Beating Women is All You Nazis Do
Thats because we dominate them.
>You Nazis
Howdy partner and welcome to your first day at pol
I'd stop but that's the only way she can get off
I jerk off to this m8. Why the hell would I leave?
>the weak should fear the strong.
Welcome to Sup Forums asshole
Ok in all seriousness that photo does turn me on.
violence = weakness & lack of control
You know you love it. Girls loved to be dominated admit it.
Women love violence. It's just irl BDSM
eat shit
What are you doing hahaha
that is a muslim
who knew egypt was so islamophobic
>women want to be treated like men
>men hit men
>your not supposed to hit a woman
yeah thats one Nazi neegro
>Real Terrorist
He yelled "kekistan" before trying to murder her.
Nipples being ripped across cement? This is my new fetish. It's like rubbing your action figure dolls on the harsh earth until it is grounded down into a worn out piece of chew-able jerkiy
These are all faithless whores, not respectible ladies.
They deserve worse. These feminists deserve fire.
"Says an Egyptian"
You keep posting like someone cares
wew lad
i will however agree that this is the most faggoty guy i've seen in a while. there were plenty of men standing around him fighting and he just charged up to the only woman there when she wasn't even doing anything at that particular time, she had the bottle in her hand at a different time. and he sucker punched her too. was really confusing at first, but i later saw a full body shot of him and he's a fucking manlet of note. sad!
whats going on with this girls skin? Or is that vomit?
I see more of "Destroy this mad brute!"
those leftwing black cock sucking and fucking racetraitor whores deserved it