Why do leftists (SJWs) hate white people?
Why do leftists (SJWs) hate white people?
They have no personalities or hobbies outside of the internet, so latch onto anything to self identify with and in an attempt to get anyone of another race to respect them they turn to self hatred and white hate
>/his/ is not Sup Forums, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as Sup Forums with dates.
if you have to post, post it in the designated shitting thread
Aww, look the SJWs is trying to make sure ONLY leftypol approved topics are allowed. Kill yourself you anti white faggot
I don't hate white people, I hate nazis.
>anything that is not explicitly anti white is Nazism
This is what leftists actually believe
>They have no personalities or hobbies outside of the internet, so latch onto anything to self identify
You just described Sup Forums.
>herp a derp a derp a herp
>let me tell you about your beliefs
>Why do leftists (SJWs)
>Look at pic
>Punch American
Stop reading.
Leftists literally want to destroy everything that's not a black supremacist
>Leftists literally want to destroy everything that's not a black supremacist
Jesus fucking Christ, why don't you go and look for leftists elsewhere? I'm tired of both Sup Forums and /leftypol/ shitting this board up.
American retards literally want to do retarded things to everything that´s not a retarded supremacist.
It's funny that SJW's have a lot in common with Sup Forums, except that Sup Forums is more "diverse" than those white middle class LARPers
But really though, how exactly does this thread belong on /his/? There are 30 of these every week on Sup Forums, you'll find the answer you seek there.
Not that you care. After all, this IS a shitpost.
Why are you complaining about this thread when there's a thread up now about creating an leftist safespace?
Because I didn't see it. My complaint is still valid.
Why won't you have your "ebin left vs right battles xD" somewhere else?
Like the board dedicated exclusively to politics, for example!
He's right
Leftypol and reddit wants to turn this Placd into their beachhead
What the fuck is leftypol?
Americans have this tendency to autistically fight the power and chimp out/shoot each other instead of working to solve their issues. Now that they are living in peace and plenty, they are turning on each other.
Sup Forums boogieman.
>bunch of fags on reddit larping about how they want to change the original denizens of this board
ooh, yes, I'm really beginning to feel a little bit more communist then I was yesterday.
Do you not see the abundance of Tankie hate that goes on around here? How the 'gommunists was goodbois who dindu nuffin' gets as much shit as your 'wehrmacht was the best army in the world, would've won if it wasn't 4 da jooz'?
this is /his/, not a bastion for left or right, just more left than you; which ironically makes us pretty centred and unwilling to give a fuck about your Sup Forumsshit
fuck OFF
>/his/ is mentioned once by some dude in some unknown subreddit and has 5 upboats
Definite proof of an invasion.
I'm fact, /his/ is changing themes to Yotsuba C, it's all red with soviet stars and the USSR anthem plays on the background.
I unironically want this.
I'm leftwing oriented but not pro feminist or check your privilegist and my personal disdain is towards people of all walks who make unscrupled activity a part of their livelihood aka people who just do their jab.
Fuck off, leftypol
I bet you voted for Hillary you fucking pussy
>see someone saying that /his/ has no real political affiliation and how /his/ hates the gommies and wehraboos equally
>call them a lefty
you're an irredeemable fuckwit
No I actually voted for Gary but would have voted blank if I had known more about him before hand. I actually prefer Trump to Hillary but refused to be forced into the two party struggle any longer. If the Communist Party USA presents a candidate I might vote for them since the Green party just looks like an extension of the DNC at this point.
Fuck unskilled immigrants and scummy opportunists.
>Do you not see the abundance of Tankie hate that goes on around here?
yeah, daily Stalin appreciation and holodomor denial threads sure piss off leftypol
>America #2
are you suggesting that white people are neo-nazis?
as a white person, i find it rather offensive
>"There are daily Stalin appreciation threads"
You may use the booru to find me those threads, because I sure can't fucking see them. One a day? One that isn't a pure shitpost by someone more on your wavelength? Are you joking?
>"B-BUT THE Holodomor Denial threads"
And we call Tankies deluded, too, you gremlin.
>asserting that because there aren't precisely the same amount of threads glorifying hitler as there are glorifying stalin and denying the holocaust as there are denying the holodomor that /his/ is some boogeyman lefty-cummin-2-ged-us-o-shidd-watch-for-de-shillz
>NEVER MIND the fact that there seems to be an equal amount of people in these threads informing the relevant political faction to fuck off
What's your problem, brainlet?
Why are they called that?
Because muh t34?
is probably partially right; but
I think "Tankie" is in more direct reference to people who supported the Kremlin's decision to use tanks to crush the Hungarian anti-Soviet revolt of 1956. Soviet apologists, basically.
>implying l don't report both leftypol and alt right threads
Go back to your 9gag tier containment board and don't come back
It's funny how all the so called "anarchists" came out of the woodwork after all these years of exploitative capitalistic activity taking place now that a a so called impediment to globalism has been elected.
>in b4 explanations on why Trump isn't the messiah while failing to account for the "anarchists'" absence from activity until now.
Thank you, based mods. This shit has no place on /his/.
another /his/ moved. incredible
It's you Sup Forumstards' fault for bringing your political dispute over there.
you mean american retards?
im an "leftist extremist"(gommie scum if you will) and non of this shit happens here
>antifa are pussys that only do shit
antifa here in europe dont do shit unless you go arround on the street with a shaved head yelling shit or being a nazi cunt then you get stabbed
>muh anti white only support niggers
nigger supremacy only exist in america , here or are average people that work like everybody else that came from the colonies,or live in gettos because we didnt bother to integrate them,they dont fucking riot like retards bcuz we wuz slave and shiet
>muh gommies are all sjw
no,no they arent maybe in cuckmerica
25 year rule though
mods = gods
>120 million native Americans
>20 million Afro Americans
ROFL, where the fuck are they getting those numbers? That's completely absurd.
Slavery, Swedes think we owned black slaves like America. and its complete BS.
>If someone says "America First", it's okay to punch them
>If someone supports Trump, it's okay to punch them
>If someone supports a strong military, it's okay to punch them
>If someone doesn't believe their country is #2nd in the world behind an authoritarian poverty-stricken shithole, it's okay to punch them
they're not even trying to hide it now
that their "it's okay to punch a nazi" thing can apply to almost anyone they mildly disagree with because they will classify everyone they mildly disagree with as a nazi
>Punch American Neo-Nazis wherever you see them
>How to identify them:
>-They say "America First"
>-They believe in American exceptionalism
>-They support a strong military
>-They harbor the false notion that America is #1
>Neo-Nazis are the enemy of America. The Neo-Nazis should be punched wherever you see them.
condensed for maximum irony desu
I fucking hate communist college kids
>America is in truth #2 instead of #1 behind China
What did he mean by this?