Redpill us with some infographics.
What's is Sup Forums's favourite conspiracy theory?
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Communism advocates for atheism except for (((them))) - helping white christian genocide.
Trump is in bed with the Russians.
Haarp causes earthquakes
Whats that
wtf is this?
Unlimited clean and free energy has been invented and is being surpressed by big oil. I don't even see this as a theory though.
It's a picture of what they're aim for with the spirit cooking/ human sacrifice/torture
The Russians killed Chris Cornell
Tianjin explosion was US retaliation for OPM hacks. They announced they would retaliate then a week later that happens.
it's real.
In this one, you can see the victim on a table, the arrows suggest either movement or energy transfer. I haven't bother to try and decode the letters yet. Outside of that you can see a person in a cage, a child being hanged, being burned, being fucked by a dog, children drowning ("They'll be in that pool for sure" - wikileaks) three serpents, various tortures.
A little bit but not completely
Good one. OPM hack was serious shit and (((nobody))) gave a fuck.
Antarctica and the Fallen Angel being studied.
>pol's favorite conspiracy
OP is always a faggot.
world leaders/elites are satanists
---bohemian grove world leaders gather to do sacrifices
---"skull and bones club"
---US presidents all related
---rothschilds own every central bank in the world, and control the world
all of them follow satan, some call him lucifer and think he is god. - luciferians.
i could go on, but knowing more wouldn't matter.
God has made a way of escape in Jesus Christ, all who believe and trust in him will be saved.
This one is a little more interesting if you ask me. You can see the torture/kill room and the soul leaving the body after death and moving into what seems to be an ocean of souls of the victims. From there it moves into a realm of astrological symbols, and what seems to be a geometric shape resembling the alignment of the chakras (I need someone to help me clarify this part) Then it moves into union with some sacred text and lastly to what is presumably, heaven ( for them).
This shit is real, human torture and sacrifice have been around forever. It was here before us and it'll be here after us. This is what is meant by the eternal struggle of good and evil. Any other 'conspiracy theory' is just a far off tendril of this central conflict
more satanic leaders
>tin hat pic
no thanks, take your slide thread with you.
pic related isnt really a conspiracy because we know it's true
the most hardcore fringe conspiracy i know of is that the government doesnt want it's citizens to have guns so they cant stand up for themselves against said government
good and evil is not a struggle, the freemasons believe in the black and white, yin and yang, the two pillars coming together bullshit
God is all powerful, and good, and has won forever by Jesus death, redeeming billions from sin and death.
Satan cannot win now, his time is short, all he will do is kill and destroy while he still can.
If tech that isn't public is really 20-30+ years ahead, then the singularity event is less than 30 years away.
We are likely summoning autistic robot people as we speak in labs.
>We are likely summoning autistic robot people as we speak in labs.
We Second Renaissance nao.
I hope you're right, my sweet upsidedown friend
the 1960s counterculture was engineered by the CIA and it fractured the psyches of the earlier generation and made them open to all sorts of faggotry and thanks to them we have trannies, unlimited debt, unlimited LEGAL immigration, and Jew overlords. If you go back you can blame the fabian society and tavistock but that shit was just a pretext to MKULTRA
pic related is another rabbit hole you can go down and I can explain the importance of Cernokikes tricks if anyone wants to know more
Some entity or organization is creating lots of shitty conspiracy theories, like flat earth or that 9/11 didn't happen period, so that when a real conspiracy theory comes out, people are less likely to believe it as they equate it to the funded crackjob's conspiracy theory.
How close do you think I am with my interpretations? Any idea what that Fuller-esque shape on the second pic is?
>autistic robot people
We used to have em at our r9k until the norm is invaded.
ever noticed the black and white checker floors in many mainstream music videos? or a black and white theme?
the floors are also all black and white checkered in free manson temples.
This makes people think they can be "good enough" to get to heaven, as long as their 'good' outweighs their 'bad'. heaps of propaganda is pushed through movies and tv shows etc
they also have the twin pillars, which is a whole other catacomb of esoteric knowledge
Steel beams can be melted using a variety of liquids. Foremost among them, breast milk.
haarp controls the weather and they use it to bring radiation from fukushima to compton and dump it on black people there
Interesting. Probably the same reason I hate ska.
So it's the integration of the [good v. evil] motif that causes division, separation, and strife?
Don't forget Flint, Michigan. HAARP fucked up the water pipes there.
read the pics i posted before
the division comes from (them) pushing identity into politics, keeping us divided and hateful keeps us from learning anything.
george soros himself funded BLM, among other groups and people he has paid to protest.
check out this video too
thanks for the redpills
also, someone in that spooky face threads found out about satelite which is headed towards saturn. they want to blow it up or something. do you guys know anything about it?
That hollywood rags were originally sponsored to distract people from the world and politics, and they still have old celebrities on standby to die in case there's a major news story they want to slide.
That Bilderberg members are a bunch of globalists trying to build a one world government.
also pushing identity into politics, pushes economics out of politics; so people dont give a shit if hillary took money from saudi arabia, where her money goes, how she dodged millions in taxes by funelling money through the clinton foundation
and no one cares about what trumps gunna do to change the american economy, they only care about his race/identity/appearance
at least no one who's not manipulated anyway
>Don't forget Flint, Michigan. HAARP fucked up the water pipes there.
nah that was just lazy greedy democratic legislation, which attacked just as many white people by the way
The elites are pushing for open borders to bring about globalism; making it easier to rule all of us. Then comes the microchips in our right hands or foreheads, and then death camps/starvation for those who don't want to be chipped.
It will temporarily be a libtard paradise, as they live off the work of the people in the camps.
I've been down many rabbit holes; only about 25% have been dead ends though.
my favourite is one where pol claims bbc is a myth when its clearly not... if ever watched your girl with a black man you know
The arctic was a massive giant wall stretching for miles on end. Governments don't want people going beyond that since the area is unexplored.
believe the opposite of what he says.
monsanto roundup banned in many countries along with monsanto GMO's. linked to cancer.
Growth hormones in milk are turning the fucking frogs gay
I just finished the Patterson book on Epstein. I couldn't put it down despite the fact that there was so little information to get on him. Please, go on.
Nukes pretty much like the holocaust, are fake.
All of this lineage testing shit is just a way to get people to gene bank themselves for easy global tracking, identification, and then elimination with gene weapons.
flat earthers, cant decide if there complete retards or master trolls
>elimination with gene weapons.
like AIDS, EBOLA, SARS and the latino one ZIKA
flat earth is disinfo to keep people away from looking into antarctica but they didn't count on flat earth becoming a way for people to keep their trolling muscles in shape
What's up with antarctica?
this is woke af too many ppl ride their dicks when they are obviously CIA assets in a limited hangout operation
30%- Secret military installations running since ww2
30%- Ruins of lost advanced civilation
30%- Entrance to hollow earth
10%- All three