PLAN: we get niggers to breed with the juden and mix them until theres no more jews

its pretty easy to set up really, just convince blacks that jews are really rich and theyll be scrambling in no time.

and if the jews get offended and kill niggers, we win too. infact the niggers wanting jews will probably lessen the racemixing with pure whites...

Other urls found in this thread:


Then we're just gonna have a bunch of angry brown jews with no impulse control.




>he wants more niggers
>he wants the unholy hybrid nigger+jew


Why do jewish women love black dicks so much?

would u like regular jews?
or more autistic incompetent mongrel jews?

But what about filling all the hungry white vaginas that need some virile BBC?

>not replacing this with a pizza
so close to perfection

Isn't she half-Egyptian?

Good idea.

Let's look more closely...
Looks white to me.

Jews have always been mongrels, I'm not sure what this will accomplish.

inb4 some Britshit tries to make a snarky comeback when his own bloodline is 50 shades of dick

I thought you got banned...

Sorry aussie but I can't take Blacked meme shitposting anymore. I recently found out my white gf got blacked. Fuck off.

dilute their genes harder and eliminate as i call it the 'destroy civilization' natrual instinct

She is actually an African

>Jewish women

I'll pass. I've already been with white women and they're essentially the same thing. Its all about fucking Vietnamese women now my friend.


oy vey!

>I recently found out my white gf got blacked. Fuck off.
Enjoy raising your black baby, user.

>She is actually an African
I need some proof, other than her digits. Just look at her complexion and face structure. Seems super white.


Prepare your anus for the diversity!


Their genes are already diluted, they're basically an entire other species separate from whites and Asians. They're Khazar mutant converts which they will all fervently deny, yet they use their Khazar blood as genetic evidence for Israeli citizenship. Jews in Ethiopia have a closer claim to the mantle than the "Jews" currently occupying it.

Just watch the interview with her. Not doing your work for you, shitposter.

Get even with her and fuck a black qt.

She wuz kangz n' shieeeet?

this is all the propganda you need

>not ex-gf

that's where you went wrong

not my anus! it's too sensitive lately!

Are you from Tel Aviv by chance?

ayo op i totally be agree with the idea you b sayin we black men is entitle to jew girl

Das rite!

why should he want to dip his fuckstick in living shit?

Absolutely brilliant, the school bus is waiting, though!

yes. how did you know?

>just tell them they are rich lol

You need to make a proper theory, something Sovereign Citizen tier but with kangs shit mixed in, and blacks will spread it like wildfire.

>blacks who manage to breed with a jewish girl gets half the net worth of the father IT'S IN DAT TALMUD YO

>black embryos
>white man's sperm

Literally a reverse cuck.

Convince blacks that they are the real Jews and that their heritage was stolen by ((them)).

this is your answer. Make it seem like if they knock up a jewish girl they get gibs

Everyone who isn't a newfag, knows Tel Aviv is the homo degeneracy capital of Israel, possibly the entire world.

Great idea!

when you were together? how did you find out?

You a lade for da drain, brotha! We wuz kangz of Israel! youtube.com/watch?v=soheUZ1ERBY


Holy shit, this channel is a goldmine youtube.com/channel/UC33_W7PCX5vGAL4WXfhPpzw


bleach her back

As in already fertilized you dumb fuck. They "adopted" some other couples IVF leftovers even though they are perfectly capable of having their own white children. They just have the white savior complex most protestants have. Orthodoxy (Including Coptic, Armenian, Etc.) and Roman Catholicism are the only true christian faiths. There must be order, there must be an identity, and their must be a culture. Italian Roman Catholic, Mexican Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox, etc.

Jews sterilize niggers and disown coslburners on doenlow while they promote niggers with whites.

But yes if ypu meet jewish women try tp gry them niggered we are at war

Once every jew is a mulatto then we win

Believe it or not Jews are dying out quicker than any other race. There's 20m of them worldwide (including converts so they aren't real Jews anyway) and they make up 0.002% of the world population. That's the whole reason why they desperately need Israel, so they can keep inbreeding with each other and keep the birthrate up.
Their main problem is that there's more Jews in America (unironically 6m or so) than there are in Israel (roughly 4m or so) and the rest are spread throughout the globe. What makes it such an issue is that the 4m Israelis are orthodox so they breed with their own kind (too closely in fact), but the other 16m don't, especially not in America. They fell for their own memes and are now killing themselves off.
Even the likes of (((Kushner's))) kids aren't Jews because Ivanka isn't. Sure she converted when she got (((married))), but it doesn't change anything, no more than cutting your dick off and wearing a dress makes you a woman. Only Jewesses (real ones) can birth Jew children, a Jew man might as well be a goy because that's what his children will be if he has them with a non-Jewess. In fact the only way to have a half-Jew child is if a Jewess fugs a goy. Otherwise you have a full Jew (both Jew parents) or a goy (Jew father and goy mother). That's according to Jew law itself.
To make it easier to understand (because Jews can pass themselves off as white so it's visually harder to notice), if a Swede and a Somalian have a child then the child is neither black nor white, it's some halfbreed. If Jews were green it would be much easier to notice, but they only know two kinds of green. Money and envy.
Stay mad you Jewish animals.

Jews can pass as white hahahahaga im spanish snd kikes get uncomfyorable at me, iberian tribe

We must pit jew woman agai st jew man jew father against jew son etc... the destruction of their family is our goal to equality.

Can you imagine the future where every jew man is married to a black and every jew girl is married to a black?
We the aryan race shsll dominate afterwords.

NO OP JUST STOP! We got killer bees from "africanizing" regular bee's, the last fucking thing I need in my life are jews with anger issues and gorilla strength.

Next time i meet jews ill tell them to get blacked

The National Socialist Canadian Labour Revival Party already had this idea.
We support his 100%
Please promise to make this as big as possible so BLM in my country pick up on it too

I fully endorse this message

This was example 1

Israel is black!!!!
We all africans

Shut the fuck up Rabbi, everyone knows we'd get tall Jews with the intelligence of a nigger and niggers with the scared and timid temperament of the kikes.

How would nigga notice diference betwen white and jew?

>PLAN: we get niggers to breed with the juden and mix them until theres no more jews

oh sweetie, this is my fetish.

Jews are semitic not aryanische

All black dick belongs to jewcess

do you think replacing jews with niggers is a good idea?

We have to make sure jews kill the nig jews before increacing the numbers of jews and niggers at the same time


The new Jew more progressive


khazar feeders

>All black dick belongs to jewcess

The future of Hewish race
If any rich banker does not gave black kids hes a racist


>oh sweety
Stay the fuck away from the NSCLRP you fucking faggot.

These mongrels are hilarios.
That motherfucker is not white or black or arab.
Just racemix remixed.

>I recently found out my white gf got blacked
That curb over there? Kick her to it, brah.

Jewish pussy belongs to black hebrew man

Aw man. That's funny. You think Jews are as retarded as white people.

Grow some balls and dump her or forever be a cuck.

Gah fuck!

Oy vey, such good dancers.

Niggers literally have monkey blood

>jewdy booty
We can meme this into reality.

>Stay the fuck away from the NSCLRP you fucking faggot.

i'm already a member. we have to do what we can to make canada great again!

Oy vey!

Any jew who marries a jew or a hite is a racist, they must marry blacks only, by anti racist law, we grant this boon to jews abd punish white race with racial purity.

Dudes, jews are smarter than you.
They already dealt with it in Israel



So drake is a Jew

south africa needs you! the white race needs you!

We must flood jew neighborhoods with black working age bulls to cuck weak jews, we must call them racists if they run away.

We must make jew men into honosexuals

We must make jew women go to university

Look at this dumb feminist prostitute, hahahaha

She thinks the Jews give a fuck or will change.

They know not to mix with useless stupid niggers. They're not retarded.

It won't work on the jews dude. Believe me.

Call them racists, they will laugh at it, and the word will just bounce right off them and they will continue with their day

They are not hypersensitive retards. Their women are not retards either. What a black person is to a white person (stupid, easily manipulated and subjugated) is what a white is to a Jew.

You saying "lets make blacks mix in with their race" is like blacks saying "lets organize ourselves, organize our cultivation, our economy, our society, and let's fight back the whites!"

i seriously cannot believe that anyone would ever masturbate to the thing on the right side.

dunno, who would want to dip their fuck stick in living puss and bird shit?

Someon have the fetish of fuck a persian carpet.