Say it with me, Wutbürgers: Madam Chancellor.
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Jesus Christ AGAIN?
Reminds me of Enron
Just like Hilldawg's 98% chance of winning?
>Say it with me, Wutbürgers: Madam Chancellor.
everyone knew it, that merkel gonna win
Schulz that dirty kike hype himself. But no one gave a shit about him and his cucks >reddit
Rip in pieces Germany. Once a great country..
don't underestimate how cucked germans are
No, this is legit.
Is there really that kind of support for her there? Do you see evidence to support this during your day-to-day lives?
Cuck or cuck lite. Wow these fucking options.
as legit as Enrons account department
CDU/CSU is the only sane choice politics wise even with the globalist at the head
why is no-one voting someone else?
no, they try to spin a story and hope snowball effect hits in
The jewry is strong.
CDU shill detected
Everythings better than schulz, that god damn kike. I would rather live 20 more years under merkel then 1 under schulz
Those look like American uniforms from the 1950s
what did you expect, Schultz?
The only potential challenger is to the left of her.
Trump at least had a decent mainstream voter base.
Merkel's opponents (except for Schulz) are widely unpopular.
And Schulz is too shallow to win anything.
Germans are cucked beyond belief
No, people don't like her but her party is mostly seen as the only alternative to leftism since the AdD is still establishing itself.
If they get rid of her the party wouldn't even be so bad.
Isn't Schulz an EU drone as well?
>a white woman as chancellor
This isn't the Germany I remember. Since when have they become so intolerant to Muslims?
Is there even a difference between merkel and that kike?
Aren't all the options basically complete shit?
after the german elections economical and statistical "prediction" models will be less worth than astrological predictions. the story died
i am not shilling for anyone just saying it as it is
>Reelecting a politician who openly promotes the population replacement and slow extermination of your race, because it would be "backwards" and "racist" to do otherwise
Multicultural marxism is a crazy thing. It's like watching Maoist China all over again. Age of mass brainwashing
for fucks sake Germany
Germany has stockholm syndrome
All statistic Niggers and pollheads should look for new jobs
It's Germany. If I ever call that prediction fake, it's because I think Merkel is not higher.
Germany as a country is doing well economically and technologically, but they are using those achievements to hide the disaster that's being brewed in their society. It won't last forever though. Sooner or later, the bubble will burst and we will witness the second coming of Hitler.
the political system you goys set up for Germany post WW2 has made it impossible for any real change to ever come
yeah, keep telling the story. Spam doesn't kill ideas useful idiot
>despite what's happening she still wins
*inhales oxygen for massive laughter*
They are germans.
They have this constant desire of suicide themselves and Europe.
Does Germany not have political primaries where you can choose the person to lead your party? From my understanding CDU is the generic conservative party with a spectrum of beliefs and some people on there are more globalist than others.
any quotes from her?
and everytime you are part of it until you chicken out crying about how you didn do nuffin
wurst ist sehr gut ya
Yeah, do we really have a say about Deutschland?
just read the partys program. you are just not informed.
Germans have to be the dumbest people on the planet if they re-elect her after what she did to them. Although that being said Schulz would be 50 times worse.
Why don't you want to stay blonde and blue eyed? And inventors and shit?
You must be retarded
They ceased to be conservative somewhere in the 70s. The only place where Merkel is more popular than in the general population is with her party members
Normies won't care until they are affected personally or economy collapses. Germans need to wait for 2033.
>you are just not informed
well you certainly set me straight with this informative comment
we blaming yanks now? great!
so the only real "opposition" is Schulz that looks like a jew lawyer. It's totally not rigged
Ein Volk, ein Europa, ein Führer!
you could blame yanks for pretty much everything over the last century. at the very least they keep escalating conficts
Stockholm syndrome should be renamed to Berlin Syndrome, or perhaps Merkel syndrome.
>Schulz that looks like a jew lawyer.
>Schulz a jew lawyer.
>Merkel vs Schulz
Kill yourselves
>party programs
kek, über kek. Read some studies about how much a ((((Party program))) story is on track with the actual policies. You are the definition of a useful idiot
blame yourself and your parents for eating the bait like a bunch of mentally retarded fish
>implying Germany will survive the summer.
I always value the opinions of Nips, I feel like they give a good outsider view
>eating the bait like a bunch of mentally retarded fish
This image is outdated.
Petry is out of the game.
These two are the current faces of AfD.
It should also be added that they're liberal cucks.
>From my understanding
Somebody who believed what they told him. Useful idiot. Inform yourself about the facts or refrain from posting if you just know the stories
Wait, Michael Caine can run for public offices in Germany?
Foreigners can run for national offices? Seriously?
Moycol Fahckin Kyne
CDU is a neo liberal eco party since the late 70's. They bought the 68er movement and yuppies with cheap credits and gibsmedat by telling the jew (literally) their children will pay. Are you ready to pay for your parents good live and the wars for peace to make them happy. If so, stop coming here and join a voluntary help squad for niggers. Don't forget the lube
It is. They now have Merkel at 84.0%.
And before anybody asks who to vote. No one. The only answer to the last 50 years is 1789
Come on germany stand up tall and proud of who you are, who we are as whites !
My List of Videos of what we need to do to keep white culture ! I post this with every post you should copy and paste below this part and spread it all over the net we need to redpill so many still !
This is the goof of all time.
That doesn't look like a rigged poll at all O
Also, hello CIA/Shareblue. How is the weather?
we're blaming the Alliierter Kontrollrat
which the yanks headed
so yes
blame yank
just read this and decide which of the partys are traitors. if you vote for the cdu/spd block or the neo left you are traitors.
>30% of all eligible voters are 60+
>80% voter turnout in that group alone
The people that get their (((news))) from state tv are in love with Merkel thanks to our propaganda.
Can a German redpill me on why the fuck German's love this unfuckable lard arse?
lmao Vote Merkel or get someone even worse. What a world we live in.
Germany, you are so fucking hopeless.
This is what Merkel is doing to Germans.
>60% of "her" votes are shitskins
Germany was lost long ago. There is no use in crying over spilled beer
unfortunately they are all in on it. All politicians from every level, all journalists promoting it, all companies making shekel off it need to learn the way of the guillotine. This ain't Weimar, this is 1788
>says Britain
I love how you bongs always pretend like you aren't just as, if not more, cucked than we are.
>0 UKIP Seats
Not really. Its the only option except a putsch and or civil war and since our state is cracking down hard on supposed "right wing sentiments" in the Heer, that wont happen.
Any option is worse or completly impossible.
Just stop thinking about us until germany burns again. thanks and move on.
She had some good administrative and economic policies in her early terms 12 years ago. With stuff like tax reform, territorial managment to try and decrease the post-reunification inequalities betweel east and west, etc.
She's been riding that wave ever since. The lack of a strong national opposition doesn't help. Politics are pretty uniform in Germany.
You don't understand European polls, at all. Stop talking about things that you don't understand. French election polls were extremely accurate. It's different here in Europe, these polls are actually accurate or at least more accurate than in the US. Le Pen never had a chance, not once.
Isn't the Chancellor not the highest office in Germany? Why does she have so much power?
I think most older germans are just afraid of any change doesn't matter which kind of change. They just want to keep everything like it is right now, that's it. If you want to change even the slightest thing you will be the next enemy of the state.
I mean nevermind wether you're a leftist liberal like Schulz or a rightwing conservative. EVERYTHING has to stay exactly the same. If not you will have a petition from german, old fucks tomorrow for martial law here in germany.
Last time I checked it was Hitler who gave chancellor that kind of power.
>but it becomes dictatorship when putin and erdogan do this
google NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stupid questions are not allowed on here and should result in a 12 month range ban
What the fuck happend to AfD?
I heard they had a "JUST." moment, but what actually happend???
t. Rapefugee "English teacher"
It is not the highest office in that the presidential office would be.
But the Chancellor has the executive power.