Brit/pol/ Conservative and UNIONIST party edition

>5 days left to register to vote

>BBC empirically biased against Labour

>Politicians face investigation over abusing data harvested and sold from social media

>LibDem manifesto: Ganja YES, Brexit NO, Tampons FREE

>Scot Labour threatens councillors for fraternising with the enemy

>Grime artists support Corbyn, rave planned before election

>Wages can't keep up with inflation: Stagflation since 2008

>Man charged with terrorism for not handing over passwords at airport

Other urls found in this thread:




3rd for SNP getting BTFO

What are the chances that the Tories plan to tax high earners even more than Labour just to pay for Brexit?

As well as tax increases for everyone else.

Who made the tax system the complex mess it is now? Brown?

>True Conservatism means a commitment to country and community; a belief not just in society but in the good that government can do.

ok mummy



Who else here CIVIC?

>Workers Revolutionary Party

It's Disraeli style conservatism

Just woke up, morning lads

I'm leaving Brit/pol/ forever, you all just don't understand us triplords and our very special needs

brexit is the tories fault and it will destroy our country for generations
nothing good will ever come of it and well join the EU again in 10 years


he's actually alright

>literal trots campaigning for labour

>another batshit communist minor party episode
dis gon b gud

Hard Brexit or Nige starts voting from the roof tops.

How the media destroyed Enoch Powell on purpose by twisting his words and lying about what he meant was disgusting and should be treated as treason and the people responsible should be hung

Lads, I just went for a 2 hour bike ride through the country side. Bought some chips and listened to Radio Aryan the entire time.

Any questions?

>the labour party is a working class party

>*blocks your path*

I'm lodging in a local Maomentum hq and I'm not allowed to mention the election. On the ground they know they're fucked.

How big's your willy

>Wants to break with the EU
>Wants a United Socialist Europe

Why leave then? They haven't really thought this through have they.

A marksman for marxmen.

yes it is. always has been

Yeah, can you get back on and fuck off. This isn't your blog.

Nobody cared in the last thread
Nobody cares in this one.
Stop needing validation from strangers on the internet for your once in a blue moon outdoor activities.

Tory manifesto says they will fund coastal towns and leave the common fisheries policy. Develop a fresh fishing policy for the UK.

The guy is redpilled on debt

5 inches

Shut up fatty. Why aren't you training for the race war?

More (you)s then you kike.

Labour already launched their manifesto though

Looks like he just conceded a wicket and he's pissed


>your world can be turned upside down in an instant

Can't believe that Ed Miliband is going to win a majority next month.

>communists hate LePen

Source, that's big.


Being a far left nutjob is okay, but being a far right nutjob is very not okay

>pakis, trannies and rebellious middle-class students are now the definition of 'the working class'

Is WN a nonce?

He's out tomorrow.

The manifesto, page 29

Lads, I'm sick of having a Red or Blue Brexit

we don't need a Strained Brexit or a Splattered Brexit

What we need is a QUANTUM Brexit

You gonna defeat the Chief Achmed by beating him in a chip eating contest?

He touches up kids, so I'd say so

i dont believe the tories will do any thing they say

they failed all their pledges and they are shit

>Man led 10-year-old girl away from her friends and 'tried to kiss her on lips'
>The man is described as being around 20, 'dark skinned' and speaking English with a foreign accent.

No.. no surely.. surely not..?!

Kek at the nervous commie autist

>Wages fell in the UK while the economy grew

This graph is damning. If the average voter understood numbers and statistics then this graph should be on billboards around the country and on the front cover of Labour's manifesto.

This is an inevitable result of decades of zero investment for the future. We have the worse productivity in the western world. This country seems to be the only one where despite growth, people's quality of life decreases year on year, with no apparent repercussions policy wise; this is the power of propaganda, people have been tricked into thinking it has to be like this, and people will still vote Conservative despite the 7 years of failure and facilitate their neoliberal wet-dream.

This country is currently run by the elite for the elite. It's plainly obvious that the current path will only make the gap between rich and poor wider, with what seems like an inevitable push to privatise things like the NHS will only succeed in making the rich better off, while simultaneously forcing the poor to have to cough up more money for basic services. The media is run by the elite so anyone who might actually be in touch with the needs of those who really need help, get crushed at every opportunity, you can see the impact the media can have one anyone challenging the status quo.

Starting to regret hating on Milliband. He seems like a nice guy with bad politics.

Be honest lads dose Corbyn have a chance? All these artilcles my mates keep posting on Facebook are getting me worried.


It's over UKIP is dead

Don't be a commie! Consider voting Conservative and best based Brexit on June 8th, lads & lasses. Thanks.

>nervous fat commie getting up and trying to scuttle away


going to survive by eating Walkers chips

Still better than we would be under Labour

Not sure about that mate, seems they will leave then re-enter negotiations

Check your criminal record m8

r e v o l u t i o n

>Walkers chips

>no trip cunts

Oh shit what did I miss?

It doesn't say that at all.

>yrw it was Rolf who supplied the cocaine that killed Natasha

>Brit/pol/ has fallen for the Tory meme

How times have changed

>will work with the fishing industry ... to introduce a new regime for commercial fishing
They're gonna quit the EU's CFP and lock out the spanish trawlers because of it.

whats Radio Aryan?
do you have a job?
Are your family wealthy?
North or south?

>the tiniest brexit imaginable
Hello Tim. How's your husband today

Some were banned, most fucked off. Though Pruss the Bavarian sadly is still around.

>Ed Miliband picking up the pieces of his career and becoming a bingo caller

Here's a difficult one for you

Torques are going hard Brexit, it's a Brexit election.

There needs to be a new party with ultra-right wing ideas. Nether neo-liberal like the blairites/tories nor trotskyist like Labour.

UK focused "alt right" podcast network.


No idea


You bastard, that's not fair.

Northerner back from a holiday in Spain?

The hero we needed

>"alt right
fucking dropped

Why we're they banned?

Schrodinger's Brexit

Lunch times almost over, so back to class. Or you'll get detention.

When was this? I haven't been here for a while.

Rimmer was banned for spamming in the 800+ reply Brit/pol/ yesterday.

Curious as to why people are so against the 'alt-right'. It seems to be an ideology that Sup Forums tends to agree with.

Spamming the thread during the fuckery that happened yesterday.

It was quite obviously (((them))), do you think he would've become PM if they didn't ruin his career?

>believing anything the Tories say

They say anything to get into power. This is politics 101.

It's closer than some would have you think but there's too many variables.

Will Corbyn be able to mobilise the youth vote? Will turnout increase now that there's a distinct choice between major parties? Will people still vote by Brexit lines? Will the UKIP vote return to Labour or Conservatives? Will the elderly vote Conservative? Has the sustained media attack on Corbyn damaged him and Labour too much? Will May's popularity survive outside closely controlled media outings?

Expect "too close to call" to be thrown around during the last days of the campaign.

it's reddit inflow, newfags' first election, CCHQ shills, etc. Oldfags will spoil ballots or vote for a nationalist party.

>moving C4 out of London
So the BBC is now partly in Manchester. C4 for Newcastle or Birmingham?

When was what?


To stay in power you have to be popular.

It's a false label.

Most on it don't call themselves the alt right. They record nationalist meetings, do a daily news show. Check it out if you want some good podcasts with UK focus

I don't like it because it's (((them))) trying to divide the right so it's gaining momentum can either be destroyed or atleast, slowed down.

The main faces of the "alt right" are jews, Cernovich, Southern, Milo. all jews.

Even Stefan Molymeme is a cryptojew, at the very least he has some jewish blood, which he himself admits