What should we do about the niggers that fuck all the arab girls in France ?
What should we do about the niggers that fuck all the arab girls in France ?
let them. they are lucky if they get married anyway.
no one wants a buerette. so to trash it goes(the nigger).
There isnt one hot girl in the OP pic. Meanwhile an Arab girl with her Asian boyfriend.
>bebe metisse
comme si il son blanc. kek
>Meanwhile an Arab girl with her Asian boyfriend.
Same girl as above
she looks manlier then him.
Hopefully they become like USA nignogs and start being overall Nice to whitey,but killing each other all the time
That's not an arab, she's too white
you are a retarded arab confirmed.
she isnt white.
let them fuck arabs who cares
>mfw the babies come out looking like ethiopians
Vote for a president who will let even more in so your women are completely wiped out....oh wait!
man, they are like a minority dude. and they have hard time to marry.
Two shitskins neutralizing their genes? Where's the problem?
it's a bad thing when niggers fuck anyone who isn't a nigger.
the mean IQ of niggers, even when raised in first world countries with 1st world education systems and nutrition is 85.
the rest of the world under similar circumstances has a mean IQ of around 100. east asians a bit higher. arabs and indians, even though they have a mean IQ in the 90s in their home country, have means IQs around 100 when brought up in western school systems.
So, what this means is that if in one generation, every nigger reproduced with a non-nigger, then in one generation the mean IQ of the planet would plummet from 100 down to around 92-93.
This would be absolutely toxic to human progress.
IT would make geniuses like paul dirac and enrico fermi many times rarer from then on compared to how rare they were before.
Because you'd have to sample the top 0.05% of IQ instead of the top 0.3% of IQ (say) .
So no, it's bad when niggers are allowed to race mix with anyone and it is bad when they become seen as elligible or acceptable instead of the dirty, smelly , ugly, stupid savages they mostly are.
Niggers are like a tub of toxic waste dropped into the human gene pool. the more people race mix with them, the more little holes ill start forming in the tub of toxic waste and the more their low-IQ genes will start flowing into circulation.
any nigger racemixing should be strongly discouraged.
the problem is that the genes are not neutralized, but amplfied, it just produces muslim niggers
Why contain it? Let it spill over the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end they'll beg us to save them.
Why so salty Khaled? Did your Rachida leave you for a khalouch?
Niggerize all arabs
We niggerize all arabs jews abd anyone who dares oppose the aryan race
I'm the whitest