This guy could face up to a year in prison for this nonsense. Here's the alleged "hate crime" he was (((arrested))) for:
Britain is turning into a police state. We can't ignore this.
This guy could face up to a year in prison for this nonsense. Here's the alleged "hate crime" he was (((arrested))) for:
Britain is turning into a police state. We can't ignore this.
>Create the 4th Reich
>overturn that stupid law
>He is saved
We can do it Sup Forums.
the FUCK accent is that shit?
What he did is deplorable and abusive to animals.
He should be locked away and never be free again.
I bet his dog wants to gas you.
nigger we have deep state trying to retake america from the people. we have macron vowing reconstruction of europe to fight populism with merkel, we have hillary, soros, podesta, and friends wreaking havoc all over the world... and you want us to save this one dude with a heiling dog? for what purpose?
To send a message
They even put down the dog
fucking kikes
It's scottish, you daft cunt