Let's face it, Obama was better than your orange oompa loompa
Let's face it, Obama was better than your orange oompa loompa
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>disagree with me and you're a shill
>right wing debate skills
>Tripled the stock market
>posts propaganda
>not a shill
Good one
>waa I don't like facts it's propaganda
again, right wing debating skills.
>occupy democrats
>not propaganda
Kys shill, nobody cares
So far you have debunked nothing, only cried about your safe space being broken. I'm starting to feel that you can't
But he didn't triple the stock market and he game unemployment statistics by slashing workforce participation rates and dramatically increasing unemployment benefit handouts.
The budget still did not balance and if as the chart says the deficit was slashed then debt should not be growing.
As for ending two wars that is clearly a lie.
I'm not going to debate a fucking shill that starts a thread with adhom and blantant lies.
Fuck off, enjoy page 11 faggot.
Since he's to retarded to form an actual argument, you're comparing 6 years to less than one year
I know this is bait but fuck it
>ended two wars
what wars?
he started like 2 more
>caused the european refugee crisis by fucking around with the middle east
>gave money to banks even after their failing in 08
>the only reason gas prices are down is because he kissed ass to the saudis
>sourceless image from a website that is know to lie to fit their political agenda
>not propaganda
Tripled the stock market by Quantitative Easing.
The injection of all that cash has fucked EVERYTHING.
All major assets have skyrocketed in price: houses, the stock market. You get fucking idiots driving around in brand new 4WDs; those fucks can't afford it, but they all feel they deserve it. They want to keep up with the Joneses. Dumb fucks.
No Occupy Wall Street, Obama was pretty shit.
>The economy and stock market are booming.
The economy boom was because of the recession ending.
>but muh stimulus
Look at the amount it put in the average workers pocket and tell me that it worked.
>He cut the percentage of under covered half
By shitting on everyone else's insurance
>He cut the Deficit
The Deficit was at the highest point ever at the start of his presedency so it was not really possible to increase it unless he wanted to fuck us over on purpose.
>He got us out of two wars
His sloppy handling of foreign policy was about as bad as Bush.
Obamaleaf proxy thread or the Commie Finn?
Don't forget to sage.
>meanwhile back in reality
The Berlin Wall was built by Communists not by Hitler
People forget that it was a Republican house and senate.
Hes also the only two term American president to be at war every single day that he was in office.
Of all the lies there, the deficit one is the one that gets me the most. By definition, the deficit is whatever you need to borrow to pay, and Obama put more debt every year than any other president before him. Therefore, you know some accounting shenanigans are involved because you can't both reduce the deficit and have a massive increase in the national debt.
Stop using finnish proxies you cancerous faggots. Kill yourself
>tripled stock market
Created an asset price bubble, and gave free money to banks and healthcare industry. Prevented regulations to protect the consumer.
Because people dropped out of the workforce
The meme that 14 million jobs have been created since the Great Recession is constantly trotted out as a sign of how the labor market has healed, but these folks forget to add a detail: since the Great Recession, the US population has grown by 16.5 million. Turns out, jobs growth was smaller than population growth! So per capita – for each of the 323.2 million people in the US – there are now fewer jobs than at the bottom of the Great Recession.
>ended two wars
Started several, and those two are not over
>brought gas down
Cyclical thing, having to do with reduced demand due to the permanent depression
>Cut Bush deficit
Deficit is needed. That is a purely bad thing.
>bin Laden
Illegal murder of a man and his wife
rare flag
Almost no one on the left liked Obama. Obama was widely seen as Bush III
Sadly, Trump makes Obama look like a flawless god.
>H-he might not be as corrupt b-but he's b-black
t. Dumpfkin
>believing some politician is better than the other
they all serve the same masters silly
the joke
your head
I have never seen shilling like this before. gr9 b8 m9 I r9 9/9
sage the shit out of this kike slider,
you dont. believe me ask him if hes kike
>keep sageinf mthrfckres, FOR GREAT JUSTICE
make sure to type " sage " in the 'option' field of your thread reply to drop his thread outta our catalog
Let's face it. OP is a cock gobbling faggot.
>he was a good president because he did what (((they))) told him
kys faggot
Overlord - Day 2
>Illegal murder of a man and his wife
>implying he didnt from kidney failure die in 2000
Trumptards can't reconcile their idiotic beliefs with the cold hard truth: obama was a much better president than Trump
>TRUMP 2017-2017. RIP
clap please
king among men
> had the worst recovery of any president
forgot that bit. Obama was shit and your a retard.
Yup. He had no scandals.
In fact he was good that republicans had to INVENT scandals like FEMA camps or that he was a Muslim or that he was going to take people's guns (every single one turned out false, go figure).
Obama was literally the best president we've had in the 21st century. Trumpshills can screech autistically all they want, won't change the cold hard truth.
Tldr: Obama was great
>install super kike to reserve chair
>practically positive interest rates
>no proof Bin Laden was even killed/dead
Lets face it, Obongos a monkey
>Fast and Furious
>IRS Scandal
>Iran Nuke Deal
>Sueing AZ for enforcing federal law
>I can keep going....
Pick one nigger
All I know is that Obama fucked Puerto Rico in the ass by appointing 10 congressmen to "fix" the economy of the island. But all they have been doing for the past years is live on a 5 stars hotel while we pay for all their expenses and millionaire salaries.
They have done nothing so far and they don't even have the slightest idea how to fix anything either. Obama and congress fucking scammed us and the debt went up by 2 billions more on top it.
Obama failed to deliver on every single one of his campaign promises. Every. Single. One. He did not hold Bankers accountable, in fact he bailed them out to the tune of trillions. He did not make Health Care More affordable for Americans, in fact premiums skyrocketed and millions of Americans lost their policies. He did not end the wars. In fact we bombed more countries under Obama than any previous president. He did not close gitmo. He did not include transparency as part of his administration, in fact he silenced more journalists than any previous president. He did not return power to the people. In fact, he issued more executive orders than any president on record. The only reason Barack Obama's regarded highly is because the media downplayed every single one of his flaws and promoted every minuscule victory he gained.
Imagine a double think you have to convince yourself of as a Democrat to praise the fact the stock market tripled, and turn a blind eye to the fact that this means wealth inequality likely also tripled as wealthy people were able to buy stocks at well below their natural value and ride them back up to equilibrium.
sage the shit out of this kike slider,
you dont. believe me ask him if hes kike
>keep sageinf mthrfckres, FOR GREAT JUSTICE
make sure to type " sage " in the 'option' field of your thread reply to drop his thread outta our catalog
sage fuckers
>thanks teanon, don't forget to sage