Are people brainwashed beyond repair?

I try to redpill people every day about how the Jews control our country and their plans to take over the world and 9 out of 10 times they all respond with "RACIST NAZI" or "BIGOT"

Is there any hope for redpilling the masses?

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At this point it must be done on the very verge disaster, the very verge of being too late. And it must be done in a spectacular scale for all to bare witness to.

How this can be achieved I'm not sure, but I am certain that such an act must be so grand in scale that it will have to be extremely organised and have many participants.

It's all or nothing and we must all unite for the good of humanity to make this happen. And it must happen soon or it will indeed be too late.


The real redpill is that there are no "the jews" or anyone else controlling everything behind the curtain. We're living in a big, scary chaotic world with various people and factions with various motives and goals all trying to act in their best interest. There is no greater plan by anyone, we're dancing on the abyss.

Why would you redpill them? Just join the powers that be and profit on their misery.

Don't be like those fools who think that you can fight them, or worse yet, that there's a reason to. It's just evolution, pure and simple, the domination of the fittest. If your misguided compassion is making you stand with the weak, you deserve to suffer for that weakness.


Also the point is to not let the majority in on the zionist control. The people must first be united as nations and as peoples, only then can the zionist machine be fought on equal terms and brought to an end. However to get to that stage control of the media will need to be wrestled from the grasp of the jew discreetly.

A bit melodramatic for a positive theory Hans
Calm your tits

If it were seen as positive, it would be commonly accepted around here.
Instead people prefer to buy into childish notions of "big bads" out there that just need to be defeated and then we'll be living in paradise.

Mass international graffiti hit of 'make it 110'

Kakav si ti to Obilić jebote, pa židove treba poubijat čim prije

Jedina razlika izmedju njih i nas je sto su oni pobili idiote na vreme.

Shit's becoming real

some, its salvageable

It's too late for that now. Now the masses get to reap what they have sown. They have had every opportunity to stand against this ruinous path, but chose not to.

You must be a fucking riot at the pub

All you can do is plant the seeds. I first start reading about the Protocols 15 years ago. The programming kept me plugged into the matrix for that long. (((They))) have given themselves so much wiggle room between religion, race, left and right that it makes it difficult to nail (((them))) down. Once you see it you begin to see it everywhere. Memes work magic.

You are brainwashed beyond repair.

There is an enemy, but it doesn't have a human face. It's ideology.

The Nazis here want the enemy to have a human face because it makes things easier for them: it can be killed or removed, so to speak.

But this is an ideological battle that you can only win on ideological grounds. So buy some good books and study.

Do you feel better to think that you hold the allpowerful truth and the masses are just dumb and manipulated? Or why do you do it? Why do you talk down on everybody who doesn't share you view?

Not even saying, that you aren't right. It could be. But if you are such a fucking smug about it, no wonder you don't get anyone to agree with you in real life.

Finally an intelligent sane person in a pit of insanity.
If you can't accept that people can fail and make mistakes, the next time you make a single mistake, everyone nearby would rip you apart with your stupid ideal.

Hey Shlomo, watcha doing?