Was he unmasked by Obama during routine surveillance of Assange? You know he was. That's why the catalog is filled with shilling, because we're this close to ending the Russia narrative and restoring the republic.

The world is waiting for us to make our case anons. Let's hear all the facts again. GO

Other urls found in this thread:


Can I get a quick rundown?

A few from last night


You conspiritards are making yourselves look like fools again.

Seth Rich was almost certainly killed by a pack of feral DC nogs. Whites, ecspecially alone at night, are directly targeted by them in massive numbers, it's just kept quiet.

I'm suprised Sup Forums hasn't figured this out yet.

Holy shit I've never seen as much slide threads as now. When I went to bed the front page was filled with Seth Rich threads and when I woke up not a single one was found each time I checked.

The sliding is real and heavy.



Have a bump


Serious question: why hasn't wikileaks jusc come out and tell everyone seth rich was the leaker?

Good morning,sunshine.

Panda, Panda Panda
Theme song. Hi Kanye ~~~

How true is the following info:

>An FBI forensic report of Rich's computer -- generated within 96 hours after Rich's murder -- showed he made contact with WikiLeaks through Gavin MacFadyen, a now-deceased American investigative reporter, documentary filmmaker, and director of WikiLeaks who was living in London at the time, the federal source told Fox News.


Someone was telling me that the guy who reported this has since said that he was "misquoted" and that this is untrue.

Why the fuck doesn't Assange faggot just come out and say that his source was Seth Rich?

Seth Rich was not murdered. Im so sick of this clouding up our threads! This is a fucking conspiracy! There is no proof he was murdered, Sup Forums is so gullible. He is not a hero! go back to T_D. Trump is going to be impeached and theres not a pankcakes contain 3/4 milk, but when baked down you cant taste the difference. But remember guys pancakes are made out of milk. Why is it so God damn hard for you Sup Forums fags to get this Seth Rich Conspiracy shit out of your skull!!

>Why the fuck doesn't Assange faggot just come out and say that his source was Seth Rich?

Assange is dead or in a CIA blacksite.


That would scare future leakers from coming forward. They can do everything but come out and say it but they're heavily implying it.

found the shill

Back to the depths of hell you shill.


You are about to be genocided and all you can do is shit post on Sup Forums. Sad

bump to keep shills from sliding

we know who you are friend because his name was Seth Rich.

Did he have a permit for that nose?

seth rich was murdered

No one ever posted source for that. Stop reposting shit if you don't even know what it is.

Are you living under a stone,kid?


> Assange is dead or in a CIA blacksite.

whats the proof for this?

seth rich is damage control personified

I understand, but he's dead now, imagine what damage this would do to the whole Russian narrative.


>feral niggers
>in NW Washington
Pick one and only one.


this ..... this is not proof of death. sooooooo .... proof/more info?

The proof are your consecutive, repeating numbers.


Youre a dumb nigger if you think they wouldnt steal his phone wallet and shoes. Gtfo shill kike.

Damage control of what exactly? It was always suspected he was the leaker and nobody brought forth any Russia evidence.

Are you by any chance 5 years old?

im 5 for wanting to have this claim expanded upon so i have more insight to the claim? go to bed kid

Rod Wheeler who is a former homicide detective and now a PI investigating Seth's murder:
Seth's parents thanking people. Vid was from several weeks ago:


the absolute state of nu/pol/

Sure thing,shill.I'll stop it fast af because lord shill demanded it.

The shilling last night was off the charts, and its likely to continue. We're close on this, and (((they))) know it.



I shot Seth Rich AMA

and you asked if i was 5? i think you outplayed yourself, kid

Only kids have such ways of thinking that all lettersoup agencys there are on earth wanted to kill Assange,and you demand evidence about anything that has to do with Assange.
Do you really believe they would leave a bit of evidence of what really happened?You can only look at the faked interview and use logic to determine the available options as to why would Assange want to fake the interview.
Pro tip:Assange would not want to fake an interview.You are free to draw your own conclusions about the matter.

Yes,yes.Please continue posting xp backgrounds,that was much funnier than you.


Fuck off shill.
Skepticism doesn't fit in here.
Read what said


What does this show?

Reports are saying no shells were found so probably a revolver was used. What nigger uses a revolver?


listen here you fucking derp; i didnt demand anything. i ASKED if anyone had more info backing this THEORY instead of random shit they found on r/conspiracy you fucking reeree

To get you started.

That wasn't a question Jose.

kys shill

wonder if codefag has been raped to death by roodys yet

Nice deflection away from your shit president.

We don't know the weapon type yet, nor the caliber.

Hey guys! CODEFAG here again! Are there any conspiracies you won't believe? Let's find out!

I can fit a dozen cocks in my mouth. 7/11 never happened. It was a part time job. Slushies can't melt steel beams! Boy it sure is fun to larp! Cap this!

Here's an inspired jpeg, because you'll believe anything!

It's called a 'morph cut'. Standard Premiere effect; look it up on YouTube. Literally nothing to see there.

Your fear is beautiful

Shills are starting up again


also checked

Hey dude I was just shitposting, don't blame me!

Why would I be afraid of some no-name offing himself? Retard. Both political parties are pure shit cancer.

Proof of death it is not. Proof of it not being him it is.
Check it out. I can't be fucking arsed summarize that shit for you.

Says guy who fills Sup Forums with seth rich bullshit every time when Trump causes another scandal.

lol ... oh tay

>muh shills
>get them out of my safespace mom!

Have another redpill Cletus


Thanks for the bump shareblue!

(((this was going on before russian narrative became the only thing you cared about)))

You little shit.You are like a door ram,you just dont know the wall will be much harder than you expected it to be.
Wake up,little shit.You are the result of multiple billions of years of evolution.Start acting like it and use that jelly in your head,then you wont start asking(demanding,who actually cares) about evidence in selfexplanatory cases like this.Its the biggest game available to play for humans,and you think they leave evidence lying around that some basement dweller fat fuck will post so you can have evidence they killed someone.

Wew lad, all this shilling

His name was Seth rich

I shot Seth Rich AMA

Nice vpn shareblue should your flag have derailed the thread?

His name was Seth rich

please tell me you have bleach in you're house

Life isn't written by Dan Brown you fucking autist.

I thought they stickied this shit, fucks sake

show me a single shred of evidence that Trump did anything wrong in his life ever. Honestly i'm sure he's done bad stuff, we all have, but i've yet to see any actual proof that he ever violated a single law.
investigations, accusations, inuendo, name-calling, etc, all smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that there is nothing there

someone's jeans are low and loose. you make a claim that he's dead or captured .... i ask for something to show so your claim holds water .... i guess all the buckets in Hungary have holes?

Is this alt-rights nu-logic?

Nothing protects leakers like allowing their murderers to get away with it. Not sure I buy this. But Assange's winks and hints toward it being the case are beyond obvious. I'm not sure I understand his reasons for not offering proof.

Funny how most of the shills post from another country.
Day of the rope soon my dudes...

Ever heard of proxy, dumbo?

i forget - was the apartment building explosion (((not related))) ?

is this the case the DC PD said they're investigating, but never did? err i think that was pizza parlor.

this habbening was weird as shit when it went down.

>Chelsea Manning released. next leaker gets murdered anonymously.

someday i'm going to read the whistle blower laws carefully. wonder how legalese it is for the government to invoke (((terrorism))) laws and stuff against leakers.

trumps twitter keeps asking for help finding the leaks in the intelligence community. tbqh idk how, uness someone had review oversight of the leaking agencies. would be hard for armchair /politicians/

also Trump made a typo on twitter this morning. Councel. i think it's code for coun + cell


Abbreviation of council.

idk i just wana see a big fish go through the courts like a common pot addict.

>hurr durr when arguing with alt+right I don't need to support my claims.

What's your opinion on Russian rigging our election?

Not from Spain.
We Spaniards are with the Truth which is...

You know, professional hits, especially by trained operatives, pick up the shell casings before they leave.
Of course. A revolver COULD have been used. *most* revolvers are not suitable for point blank firing.
.357 would zip right straight through the body doing minimal damage because it's not stopping and displacing it's kinetic energy.
a .44, same problem at point blank range.

This was probably a pistol, and since it's pretty obvious two shots to the back, was to hit both his lungs. That's professional work.
I'm going to guess. And screen cap this for when the information comes out, you'll see I was right. 45ACP.

>alt-rights nu-logic
>name-calling, etc, all smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that there is nothing there
thx for proving my point


Professional would not shoot just twice.

All these butthurt retards deepthroating LE GOD EMPEROR XD and all these posts. Still no proof. What an embarrassment.

>morph cut
wouldn't it make it shady it was edited in the first place?

Also Alex Jones and plenty of others have said they spoke to Julian Assange since the theories of him dying have surfaced and they all said he's alive.

Pamela Anderson was literally banging him while visiting. I don't think he's dead.

No you dense fuck,we call the buckets with holes colanders.

>get college degree
>network hard
>end up spending your days on a taiwanese fishing meetup imageboard shilling for a dollars a day
