Brit/pol/ FAGS OUT edition

>5 days left to register to vote

>BBC empirically biased against Labour

>Politicians face investigation over abusing data harvested and sold from social media

>LibDem manifesto: Ganja YES, Brexit NO, Tampons FREE

>Scot Labour threatens councillors for fraternising with the enemy

>Grime artists support Corbyn, rave planned before election

>Wages can't keep up with inflation: Stagflation since 2008

>Man charged with terrorism for not handing over passwords at airport

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyone know what these are?

last reminder to vote Conservative and Unionist, senpais...

>EU courts
>free movement
>not in single market

I can't think of any more.


But this is probably the easiest election in years to convince people to agree with you about Tories being evil bastards who are bad for the country. It's easier than ever to demonise them, highlight their incompetence and point to Labour's high concept populist policies.

I wonder if anyone ever seriously texted the number on those vans.

He could just pay the lad a couple of million to convince him to stop being a fudge-packer

no freedom of movement
no overruling of UK laws
no compulsory payments to EU

thats all i got

>Plaid cymru
Apart from UKIP why no British or English part

It's obviously a principle thing.

No way he'll get awarded anything it would set a very dangerous precedent.

>That bald


>this election is now a choice between (((International Socialism))) and (((Globalist Capitalism)))

Honestly have no idea who to vote for. I guess its whether I'd rather whitey was removed fast but (((they))) make less money or whitey removed slower but (((they))) make more money.


>whitey removed slower

is he /ourguy/?

Yes. Slower being the key word.

Who else /Corbyn/ here?

The English and England have typically dominated politics, the economy, and culture in the UK in general. There's never been a need for an English party because English interests always dominated. At least not until everyone else got their devolved shit and special shit and now get to vote on shit that only affects England and run roughshod over them when they can.


>However, skilled immigration should not be a way for government or business to avoid
their obligations to improve the skills of the British workforce. So we will double the Immigration Skills Charge levied on companies employing migrant workers, to £2,000 a year by the end of the parliament, using the revenue generated to invest in higher level skills training for workers in the UK.



Why are there no solid English only parliaments movements?

How is it fair the Scottish can vote on things that effect England, but not vice versa? even if the Scottish MP's don't out of principle, they potentially could and that is completely unfair.


>tfw no Scouse spouse

This is some high tier autism lad, reign it in a bit

So Labour must be gutted, no fuckers listening to them.

I thought the guy on the left was the father and the rightmost picture the son.



Does Sup Forums ever feel guilty that their close ties with r/TheDonald and their behaviour during the US electiond has brought over huge amounts of autistic nu-male Reddit immigrants over to Sup Forums that have essentially ruined every single other board.

Remember how fun Sup Forums and Sup Forums used to be? They are both filled with r/TheRedPill subscribers now, who think if they take cold showers, do squats and EMBRACE THE ALPHA they will be able to get their ex's back.

How well/shit will the Lib Dems will do in the election?

There's no difference in speed mate. It's the same time frame for both groups. If anything the Tories are worse because they will lie about reducing it where as Labour won't.

Would you rather your enemies admit they want to kill you or have them sneak a knife in your back?

Lose seats hopefully

Ignore that extra will

blackpill shills WILL attack this

They'll gain vote share but lose seats

labour are just even worse

>Most successful multi-racial, multi-cultural

that must suck to live in a country with blacks so your women knows how superior their dicks are.

Well we've already had the bender-free bakery case, I'm sure in time we'll get to a point were poofter inheritance is guaranteed

YouGov poll has Labour up to 32% and the Tory lead down to 13%.

Enlighten us then, this is a safe space Slovenia.

Prince William would like to have a private word with you

who do you vote for if you're a woman?

Not more than it does to live in a country with Slavs.


Don't need to, it's the equivalent of proposing a burka ban - pure vanity project.

No,why? The sadits are just fresh blood for the blood god. If the other boards can't cut it, Fuck em.

Hello Texas. Looks like your star fell off

>quietly supports anti-semitism in the labour party
>wants british industries and services to be run by british people and not sold off to foreigners
>hates the eu

he is absolutely /our guy/

Voting labour because I'm in a tory stronghold and no UKIP.

Also would prefer to be cucked willingly rather than by that snake May.

If you think she will deliver a Brexit in which we wanted you're mistaken lads

Women voting is haram

>who do you vote for if you're a woman?

you don't, you get back in the kitchen.

Nothing to do with us in Brit/pol/, blame the /ptg/ autists and kek LARPers.

Why bother asking, you're not a woman.

Conservatives. Labour has proven they'll look elsewhere so long as they get votes, doesn't matter how many white girls and children get raped in response plus they're blairite commies. Lib dems are suiciding faster than Labour and the other parties are worthless. UKIP served their purpose, just the SNP's fuckery to be concerned with.

Prince William married a crypto-jewess, Not my prince anymore, nor is George because he's a jew now as well.

Harry's getting frisky with a jew as well

>the British royal throne will be sat in by a jew in your children's life time

what a dark timeline

>mfw i ruined ur sikrit club

>be Labour voter
>see a poll asking how the Tories will be funding their proposals
>hmm, better check that out before I respond
>*searches for Tory manifesto*
>*sees it's 88 pages long*
>*clicks "the media won't tell me"*

For an obese midget she is actually very pretty.

t. living on 200euros a month

>tfw right wing Irish nationalist in NI

Who the fuck do I vote for lads

But May herself has covered up covered up child abuse, so...

I'm more woman than you though

average black dick 10 inch
average white dick 5 inch
average depth of vagina 10 inch
idk but white women were clearly made for BBC and its only way to sexualy satisfy them

On how Tories will fund their manifesto pledges:

Tax rises: 6%
Welfare cuts: 9%
No-one knows as the media doesn't ask: 85%

YouGov (May 16)

Do you want a united Ireland or want to remain British?

Didn't you hear? They just found more money, everything will be fine.


>Irish nationalist in NI
Vote for the 'jump into a lake with 500lbs of concrete chained to your ankles' party

And is your vagina being satisfied enough with black cock?

Continue on with your story Croatia.

>tfw almost 30 and considering moving to the country

Czech posters need to leave brit/pol/ shoo slav

With the giant PR team the royals must have, I have no idea how no-one has said to the Wills to just buzz it down. He looks fucking ridiculous.


Listen you faking cant!

>and is a marxist

he is not /ourguy/

Hey guys


That's true, but doesn't mean you're a woman.

>average depth of vagina 10 inch

Maybe she won't, but she will lay the foundation's for future development. Brexit is just the beginning. Our future will be our own to decide. Not eventual absorbing by a Frankenstein state.

I'm more of a man than you'll ever be and more of a woman than you'll ever get.


>For too long, power in Britain has been centred in London. This means opportunity has centred in London too. It is time major cities around Britain shared in the government of the United Kingdom. For our civil service and major cultural bodies to claim to be UK institutions, they need to represent and be present across our whole United Kingdom. It is also wrong that while some of our major cultural institutions have made efforts to gain a presence across the UK, others have not.

>We will put this right. Starting with the UK Government’s arm’s-length bodies, we will start moving significant numbers of UK Government civil servants and other public servants out of London and the south-east to cities around the UK. We will ensure that senior posts move too, so that operational headquarters as well as administrative functions are centred not in London but around Britain. And we will do so in a way that encourages the development of new clusters of public services, private businesses and, where appropriate, universities. We will proceed on the same basis with the arts and cultural organisations that give our United Kingdom such strength. Channel 4 will remain publicly owned and will be relocated out of London, and we will work with the nation’s most eminent museums and galleries to ensure their works and expertise are shared across the country.

Went out for lunch, reading through the manifesto now, can anyone break down all the fuckery that happened during the launch?
Any new walking memes raise their heads?

>Irish nationalist
How about fuck off?

Sorry, forgot to make my comment

Why do all british pornstars seem to love BBC?

CULTURAL marxism is our enemy, plain old economic marxism is fine

no it's not you fucking retard commies need to be thrown off helicopters

Yes our future where we have no privacy and the internet is heavily restricted. At least some random people can get better trade deals though right?

English Democrats, the meme ukip black man defected to them last year I think.

>average depth of vagina 10 inch


You tell yourself that mate. It might stop you killing yourself at 30.

Probably won't though.

This Conservative manifesto is pretty based so far senpais.

>commies need to be thrown off helicopters

no, kikes need to be thrown off helicopters

Do the Falklands vote in our elections lads?

How do things work down there?

I hate to agree with the abbo, but all Marxism needs to be destroyed.

Already over 50% tax, can`t go much higher. Neither party can`t keep removing freedom 1% at a time like slicing meat. If it goes up again I will either leave, or work less and meme more.

t. nonce

That's different, no one can force you to have your will a certain way.