The princess who made her parents proud: Queen Letizia beams as her daughter Sofia, 10...

>The princess who made her parents proud: Queen Letizia beams as her daughter Sofia, 10, celebrates her First Communion alongside her picture-perfect family
>Family joined Princess Sofia, 10, for her First Communion at Asuncion de Nuestra Senora Church in Madrid
>Like her sister, Princess Leonor, Princess Sofia was taking part in the ceremony alongside her classmates
>Royals traditionally take their First Communion alone at the Palacio Real in Madrid
>Queen Letizia looked chic in a mint green coatdress, whilst her husband donned a matching tie

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I thouth they were atheists

Ave maria


Fuck the french.
Remove french for a falangista state eith a national council representing all cities.

The wife is an ugly whore showing her knees like that in public, if I were her husband I would beat her

Why should a french rule spain
Fuck borbons, viva jose antonio primo de rivera viva espanya!

>spaniards are now whiter than americans


i thought they were muslim

Wow easy Abdullah, some countries don't have Sharia Law

I wonder if the younger one is plotting to kill the older one?

Beautiful Aryan family. Spain is lucky to have them.

I wish I could say the same for my country's Royal family, one of whom is about to marry a halfbreed.

The two girls have very nice legs

>part of the royal family

>vosh, que mierda esh eshto? Carajo! Porea eshta chingadera! No pongash ningun cosha mal del rey, reyna y shush creaturash maldito tu!
Ala neta wey? Esto tene que ver con que culero?


>I wish I could say the same for my country's Royal family, one of whom is about to marry a halfbreed.

half of spanish population hates them

Shit, that looks like a fucking movie family.

>I thouth they were atheists

Shut your dirty mouth. Submitted to Guardia Civil.

>>vosh, que mierda esh eshto? Carajo! Porea eshta chingadera! No pongash ningun cosha mal del rey, reyna y shush creaturash maldito tu!
broken Spanish, literally CHI

>if you're against degeneracy you're a Muslim and want sharia law
No, I just wouldn't support my whore of a wife showing her knee sin public, mid calf is the highest a skirt should be. If it's at the knees when she sits you can still see her panties, trust me I live in an orthodox jewish neighbourhood and these Kike whores know no shame, they're showing their knees to all the boys.
The only solution is to beat your wife, show her you're not pleased with this slutty behaviour.

Imagine them taking a bath together and then the little sister drowns the older one to secure her place on the throne

What thr fuck is chi? Of Chilango stock? Then yes.

Stop posting your face mongrel

>What thr fuck is chi? Of Chilango stock? Then yes.
chicano you newfag


Spain is cute

Remove borbon

Based kikanadian

aryan is a load of bullshit

Wash your fucking hair

are these even legit spanish royal family or are shills and real ones where removed and where the fuck is all the gold from mexico gone

I'm Christian not Jewish
This is the ideal length, but the two girls shouldn't show their bare legs either. Are they on the beach? No put on pantyhose or stockings


the things i'd do to those tight little hairless pussies...wew

And the king should be in a waistcoat, he's king and can't afford to have a waistcoat made up for him? Embarrassing, royalty should be a step above the common people and he should be in a morning coat in my opinion when making public appearances but at the very least don't wear a cheap looking outfit.

no one relplyed to my question fucking faggots

Leaf here is right.

Exodus 28:42
And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach

If you wear a short skirt how can you wear normal underwear? You can't everyone would see your panties!

I'm not new ho!
But man.... Fuck that. I'm really high, at work and about to fix/maintenance engines. Hördör.

>no one relplyed to my question fucking faggots
siesta time, sry paddy



Kek at that pic, but it's true, beating isn't bad you don't want to injure her you want to show her the right way. Women are easily manipulated, who was deceived in the garden? Not Adam!
A man needs to be a guide to his wife, help her down the right path. She will watch her TV shows and be influenced by her friends and these degenerate celebrities but it's up to you the husband to show her what's right. Is she in a short skirt? Beat her, she won't wear it again.

Not after they spent the night with Tyrone the groundskeeper.

>eghr daír lad, what gowld aghr you tálking about? Aghr you and O'Leary drunk off thê dôzen of pínts agayìn?


Of course it's a filfthy halfbreed mestizo faggot

Says the potato nigger. You're just jealous of our Western European superiority.

I want to be shrunken down to an inch tall and kept by both loli princess sisters.

Princess Leonor > Infanta Sofia, but I would gladly be a shrunken toy and playmate to either of them.

Not seeing any White people here.

Fuck the Spanish royals. They threw Franco and his legacy under the bus.

Great post asswipe. I read this yesterday on daily mail. Wow so current, much clever. This board has gone to shit

anyone know of any bourbon descendants who could retake the french throne?

Someone posted this thread yesterday dingus, nobody replied


You filthy Muslim vermin. Yes, all liberals and atheists and Muslims by default. They want to end our civilization and they're no better.

What a head

*are muslim by default

Every country with a royal family are cucks desu


Haha, get a load of this faggot!

Nice drawing skill user, really
Do you drawing?



>Fuck the Spanish royals. They threw Franco and his legacy under the bus.
Ironically Franco chose them desu..

That is one true Royal family...
P.S: Juan Carlos lived the good life while being an awesome Head of State. Parties, fucking and hunting elephants while stopping a fucking revolution just because it was too soon.

Not yours

They grow so fast. Sad.

Remember when Leonor was born?


Well... those were the ones who left you without the Mayan gold.
P.S: We spent it in the best thing we could do. Soccer and Party.

Imagine kissing the legs of a princess

You should only imagine that with your wife


I mean for me the whole drinking thing is a fetish. But it's hard to look at kids that way

So in that case you instead to be the best friend they always have with them, so that they will never be lonely and you never alone.

Would you surrender your freedom to be shrunken down to that size, if it guaranteed proximity to these two Aryan looking cuties, not to mention the literal royal treatment?

No guarantee one of them won't accidentally step on you or eat you or something, but they seem sweet enough.

no political point
gossip for old women and gays
kill yourself OP

>royalty should be a step up

No they shouldn't. They are just a bunch of rich faggots like any other rich faggot. Fuck them.

You are unbelievably retarded. God Christians are morons, all desert trilogy fans are fucking morons. Fuck off.

Hmm, I'm sure there's a little French royal descendant somewhere. Not on this list though.

>catholic kings of Spain
>it is not a meme but the real title

Even if letizia is a champaigne-commie and a stupid atheist, they need to fulfill the traditions

and wars agains the European Reform

What are your thoughts on women wearing yoga pants?

s'alright if they're doing yoga

>tfw no princess leonor lgf
wat do lads?

The bible says don't cross dress, women have to be in a skirt. Yoga pants are just pantyhose but thicker material

Fuck your habsbergurs fucj borbons trastamara is just right


Holy shit, you look like me man

Pedo niggers stay away from my daughters

she's an anorexical whore, and a liberal too

Wait, women shouldn't wear pants ever?

Beautiful girls, I hope their family prospers

No, pants have always been for men in the 1960's women wore pants because the feminist movement told them to act like men.

Please tell me someone can see this

Queen Letizia looks like smaller female version of Caitlyn Jenner

How wonderful, cute princesses too.

They're descendents of Victoria Louise of Prussia. And they look it.

the king is a pedo enabler and his father killed his own brother