I looked up the racial crime statistics and noticed that everywhere Africans inhabit is a shithole.
How did you become racist?
Other urls found in this thread:
I lived next to niggers.
This. Grew up and worked with them. Then the statistics. Then BLM.
argh! you use empirical evidence and logic to arrive at a reasonable conclusion? fucking bigot
BLM , then being red pilled by statistics and nigger threads on Sup Forums
>Black Lives Matter
Funny because they don't
Seriously though I wonder how many highschool/college aged kids BLM redpilled
I'm more worried over how many are swallowing it whole without thought. Like my brother. The liberal pussy.
BLM, statistics, zimmerman trials, Empire of dust movie (Highly suggested, as it is 100% to redpill normies)
Always subliminally understood racial differences but didn't think about it much. Since spotting the Jew trend though it all becomes clear
I read Philip J. Rushton and had a panic attack
>pic related
And empire of dust is amazing. But it also reminds you that China is setting up shop and all people here care about are the two scoops.
This is true. Also another factor is the constant anti-racist propaganda. After a certain point you get a little sick of always being told not to be racist even when you're not doing anything racist. I eventually just started saying fuck niggers to be a contrarian.
Start Jew hate, listen to William Pierce
I'm not racist.
Colin Flaherty's channel redpilled the shit outta me
Calm down Seventh State
I lived in student housing with a bunch of niggers in college. They weren't going to school, they were section 8. Long story short, they smoked weed all day, wrecked the place, made lots of noise, and had an ape orgy in my common area.
But also, the situation in Europe.
Give me your best Gypsy stories Sup Forums
We don't have them here, are they worse than blacks?
What the fuck are Gypsies anyways?
Reading about Rotherham was the biggest turning point for me
I did a semester of Teach for America in Miami.
Prior to that I was just wary of niggers from growing up in New York but I wasn't full on "purge them all"
After seeing them in the hundreds?
Nah, niggers are worthless. Absolute cancer in human form.
I do feel extreme pity for the one in every 250 or so that is self-reflective and intelligent. That's gotta suck so bad. Their kinsman tear them to shreds and people like me have no choice but to assume they are a nigger like the rest right off the bat.
the average eastern european
Story time
> be me, 10 yo or something
> not a clue what racism is
> be keeper in >actual< football team at club that's 90% white but no rich elite folks
> we have one semi coloured Egyptian (or something) kid, his father is our coachl
> often play against 100% black or marrocan/turkish teams
> they play more violently and rude but it's ok
> one saturday shit gets heated
> I stop a black kids penalty
> kid honesty looks like a chimp
> their team loses
> chimp out ensues
> after game walking to showers with my dad and our coach behind me
> I'm angry and try to vent my frustration
> "That stupid monkey!" I yell
> dad hits me in the back of the head, hard
> hurts
> no idea what I did wrong to deserve this totally unfamiliar reaction
Good to know where it started
I got robbed by a nigger and got arrested afterwards when I broke his jaw when struggling to get my wallet back. When the cops came and took us to the bureau, they let the nigger walk away and I had to do 4 weeks of community service. When I asked "what was I supposed to do?" the cops said I should've let it happen and deal with it.
So yeah, I was 16 back then and overnight I stopped being a liberal and started being a realist
Indian diaspora.
I live in a largely homogeneous society, looking at diverse societies for half a second i realized i'd like to keep it that way.
Imagine drug abusing white trailer-trash mixing with niggers and then mixing with themselves till they are so inbred the women have mono-brows. Subhuman can't even begin to describe it.
Seeing the thousands of sandniggers invading my country every day helped too.
Sounds like half the population of North Florida.
Went to school with them in 8th grade. Got the picture real quick. Never seen evidence to the contrary ever since. Fuck niggers.
Simple, i went to public schools in St.Petersburg Florida. Horrid niggers everywhere.
now imagine Indian North Florida
My mother used to be tolerant towards gypsies even though that she knew nothing about them. A gypsy family wanted to take on of her apartmentson for rent. After few months these people never paid a single cent and neighbours were complaining about continuous noise and a terrible stench coming from the apartment. The family cut every contact with her so she decided to go there with the police. When she arrived the apartment looked like a raided village. All the furniture stolen or destroyed, shit and rotten meat everywhere, bonfires on the floor and a fucking DONKEY, wandering around the house. Since then she hates them
>Went to schools that were 80-90% paki.
>Violence and paedophilia.
>Arrested whenever I fight a paki.
>Outside of school full of niggers who have been kicked out of school but are not yet in prison.
>Always try to rob whitey.
>Get arrested for half-killing nigger.
>Leave school, work in white area.
>Don't get arrested.
>Promoted, get sent to London.
>Fuck this.
>Leave immediately.
>Now work exclusively in white areas.
I used common sense and logic.
>Was bluepilled as a kid.
>Always knew there was something off about the claim: we are all the exact same race, and we are all perfectly equal.
>Still was chill about it.
>go to Sup Forums before Sup Forums existed
>feminazi's leave
>Statistics without sources flying every where on women IQ, nigger iq, crime etc.
>Nervous chuckling.
>Graphs 2.0 cums around, like, really hard.
>tfw it has sources
>tfw sources are as well grounded in actual verified studies.
>It wasn't a meme in a fictive sense, this is what actually happens; this is reality.png
>Realise niggers and other shitskins speak ebonics and other broken english that way, not for the lulz, like how we do when we're imitating it, but because that is ACTUALLY THE ONLY MANNER IN WICH THEY CAN EASILY SPEAK.
>Go to Sup Forums
>Get redpilled on fucking everything.
>mfw I had to take it in.
The niggers of eastern europe
You have them, we ha a TV show called My fat American gypsy weddign on TLC.
>be me few months ago
>standing in front of an ATM taking out cash
>inbred dirty gypsy woman walks by with 6 kids on tow pushing a baby cart full of dirty plastic bottles
>in a raspy voice which can only result from being force-fucked in the throat she asks if I'm standing in line for state-alimony
>be me staring at the tattered filthy rags on her and the kids thinking I pay taxes for this...?
Sincerely fuck them and fuck the government.
Common sense
Went to school with them. Due to the way my city's school districts were drawn, my neighborhood, even though it was quite nice, got lumped into one of the worst schools in the city.
Years of being around them leaves no one a liberal.
You either convert and become a wigger (about 5% of the white kids went this route) or you just start pure fucking despising them (the remaining 95% of non-black kids went this route).
All it takes to hate them is exposure.
Every time I heard some mid-western liberal fuckface who went to school with like 2 black kids - who of course were really nice because they were an extreme minority and had to behave - I want to choke them to death.
They were bussed into my school
I feel you man.
>Went t school in Miami
>All niggers and spics
>Got bullied for being white
>I wasn't a weeb, but I hung around a lot Asians in high school (along with the "whiter" spics)
>Dated Asian because literally no white women to date
>Moved North when in my 20's and unable to get a better paying job anywhere because I wasn't bilingual.
Just look at this shit
>go to local elementary school up through 4th grade
>right down the block from my house
>demographics of the school are like 99% white
>everything is good
>get to middle school
>school district has a policy of "desegregation"
>suburban kids have to get bussed into the inner city school
>hour long commutes each way
>inner city school is fucking shit
>niggers everywhere
>hallways reek of piss and shit
>have to actually be in classrooms that are 50% nigger
>have to fucking deal with these animals for years of my life as a student
I never went through a "liberal phase". I only went from being a young normie conservative to being a national socialist. No one who has to deal with these fucking people can say with a straight face that we're all equal. Don't even get me started.
I'm not racist I hate everybody
I lived around abo's, despite all the affirmative action i was able to see they are the dumbest race in existence from a very young age.
Asked why we should treat minorities differently, if the goal is treating everyone equally.
Then followed the logical conclusion of 'treating minorities better' if everyone but whites are minorities.
Living with nigger roommates who acted exactly like niggers are expected to act
Having a Jewish childhood friend who ripped me off and acted extremely Jewishly, and his kike mom was actively training him to be a merchant
They need to be gassed
Holy fuck.
This makes me mad.
In america, it's the exact opposite problem, unfortunately. Most of the fairly homogeneous areas are the ones where all the liberal nu-males and feminists live. The northeast is a perfect example. Places like rhode island, vermont, NH, etc are all much whiter than average. Yet they all vote for democrats and rapefugees and immigration. Why? Because they're fucking ignorant and they don't know any better. They only see "diversity" through propaganda on TV that tells them its great.
Meanwhile, the most conservative and "racist" areas of the country are the SOUTH, where blacks make up like 30% of the population. Gee, it's almost like living around these animals makes people racist.
>I'm not racist I hate everybody
lol equally amirite???
Back to l'eddit edgelord faggot.
Stop trying to normalize hatred based on the delusion that you are better than everyone. Mother fucking retard with your dumbfuck cliche.
>Literal Subhumans, they were still making cave paintings when discovered.
A lil sarcasm in the morning automatically makes me a redditer, cool story thanks
Truth is one hell of a redpill. Most people can't handle the truth.
I'm not.
Are these people old? Can't tell their age.
Fugly as hell tho...
>Live in America
>Live in Deep South
>Hate my dad for using the word nigger - I am Eleven.
>School progresses, middle, then High School, more and more nigs come in - Clayton County had lost accreditation, so the niggers cattered.
>Have progressively worse run ins.
>Take Job at Kroger (Grocery Store) just near the train tracks.
>Chimps steal, dindu's lie, I still get mad at dad for calling them niggers.
>Day after Graduation
>Nigger from ATL (17) Stole my civic.
>Utter the word nigger for the first time
>Hatred has only grown.
Is this Tucson?
Indeed. They always try to make the case that we're the ignorant ones, but they never witnessed to effects of white flight and diversity.
I grew up in an upper middle class white neighborhood where all the neighbors knew each other.
By the time I had left, English was a second language, crime went up, and neighbors avoided you at all costs.
Homogeneity = Community
I grew up in diverse Massachusetts. Some of my fondest childhood memories are getting into fights with spics and nigs
I started using the metro regularly...
It is literally nigger kingdom
The constant nonstop harassment from niggers because I was white.
Nigger refering to the whole black gangster rap subculture as the nigger culture, not only becauze they're the ones who co-opted the word but because they are worth literally nothing to me.
>so you just hate all black people, right?
No, I hate the stupid "fuck you got mine" gangster culture, which includes white, hispanic, black, etc trash. They're all niggers in my eyes.
Black people can be niggers, but not all niggers are black people.
I assess people on an individual basis, but I'm sure I'd be labeled a bigot anyway for just being white and disliking the black panther looking motherfucker always giving me the stink eye at work.
Our pack mom in the cub scouts was actually Kyle's mom from South Park. She made us do stupid indoor activities all the time and taught us about jew stuff. So we made her kid cry all the time in retaliation for not letting us outside to do scout things.
Later in life I had one unpleasant experience with jews after another. More so than any other ethnic group, even muslims. Its like they just can't help but be insufferable bastards that abuse the authority people are dumb enough to give them.
Back when I had to go to middle school that was 50% nog, the worst problem was that my own people - the white kids - started acting like niggers themselves. Talking like them, dressing like them, acting like them. The wigger phenomenon was real. And it made me feel like even more of an outcast, because not only was I an absolute minority in this school, but even among my own people, I was one of the only ones who actually fucking acted white.
Exacly the same problem in France with arabs and muslims, french people are acting like sandniggers
Never liked blacks in general, hated rap and started using iFunny and found some crime statistic stuff, bell curve etc.Then Went to Sup Forums
when I woke up
By reading Sup Forums without a sense of humor and irony. With the exception of the Jewish Conspiracy. That is actually a fucking thing.
Gypsies mugged me when I was a kid, then it just gradually grew.
I was anti racist until i actually lived near blacks.
Then I thought it was just my experience, and that it was an outlier.
Then I thought it was just culture and education.
Now I can no longer deny that race is real.
Adding to this, I'd say my international travel really opened my eyes. People of similar races are the same everywhere. Nigs nig no matter what society, education, or wealth or culture.
Grew up in Chicago and Detroit, that's all you need to realize.
>anti racist
Canada has less blacks than the JewSA right? No wonder so many of them don't understand
Talking with gypsies
I grew up in a city in England with a large population of non-white people since atleast the 60's, so they had their own communities in the cities which were and still are, disgusting ghettos, they stink constantly, there is a permanent police presence, so when I looked at the completely homogeneous areas of the city, which I lived in and saw these non-white savages and spoke to them when in the city center Etc I saw they are not equal to the Anglo-saxon race, I noticed it from a very young age.
My mom raised me around mexicans and introduced me to other minorities as a kid so Id grow up to be more tolerant
not to me
Pretty much
I grew up in Atlanta
It's a big part of it. Racism goes up with proximity and exposure. Everyone here that lives near native reserves is racist as hell about them.
Where did this happen ?
I'm not racist. I just hate SJWs.
>dad retired from USAF and became TX state trooper in 2005
>end up in a border city for 2 years
That was 12 years ago. I left for college after that and thankfully my parents left that shithole in 2011. Mexicans are rude, dirty, and corrupt. Also right after hurricane Katrina, niggers came to the city as part of the refugee shit going on. It's really weird when Mexicans try niggering themselves for acceptance by the niggers.
i saw penis size statistics and realized that bbc is real and now i feel threatened and as a lesser man.
What did he mean by this?
I worked retail
When I saw how the sandniggers ruined my neighborhood. Then came the africa niggers and ruined it more with coke traffic. And finally came the fucking yellows, bought almost the whole neighborhood and speculated with it to gain money by being fucking sharks and ruining to my people.
Rajoy is such a fucking idiot...
I'm from a North Florida small town that's 50% black. I was a bigoted evil racist Wyatt man by the time I was 5. The fact that all of the empirical data confirm my life experiences is nice too.
I was born in Chicago with blonde hair and blue eyes.
I live north of Houston now in a white utopia. People here don't understand. Houston is as diverse as it gets but everybody has a gun and the police are proactive so we don't see crime spill over into the suburbs like how it was in Illinois. People don't have negative interactions with minorities often enough to create casual racism. It's nice that we don't have to worry about it here but I wish my neighbors understood the realities of things.
The more interesting question is: how did I become antisemitic? Mexicans. I started spending time around Mexicans once I moved out to Texas, and they turned out to be the most antisemitic race I have ever met. I got my physical copy of Mein Kampf as a gift from a Mexican. I don't understand these people or what it is about their culture that allows for this nearly universal and essentially open antisemitism to exist across the board. My old friends in Chicago hated niggers and general minorities but we never even thought about Jews or Hitler. I want to understand this feature of the Mexican race. Is it because of the fact that most Mexicans are Catholic? Do they idolize things like the Reich to satiate some kind of racial insecurity? Is it the product of being part European and part savage.
I figure that they most likely worship "Nazism" because it is an example of a clearly defined ethnic and/or racial identity, which is attractive to them because their own ethnic/racial identity is so amorphous and vague.
I have a feeling that this same ambiguity in identity is what draws so many "white Americans" to Hitler and fascism.
Anyway, I am rambling. I hope you enjoyed my personal blog entry. Thank you.