you, you latch on to another one, depending on your cravings. when all you crave is food sleep sex, then an animal body will suffice you. if you crave peace tranquility and non- bodily pleasures, you ascend to a higher realm. when you eliminate craving completely, you latch on to nothing and your consciousness is not to be found in the entire cosmos anymore.

Seems like it would be pretty obvious to any rational thinking person. We're a biological machine like a rat or a fish or a pumpkin. We grow, we age, we die, we rot away and return our components to the cycle of regeneration.

There's no sound, logical reason to believe we have some special energy that lives on after our body dies. The microbes that live on and inside of us die and reproduce billions of times a year, do they all reincarnate or go to bacteria heaven?

You can do it yourself, it's everywhere in nature and you'll find good tek tutorials online.
The problem with DMT is... it's just too alien to comprehend. It's too intense and you can't hold to the memory of the experience, just like a dream.

Psilocin (the psychotropic element of Psilocybin mushrooms) on the other hand is very very closely related to DMT, and the experience it generates is very manageable. I'd say it's much deeper, from a philosophical point of view (and I don't use that world lightly). It elevates your consciousness and allows your brain to perceive and understand parts of your physical, psychological and cultural reality that are usually "throttled" in your "everyday mode" (because of evolutionary reasons). The mushroom is gentle, and wise. It's the source of the visionary knowledge our pagan ancestors used to create our civilization.

Read "Food of the Gods" if you want to know more about this and understand how closely related Psilocybin is to the biological and cultural evolution of high functioning cognitive abilities.

Not me faggot I'm immortal.

>Take 5 dried grams of psylocibin mushrooms in complete darkness, close your eyes and look into your eyelids with the intent of seeing something.
Shit. When I was a cultivator, it was not unusual for me to enjoy 5/8th oz in a sitting. It somewhat fucks with you, because I can sit here and think about 1 or 2 things that were really intense, but overall every experience had intensity. Very insightful every time.

I had a wonderful OOBE one evening. I watched myself from across the room for what felt like 20 minutes. What was even more fucked is that I was still connected, and I had to think about breathing or I would watch myself stop.

It was excellent. Would I do it again? Most likely not. I quit growing, and since no one else does, I guess Ill just have to get out the petri dishes and the monotubs again.......

Pic related.

But does anyone really want that? Why do you think people strive for immortality or godhood? It's because we don't want to believe what is rational and applies to ourselves. We want to be special. We want to be different.

But we're not. Probably.

not a shoop
google sighni88

>Trying to find a job
>Need to find a hobby/something to do
Having too much time to think to yourself is awful. All you do is think about how useless life is and how pointless everything is.

Supposedly, you see a bright light and it feels like you're on a really high acid trip.

I've almost died from alcohol poisoning a few times but that's about it.

His name rhymes with Roe Jogan.

It doesn't matter what anyone wants. Even though it sucks and it's sad and inconvenient, we need to face it. Because it makes us value our life a lot more if we believe it's the only one we get, rather than blissful ignorance always looking forwards to dying and meeting Jeebus.

There are a lot of people who meditate and have out of body experiences and have seen what happens after death. Check out Jurgen Ziewe or Tom Campbell on Youtube.

bullshit. I read that even Jesus himself said that he actually enjoyed the idea of reincarnation.

plus, this life is all we know, so why not reboot it? despite all the suffering, it's still better than non-existence.

>Thinking reincarnation gives you your same mind back.


Yes it called heaven or hell why do you fags make it seem like we don't know? oh wait your fucking atheist enjoying never ever ever founding the real meaning of life or what happens after death since you don't believe in after life like religious people.

I didn't say or think that, why did you imply it?

Don't get into it with an idiot like that. He's not interested in a discussion he just wants to berate and belittle you and try to get some sense of "victory" like the sad individual he is. He's the kind of poster who skips through a 3 paragraph refutation and just highlights one spelling error and acts like he won the argument.

Funny thing is, when I talk about my experiences with mushrooms, people just assume I'm a dirty hippie who is addicted to tripping.

Fact is, I'm an oldfag. I have a very respectable job and I take care of my family. I've only taken them twice in my life, merely because of intellectual curiosity. But those experiences were so impactful they really made me understand psychology and culture better. I ditched many unhealthy habits --like smoking and drinking alcohol-- because of those experiences.

It's no coincidence (((they))) ban them everywhere, folks. It's no coincidence (((they))) demonize and ridicule these kind of consciousness-enhancing psychedelics in their (((media))). It's what they do with EVERYTHING that can help you to wake up from the individualistic, consumerist trance they want the brainwashed masses in.

And mushrooms WILL wake you up. Mushrooms are not drugs, they're something else. Research and decide for yourself. As I said, "Food of the gods" by McKenna is a good way to start.

No I was browsing stupid comments on this thread.

Unless there's some voodoo aether/religious magic, there's nothing based in reality that would let you have your conscious back. Theseus' ship 101.

Mushrooms and other psychedelics have been depicted throughout history and through many cultures. It's also believed by some that the original tree of knowledge was covered in Mushrooms instead of Apples.

I assign myself your padawan


How hard's DMT to extract? It's all I'm interested in.

Be prepared and know who you're going to meet. I guarantee you'll be there sooner than you think.

Jesus loves you btw

Oh great it is another thread where people are going to claim that your brain releases HUEG amounts of DMT when you die and that it is really a magical drug.

You're just tripping balls that is all.

Yes fair enough but that poster didn't mention consciousness. Reincarnating without keeping your memories seems silly and pointless but technically most people believe in reincarnation as a new person, but the same "soul." Again, there's no basis for believing in a soul either but whatever, that's Religion for you.

I saw your flag and assumed you were another one of the Christian zombies, my apologies.



>of course I have no tangible evidence beyond my personal experiences

Redpill us

Not hard at all. Look up the dmt nexus and Google acid to base extraction method. I learned how to do it in a day and it takes about 2-3 days to complete but only about 5 hours of work. The rest is just waiting for crystals to precipitate out in the freezer

reincarnation was in the bible. Constantine had it removed.

This. Mushrooms and alcohol are the white man's drugs.

Were there kaleidoscope patterns on your way to breaking through?

> implying near death experiences are not just your brain flipping out.

It says nothing about what happens after you actually die.

Go on...

DMT is what happens after death. Hitler was right!

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Have you ever slept without dreaming? That's what it's like, only forever.
Oh, and worms eat you.

That shit blew my motherfuckin mind man.
thank you.

Nothing happens. You just die and rot away like any other animal. It's just like being asleep but forever and no dreams.

I literally make shit up off the top of my head for errybody....

Think about it, there "technically" has never been a single moment where you weren't alive. And with quantum entanglement your "soul" goes way beyond your skinsack.

But wait that means .... he was fucking himself the whole time ?

DMT is the final redpill.

>Think about it, there "technically" has never been a single moment where you weren't alive.
That's correct, and that's because there is no other time than THIS moment, right now. It is always now, it is never IN the future or IN the past. Time is an illusion of sorts. Things change so we believe time is taking place.

But you are always in the right now. Nobody is ever conscious in the past or in the future, only right now. It's always right now and it will forever be right now. So if you are alive right now, and there is no past or future, then you are alive forever. Because it's always now.

You will see tunnel with light in the end.
That is moon where you your soul goes if you go to light. You may hear and see your dead relatives. According your religion there could be diferenced played on by spiritual handlers.
They will convice you, you should learn somethink new on earth and you will agree to be reincarnated. Than you fixed with your new arth body and born.

Repeat for eternity. Or dont go to light.
Moon soul trap.

Black sun.

There is no mystery at all. It's lights out forever. Your brain dies, with it goes your consciousness, and your body disintegrates. Before too long there is absolutely no trace of you left. Game. Over.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is either retarded, delusional through being shit-scared of death, or a fucking religious shyster looking to get between you and your wallet.

>Will we ever know what happens after death?
Everyone today will die yet nobody will experience what happens after that, since the brain that would allow you to have that thought isnt working anymore... its actually what death means.. brain not working anymore therefore no thoughts.

No it is not.

All DMT does is affect your brain in a specific way which makes you trip balls and think you are experiencing something magical like the afterlife.

It is not because I know how to lucid dream and teleport around when stuff goes to shit that I am really a magical wizard. The brain is capable of doing such things.

Fucking drug addicts why is this shit even on Sup Forums ?

> everyone gets reincarnated
> You see dead relatives in a magical place

Yeah see that does not really add up.

Bitch I've never taken a psychedelic in my life. If you think you know so much then you should actually take DMT, because it's obvious you haven't. If you're too much of a pussy, then meditate until you have a supernatural experience. But you're probably too lazy for that.

where to buy asking for a frioend

It does add up but you're too fucking dumb to know why. You're also entirely unaware of the explanation as to why, so why do you bother even commenting when you know nothing about the subject?

>Funny thing is, when I talk about my experiences with mushrooms, people just assume I'm a dirty hippie who is addicted to tripping

You may not be addicted but you attribute the same ridiculous things to the experience.

I have taken DMT with an artist friend of mine. It was a great experience but I refuse to believe that some molecule is magically going to detach me from my body and make me see things like the afterlife.

Dimethyltryptamine is simply a structure that has a curious effect on our brain. That is where it stops.

ah my sides .....

How can your fucking dead relatives be there when you die if they should have already been reincarnated?

Are you perhaps saying those people you see and hear are not real and your dying brain is making all that shit up?


Fucking addicts, learn to think straight.

Because it's not actually them. And I already told you, I don't do drugs. But you do.


I tried DMT once and I have smoked weed maybe twice in my entire life.

It was interesting and fun but I will not pretend that it was something magical and miraculous like all the addicted retards in this stupid thread which has nothing to do with fucking politics. Come the fuck on what are we even doing?

Emergentism is nonsense that relies on the idea that the specific combination of matter that makes up the brain (which only exists as a concept within the brain itself to begin with) can somehow create the immaterial phenomena of consciousness.

Note, consciousness is not self awareness nor the brains ability to take in light of a certain wavelength and label it red, but the actual "redness" itself. If you understand that the brain is nothing but a complex biological machine, then you cannot evolutionarily justify the need for the phenomena of consciousness. Electrical impulses should be able to travel from synapse to synapse without a need for an immaterial consciousness, not to mention the fact that no one can possibly identify where in this process of neurons firing the manifestation of "redness" occurs. Where in the process of sight do we find energy antecedent and color consequent?

The simplest explanation then is that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of all existence. Consciousness is part of the universe itself and it is only the physical world that is separate. Thus, you wont be dead until there is no more intelligent life in the universe, and even then you live on in some primitive form of consciousness that I cant begin to comprehend for all eternity.

With this knowledge you can now dedicate your life to reducing the amount of your own suffering (the suffering of all conscious life) in this world.

Hint: it involves killing all the niggers

Literally nothing will happen because your brain stops working

How exactly do you prove that consciousness exists though? Maybe what you experience as being conscious is just the total sum of everything which happens in the brain. Maybe we simply have not discovered enough yet about the brain to be able to judge what consciousness is.

The simple answer is: we do not know (yet)

Its kind of like "god is real prove me wrong" what you're writing here.

Death isn't life.

The point of life is to live. Death is something else entirely.

Death is a disease, not a feature.

The meaning of life is everlasting, and death is a trick of the darkest one.

don't die if you know what's good for you, cause you probably don't even know one of the few who could bring you back.

you dropped your fedora, friend

>Better hope you're in the book of life.
You mean
>Better hope you're in the lambs book of life.

You don't have to pretend anything. Your mistake is in believing conscious awareness arises from the brain. But it is actually the other way around. The brain and body and physical reality does not actually exist, only consciousness. This reality you're experiencing right now is the same as a dream you have at night.

There is a lot of evidence that shows consciousness is nonlocal or universal. It cannot be created by the brain. Start here maybe: princeton.edu/~pear/

When we die, you go to hell to be with Satan forever. Haha, jk, everyone goes to hell, not just you.

I don't understand a few things
What is consciousness? how does a human brain hold so many memories and produce new ideas ect without gaining weight? Are thought, memory, and consciousness not quantifiable?

>they've never visited the astral plane

fucking plebs man, the whole lot of ya

I wish I actually knew you in real life. Very nice post.

>Guy who's died in the hospital 5 times here
And how old are (You)?

Consciousness is just a result of intelligence, it's why only smart animals appear to have it, and shit like roaches or ants don't

name one other animal with consciousness
>protip: You can't and dolphins are dumb as fuck

Gonna need some sauce on that user

ITT: druggies who claim to see the universe because they did shit that fucked with their head

And here's the answer what REALLY happens after death.
Only like 30% of people who wake up after dying have a near death experience. The rest just wake up without remembering anything.

Or don't wake up at all

It's nice to think there might be a chance of something else after I die. I wouldn't bet money on it though, and neither should you unless you want your 72 Virgins.


I never said that consciousness has to be created from the brain. I am only saying that right now we do not have enough knowledge about the brain to rule out anything.

If the people at Princeton would really have concluded what you are claiming they would have simply published that instead of, as it is, saying it is a work still in progress and that they do not yet really understand or know what the outcome will be.

So in short: I can not tell you that you are wrong but you can not tell me I am wrong either. This is why this thread is useless and surely should not be posted on Sup Forums every few days.

Also it has nothing to do with fucking DMT.

You just bought the (((materialism))) jew, that's all.