Why is South Korea so degenerate and americanized?

Why is South Korea so degenerate and americanized?

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The Vietnam War and our close ties with the nation.

BTS (a Korean kpop band) is the most popular boyband in the world to the point now where the NYTimes are writing articles about their popularity.

1. nytimes.com/2017/05/04/magazine/what-does-it-take-for-a-k-pop-band-to-blow-up-in-south-america.html
2. nytimes.com/2017/03/31/learning/teaching-with-crossing-cultures-black-k-pop-fans-in-america.html

If you want to see how White girls cream in their pants over them, just search for the below on Twitter


Something fucky is going on with south korean mass media. Their elite have signed on to the jewluminati agenda, or something. Major league mind control programs being implemented on the south korean people. North Korean old fashioned propaganda has nothing on what's being done to their neighbors.


>Why is South Korea so degenerate and americanized?

Because of America

The Kpop industry's fetishization of white people.

South Korea is a globalist experiment.

The question answers itself



the music is good and the girls r cute

It's not just SK


The yellow women are pissy and resentful

>lightning fast internet, probably the best in the world
>porn is banned
>kpop becomes the sex outlet for people instead

blame their government


answered your own question pole

>We recently just noticed why S.Korea is the worst Korea
Reason? Teenage girls who adore K-Pop. Teenage girls bring worst Korea monkeys to the global world and then they just spread their degeneracy to everywhere through them

놀ㄷ 코레아 벳ㅌ 코레아

Yep, especially k-pop, they're Like a disease for young girls Here, I just fucking hate my life when they act like they know shit about Korea and saying shit in hangeul that makes them feel Korean.

seomyeon is fun tho

just normal korean passing by

kpop koreans are fat compared to this korean

It's K-Pop Thursday on Sup Forums!!!! I just got done watching MCountdown and Simply K-Pop is on in 12 hours. Can't wait for my favorite non-white activity of the week masquerading as a marketing lesson!

Everything SK creates is just a shittier version of something that already existed in Japan.

Britain is different. The British working class have always been amoral scum, they are probably the worst lower class in the world. It's likely why Australians are so terrible because they have the same ancestry.

capitalism is a disease

Koreans have no culture of their own. They have adopted crappy American "culture", especially pop and black "culture" and tried to make it their own. Then what's even funnier is that even more shit-tier asians like filipinos copy Koreans as cultural icons, because they ave even less culture than Koreans. Which results in tiers of absolute shit being paraded as pop culture.

You realize that Japanese civilization only existed because of Korean influence in the country, right? Korea was much more advanced than Japan until late in its history. South Korea became a global economic power despite being a colony and being one of the poorest countries in the world after gaining Independence.


Your country is literally the worst of all of English 'culture'. Pathetic to see one of the least cultured countries in existence to be talking about culture.

I don't really think us Australians can criticise another country for having no culture of their own...

t. hung jeong park

idk why but gooks with wide eyes are creepy and cute at the same time and it makes my dick confused.

Would you rather get americanized or commified?
C'mon Poland, you of all people should know you never, ever profit from commies.

When did I say Australia has a culture, you projecting pieces of shit?(Australia is a wester country btw, thus able to adopt whatever the fuck western cultures it wants) Stop changing the subject.

Why is quite LITERALLY everywhere, so degenerate and americanized

Because Coca Cola and Hollywood producers needed to get richer.

> Degenerate
> Americanized

pick one

North Korea is pretty close to a traditional east asian monarchy, only with a bit different aesthetics, Juche is the ultimate redpill

Congratulations to Lovelyz for winning the other day!!!!!

>Le australia has no culture maymay

disgusting fucking ape DISGUSTING FUCKING APE

Then what do you know about classic Korean culture? Korean culture, like Japan and other countries, has its origins in Chinese culture but developed in a way that was distinct from Chinese. You are talking about nearly two thousand years of culture and tradition. I can only guess you are talking about pop culture.

>shit food

that's pathetic

The southern Korean elites who collaborated with Japan at the expense of the lower classes immediately turned around to collaborate with the US as soon as Japan was removed.

After whoring out their countrymen to Japan I imagine it was easy to do so to the US.

Jealous, sweetie? ;)

The only apes I know are the ones in the corner of my breakroom at walmart. I wonder what the niggers and sheboons think when I put performances on the teevee?? Pic related!!!!

Doesn't bring much food to the tables though.
>inb4 hurr murrican propaganda
The only reason why North Korea still exists is that China can use it ti devalue the Yuan when necessary by throwing money into it, and it works better than Laos.

WTF was that?

same girl

the starvations were only a thing in the 90s m8.
many defectors say it themself that the starvation is over, the ones that says they still are starving are the media whores that in many chases have contradicted themselfs