Former dumpledrumpf here, not going to lie it's felonious watching scoops brashly yearn, but wearily, we can't let this flomp get the dingleberries
running out of ideas huh.
also sage
Not even remotely powerful
More along the lines of cancerous.
Ffs this thing was already considered unoriginal in 80's.
looks like someone is mad?
lmao liberals sure love a good old fashioned Red Scare when it fits their agendas.
>narrative turn
>believe own lies
>because spam
delete double threads
heres my filter list
two faced cunts
Considering what demoshits did to Russia in the 90s, Russia has more than enough reason to glass america, except that would lead to it getting glassed too.
oh cool, tetris made the cover of time magazine!
Does Putin in this picture look like happy merchant?
t. Cambridge Five
>White house
>turning into a church
american education
Your average American doesn't know what the Kremlin actually looks like
Cunt. You think Russians enjoyed living under USSR? They fucking worshiped the west by late 80s. The only reason there is any nostalgia is because they were proven absolutely right, that the Kiked west is not a friend, and as soon as they let their guard down (which is an oppressive dehumanizing regime, but at least it was its own) they get fucking raped and pillaged instead, because they will forever remain the outsider and boogeyman like they have always been.
But that doesn't make sense. Putin doesn't rule from church.
Really makes you drink.
What's going on with this lingo lately? I've seen it more. Are people satiring the shills or have they developed their own code like when we started calling niggers googles and such?
gay as fuck by demented sickos desperately grasping the last drops of influence they can
This picture represents a re-unification of western and eastern European ideas and progression.
Trump has done more to alleviate post-Cold War tensions in less than a year than the US in decades.
Say what you like, this is actually a pretty cool cover. The white house and the kremlin are both aesthetic on different ends of the spectrum.
It's just retardation from minds that are actively devolving back into infancy.
ffs it's a church you morons
really made my sputnik go beep beep
Because they are heretics
Friendly reminder TIME is out of touch and always get it wrong.
Russia is a powerful country but it seems fraudulent to imply that Russia is some sort of power on equal footing to the US that is capable of undermining its entire political system. Seems to me like a way to ramp up cold war sentiments. But what do I know.
what a fucking joke
holy crap, they actually photoshoped-out those christian crosses
If all this turns out to be a huge sham, I am collecting every single piece of propaganda from the news, pop culture, and democrats and make a giant poster so we have physical proof of their treason
>centuries-old governmental administrative office becomes centuries-old religious building
lel they removed crosses
excellent observation. putin is pimping a state church. see pirate bay doc 'putin's family values'
Yeah, would probably offend some religious groups.
The rest wouldn't recognise the church anyway because who cares, it looks like balalaika and bears.
they should rerun the meltdown cover, it fits now, and would be poetic justice
the white house is becoming St Basil's ? Is Trump establishing an Orthodox Theocracy?
>The white house and the kremlin
Asutralian education everybody.
>Russia is a powerful country
Nope. How the fuck can we influence most powerful country's elections when we can't even influence our own elections? Pooteen always wins. We have economy smaller then Italy. People here are poor as dirt.
What a bullshit, it turned into a synagogue so long ago.
Building this in rise of nations gives super attrition and commerce caps along with a free spy, so yeah
(((They))) really want WW3 bad for some reason
It is powerful tho. Close your eyes as you want but the reality is clear.
Kremlin is in the white house.
Also nice that they removed the crosses.
Fuck religon!
I don't know how they reconcile the view that Putin has carried out a crypto-annexation of the US with the facts:
1. Russia is a poor, borderline third-world shithole; and
2. Russia, until 8 November 2016 basically wasn't regarded as a relevant threat by liberals.
If Russia were capable of so easily subverting the entire US political system, democracy in America wouldn't be worth anything anyway.
Jew, anti Christian
It's going to be real powerful when Trump is cleared. I hope he and Sessions are sharpening their axes now.
>2. Russia, until 8 November 2016 basically wasn't regarded as a relevant threat by liberals.
Then why the hell they moved their army to our border for last 10 years?
Using Russia as a scapegoat for what is really happening in the USA will not work. Ignoring reality is a bad idea. More liberal conspiracy theories.
That's fucking New Zealand you fucking uneducated cock sucking slav.
That was somewhat of my point, Russia seems capable of holding its own and projecting power into Syria and the Crimea. Unfortunately this does not mean that the Russian people as a group of individuals are powerful they lack both political power and material wealth though Russians unfortunately have so long as there has been a Russia. Russian power seems to be enabled by possessing a nuclear arsenal, and having an autocratic elite that keeps the people and any political threats at a distance from possessing any real power. But it is hard to see how Russia could've seriously influenced American politics to the point where it put a puppet in power or what ever it is the news is trying to imply because while Russia is powerful, in that it is something to be taken seriously by the world, it doesn't seem to come close to what the US is capable of in terms of influencing world politics through its economic, military and diplomatic might. This is of course speculation and there are more points to bring up and explore but I hope this gets my point across.
like it matters
They couldn't even illustrate the crosses. Why would they omit that? Would it hurt the feelings of the anti trump snowflakes? Who is even buying into this dumb Red Scare 2.0?
Same thing, abo nigger subhuman