Why are Americans so fucking dumb?
Former troglodyte here, not going to cry it's palladium watching scrimp pimple dip, but in all fairness we can't let this lego get the nuclear eggo
>Gets retweeted a million times because lol spelling
>Gets seen by literally everyone with a twitter, including people who aren't foaming at the mouth over two scoops
Like a finely tuned fiddle
Wait do people actually think Trump is typing these tweets out himself lol
Most people would know how to spell that (i did and im shit at english), and everyone else would check spellcheck
known strategy of his to get retarded shills like you to pay attention to, and share his tweets. He even wrote about it.
Get fucked for falling for his bait.
no scoops in prison reddit shills
Bump lol
File: jail5shareblue.png
guess who's back. Back again. Hildogs back. Tell a friend.
He's a phoneposter
He's the fucking president have some god damn standards reddit
thanks for that
answer is no you lost, your bs doesn't work here. and even normal people know at least 90% of mainstream media is bullshit. what now? you can't assassinate everyone...
America has always been a very puritanical country ruled by aristocrats, this let up a little during the 60s only to come back in full force during the 80s, 90s and then full-police state post 911.
In America, the government routinely ruins any real political opposition, financially and socially. Most americans have no idea how corrupt the military industrial complex (the individuals really running the show) because they are fine not paying attention and just focusing on their "careers"/money. We literally live in a satanist police state people
>Getting baited by this
this reply is for the post 126015700 below
are you even trying?
or above, either way. i am done handing out (you)'s. You're gonna have to find another way Fischbein
Because ((((conservatives)))) actively try to compromise the quality of our educational system.
So is he upset that Obama and Hillary weren't oh usher for their perceived crimes or did he just admit that he's committed crimes and finds it unfair he's getting in trouble for his but O and H didn't for their perceived crimes
Losers Together
>Get involved, even run for office. Never actually win of course, but you know, run. Oh and organize.
>If I say Trump did something wrong, he did
>If it's proven Obama and Hillary did something wrong, it's all A CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!
Oh honey, oh sweetiepie, try the other way around
>not knowing the hottest new meem
wtf i hate trump now
Wow. That is literally the strategy that I attempted to use when punished in early grade school. It never worked. "Muh those other people" never works, and it is amazing that he has reached age 70 without learning that.
>Google Image Search: 0 Results
Nice fucking try, shareblue shill.
Who the fuck in America talks like that? Eat shit and die mother fucker
>And yes, taking walks in the woods
A Seth Rich style walk in the woods would be the best option for her
Seriously though, how long before Trump can start with the assassinations?
Probably would have been good to avoid pissing off the entire intel community if he wanted to do some 31337 secret ass shit.
King nigger could have killed children and the fake news would have praised him for it. Donald Trump hasn't done anything wrong. Get outta here liberal scum.
>could have killed children and the fake news would have praised him for it.
>did kill children and the fake news praised him for it.
So...hes still president even in jail? Lolol what a fucking stupid picture
president of picking up soap
Stop bullying me: the tweet