Should Trump really be playing the pity card here?
Should Trump really be playing the pity card here?
Works for niggers, women and "refugees" no?
yes. false equivalence argument. this has gone too far. the MSM is committing treason
Trump is not the entire political/media establishment. Your meme is bullshit, faggot.
Not only did the Clinton campaign start the false Russia narrative, in the run up to the 2008 election, the Clinton campaign started the birther movement.
Way to remind everyone, faggot.
Except Obama's past is incredibly suspicious beyond reasonable doubt.
The other guy was a fucking lier, he deserved what he got.
Already did this thread
yes, he's entitled to play the pity card
What he should have done from day one is machine gun everyone in the US administration
Clean sweep
If he had, he could have rebuilt it from the ground up, His Way
But he was too conventional, too integrity, too mindful, too humane
So the pack of mangy hounds are ripping him apart
Let this be a lesson. You can't bargain with rats. You can't reason with them. You can't appeal to their better nature
You must rip them out at the root and kill with fire
Hillary Clinton paid him to say it
>A few crazy conspiracy theorists and Literally Who radio commentators vs. the entire fucking MSM
>Equivalent in any sense of the word
The Left is really just reaching at this point.
he is on defensive. thats allways bad
He can play any cards he wants for 8 years.
>the MSM is committing treason
I think we need to change our focus to the reporters, editors and owners of the MSM that is actively working against the American people.
It is no coincidence that EVERY media outlet including some faggots at FOX are parroting the exact same talking points not similar but the EXACT SAME NARRATIVE.
It is also no coincidence that the paid shills are echoing the same narrative all over the internet.
This is GG corrupt colluding media times a million
We need to do something
to bad he doesnt want pity, finsh the quote. Hes telling people to never quit fighting and never give up. He's leading by example.
Awwwww sorry, honey. Looks like OccupyDemocrats are considered fake news, even by other left wing sites. Try again, sweetie.
>implying obama was treated worse than Trump
it wasn't the MSM that just gave Mueller a job
Didn't Hillary start the birth movement? Didn't Malik post the Kenyan birth certificate?
>the Clinton campaign started the birther movement.
Trump you don't have time to shitpost here
>Didn't Hillary start the birth movement?
yes she did.
these people are afraid of trump for all of the wrong reasons: hillary was extremely racist during her first run for president, but she was pretending the whole way. trump was not.
we have a literal birther in office.
Kill yourselves, you PutinRussia shills.
You really dont have time to shitpost here
this has been the worst post in the history of posts, maybe ever.
>Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
You absolute fucking retard it's not even remotely treason
The birther movement was a whisper that was not promoted by any media voice.
Donald Trump got more ice cream than anyone and he got more flak from the media than Obama got in 8 fucking years. Shut the fuck up you god damned retarded fucking nigger.
Wow. Do you people really think like this? That its some totally unjustifiable and baseless conspiracy and we should go after reporters and their livelihoods to stop it?
That is a bit nuts don't you think?
The fact that CNN has begun to shift farther to the left is a direct result of Trump's criticism of them. When Trump tells all of his supporters that CNN is "fake news" and out to get him the executives can assume that less conservatives are watching and as a result will start to cater more to the left. This is an enemy that Trump himself created.
During the Obama years, the Bush years, and the Clinton years CNN was occasionally hostile to the president. The difference is that those men didn't react with the ridiculous news-worthy hostility that Trump has, so the story wasn't able to perpetuate itself through secondary tangents.
Finally, FOX has a different narrative. The only way you could possibly believe they are the same is if you haven't looked at them. Reporters in this country have every right to report whatever they want as long as they can justify it with some basis. So far things haven't been reported about Trump that are totally baseless. You need to calm down and stop feeling so attacked. It makes you seem crazy when you call for "doing something" about reporters.
Didnt obummer's birth cert have forgery on it?
Isn't that a Berlusconi quote?
He's coming across like a sad faggot and is losing all his kek potential. I'd stop supporting him if I was an american voter tbqh
>8 years leading the birther movement
Man the left is really scraping the bottom of the barrel to bitch about, pathetic.
Trump didn't have control of the MSM. CNN meanwhile is making 12 new fucking articles a day about this "meltdown" in the White House. The media is desperately trying to whip this up into a scandal when the average person has gotten over the Comey firing or see it as bad timing but still what was necessary.
What about the nuclear codes?
Here's a tip, the code is 0000. The US air force made it public years ago in protest.
The codes aren't really that important to the security of the system
Remind me which of Trump's crazy opinions turned out to be wrong?
>The system is rigged
>even politifact considers OD as 66% bullshit
just because you didn't rig the election enough to win doesn't mean it wasnt rigged...why you think shareblue is paying you guys to be here? Your suppose to be sliding the seth rich threads because he had info on the election rigging by the DNC, as well as BTFO the russian narrative with wikileaks...and even if that was russia all that happened was the american people learned the truth.