Watch it. Anyone who's watched this clip and STILL calls David Duke controlled opposition is a shill, period.
Watch it. Anyone who's watched this clip and STILL calls David Duke controlled opposition is a shill, period.
David Duke is legit.
David (((Duke)))
>Taylor Swift will never be your wife
He's FBI you fucking faggot
Prove it, retard.
why did alex jones remove the interview from yt with duke then
i don't care if he's controlled opposition or not, he's an idiot and should have shut up about Trump during the campaign.
Who the fuck cares about Trump? He's a Zionist and a neocon, obvious puppet of the Jews.
haven't you learnt anything from this election and all the leaks.
Factions within factions, insurgencies within organisations. Soo many whistleblowers, if you worked in the FBI and wanted to tell people some truths without getting a bullet why not pick a mouthpeice.
lol Alex Jones got BTFO
figures his wife is Jewish anyway
It's a shame she's been brainwashed into burning the coal.
david duke is an idiot
so is alex jones
so is trump
His new wife is also Jewish.
>david duke is an idiot
Is he wrong about the Jews?
Taylor Swift looks so pretty and I'd be gay as fuck if I said I didnt want to bone her but she really looks like a high maintenance kind of girl
Most of her songs being about her past boyfriends doesnt really help her image either
zionists,sure,he's probably right.
It's when he puts every Jew in the picture
>1 post by this ID
Back up your claim, faggot.
I see many people calling David Duke FBI, but they never provide any sort of evidence.
David Dyke is a pussy boy. Stormfags btfo their hero is FBI.
Only nu/pol/ disparages Duke and has probably heard other people talk about him instead of hearing it from the horse's mouth. He has a radio show every day at 11AM (US-East) that is a must listen for any Sup Forumsack. Feel free to listen to any number of his shows via archive. I know it at least keeps me sane at the wally world at night~~~!!!
why the fuck are the people in OPs pic so fucking pinto bean-headed?
srsly, heads are so small.
They aren't shills, they are just braindead larpers. The amount of information he has put out and awareness hes spread about kikes etc is mountainous.Despite being far too pacifist and passive for my liking, no one should be able to deny his extremely large contribution to stopping white genocide and the Jewish agenda. The material he puts together is well done, sourced, and obscurely known.
I would argue he may have even done as much as we have collectively - by himself, over his lifetime. If everyone were like David Duke, the kikes would be a lot worse off.
More like a kike with a Sup Forumsack mask on. Theres no evidence of shit, same kikes who suggest WLP is a "zogbot"
this man speaks the truth and he does it in a calm and measured way.
You can learn from this interview.
best gif in the world
I'm surprised Alex Jones never interrupted him at all... ADHD meds working
Girls like her belong in a harem
My harem
He's a federal agent
The full 1 hr interview should be required viewing for newfags.
Dr. Duke is legit as fuck.
The shills really come out when there's a David Duke thread. kek
Empty accusations. Fucking prove it you disgusting Jew.
Don't be surprised. Alex agrees with everything he says but can't publicly say it. If he did, he would be demonized just like Dr. Duke is.
If he didn't agree with him, why would he give him an hour+ interview without interrupting him? How often does that happen?
Shills who call Alex Jones a shill don't understand the power of the Jewish media. They've made Duke look like a psychopathic cannibal serial killer in the eyes of the public, when he actually has pretty normal views. He just names the Jew, so he had to be made into a monster. They will do this to anyone who speaks against them and destroy them, which is why the people you call "shills" don't name the Jew. Everyone knows though.
Even if he is who gives a fuck you kike? You can look into everything he says and it's the truth. You know the truth? The thing you people hate?
Exactly. The kikes would be retarded to pay this guy for exposing them.
Hello kikes, scared someone is calling you out huh
He does good things, but he seems to sponser the stupidest of people (french pornstar, furry gore cartoonest, etc). He should go back to working alone. He still does more good than bad.
Looks like a civil war
That was basically Sup Forums: the rant. All very eloquently done, I'm sure this redpilled at least some infowars viewers.
Certain types of people will always, always say 'controlled opposition!' about anyone, while never offering up alternatives that they don't consider to be 'controlled'.
Basically, ignore them.
I prefer Ram Z Paul. He's like an underground David Duke and he brings the bantz:
Holy shit this guy drops the red pills like crazy. Also you can see how cucked Alex Jones really is.
>b-but wudabout da joos
He's controlled opposition
wtf..... the resemblance is uncanny........
Marx was a Jew himself, dumbass.
That's kind of the point, genius.
You white power faggots all follow the ideology of a kike.
You're all the best goys that you can be.
all he can think about is breeding her
Very poor bait.
>You white power faggots all follow the ideology of a kike.
What? What the fuck are you talking about you stupid monkey?
Thr people calling him controllef shill etc are almost always americans/canadians, its almost like a bunch of nonwhites and niggers mass migrated over here during the 2016 period for some reason and are now in over their head
National Socialism has nothing to do with Marxism. Also, Marx was far from the first socialist, dumbass.
nice books
Proofs or GTFO shill cucklet
Proof or gtfo spastic
Even if true FBI would be double based
Duke is the original Jew redpilled carpet bomber
He has redpilled literal millions about the eternal Jew internationally, ALONE
People translate and spread him in every major language
/Polspergout/ is not even a kindergarden compared to him , it's a fucking amoeba
sup Socrates
>b-but national socialism has nothing to with socialism
Sure it doesn't, because uncle hitler told you it was different. Now sacrifice your personal identity to the (((ethnostate))) and maybe the brown hordes will stop molesting your women.
Am I talking to a Lolbertardian?
Close. Try classical liberal.
>dropping a controlled redpill to force AJ to admit the joos so they can take him off the air for being anti-semetic
eww body armor
I guess it's funny because it's a political ideology that started something that lasted longer than 15 years and did it without the use of scapegoats.
The fucking trouble with that is that shitloads of Jews turn Zionist whenever they perceive a major threat, real or not - now that they have a home base from which to project their influence and send their money, they can circle the wagons and declare the rest of the world an Acceptable Target in the interests of preventing a 2nd Holocaust.
And they do this fucking Constantly.
Reminder that David Duke...
>was born into a rich kid family and his "regular guy" persona is pure bullshit
>lied about going on secret missions in Vietnam War when he was really there with his dad on oil business trips
>spent his time there working some shitty job teaching english that his Dad found for him before getting fired
>LARPed as a nazi his way through college
>went RIGHT into politics and founded some KKK chapter
>never worked a real job in his life
>made a living by scamming rednecks out of money
>got plastic surgery to make himself look more "aryan" lol
>finally got a seat in the Louisiana state senate
>accomplished literally nothing and is a running joke in the state
>failed literally EVERY other time he tried to get back into politics and hasnt been in ANY office at all in 20+ years
>despite his "muh chrisitan values" talk has done business with drug dealers and pornographers and other scumbags within the KKK community
>calls himself Dr. David Duke, despite the fact that he went to some meme university in Ukraine that isnt even an accredited or acknowledged university by the countries own standards
>got in BIG trouble for tax evasion and defrauding his supporters to pay off gambling debts and is more than likely some sort of informant for the FBI
>On November 24, 2005, Duke visited Damascus, Syria, addressing a rally broadcast on Syrian television and giving an interview.[153][154] During the rally, he referred to Israel as a "war-mongering country" and stated that Zionists "occupy most of the American media and now control much of the American government … It is not just the West Bank of Palestine, it is not just the Golan Heights that are occupied by the Zionists, but Washington, D.C., and New York and London and many other capitals of the world." He concluded by stating: "Your fight for freedom is the same as our fight for freedom." In a second interview, he said Israel "makes the Nazi state look very, very moderate." Syrian parliament member Mohammad Habash later stated that Duke's visit gave Syrians a "new and very positive view of the average American."[153][155][156]
My dad went to school with David Duke. He was on the floor below the dorm were David Duke was at when he went to LSU. My dad told me he remembers him the square standing on crates and shit yelling shit and provoking people and what not.
whites should learn and improve intellectually and physically everyday even if in small amounts, find a wife doesn't matter if not european but must be white and follow Christianity and have at least 3 children learn your children from an young age to be smart and athletic with strong Christian values and if every white guy does this we would be wining in the first year.
You got sources for those claims, faggot?
Any other Louisiana anons voted for him? My friends still make fun of me for "ironically" doing it.
Why would anyone call David Duke a controlled opposition? Is there any logic behind that?
>Is there any logic behind that?
No. Retards do it anyway, without proofs.
>Be duke
rip off following and don't pay proper taxes
go to jail
come out jail continue work but mostly talk about zionist jews what are zionists the only bad jews?
works for jeff rense confirmed kike and shill who makes money off being a jew hater has to why because he sucks at everything and has had 12 previous marriages
duke is controlled oppositionn
mike stathis is only legit guy
of avaanalytics.coom
by the brother nathaniel must I even bother admitted kike
In 2002, Duke pleaded guilty to defrauding supporters by falsely claiming to be impoverished and in danger of losing his home in order to solicit emergency donations; at the time, Duke was financially secure and used the donations for recreational gambling.
basically fuck duke you follow him your retarded good for new fags who want to learn new things though.
Nice try, Schlomo
who cares
post more taytay
>Unironically supporting the KKK
Kill yourself you dumb dirty swede
>jeff rense confirmed kike
Here you go, user.
why are you tempting me
this is not her
Prove it.
Prove that's really her
he states pro Jewish anti Zionist.jpeg
more on rense.jpg
I want to be her toilet
>tfw taytay doesn't care about your gains