Why do I feel negative energy around Black people but Whites, Asians, and Hispanics are normal?

Why do I feel negative energy around Black people but Whites, Asians, and Hispanics are normal?

because youre a racist sexist misogynistic transphobic xenophobic biggoted piece of white cis male trash

Leaves are not welcome ITT.

Hispanic half breed here. Blacks are tedious at best.

High cortisol in early childhood shifts genetic markers in the endocrine system. This determines behavioral patterns as well as pheromone signatures.

Your inner brain is capable of picking up on this.

Conservatives have been proven to have bigger Amygdala (danger sensing part if the brain) than Progressives.


fix your own shit

They're giving you the "evil eye"

I always feel uneasy around Asians; they're the most 'alien' race. Find it difficult to relate to them.

Read Jung's ideas about the Shadow.

You're projecting your own negative psyche onto black people.

You can't own up to your own shit