Why does everyone hates us?
Why does everyone hates us?
Because you are sand niggers who rape and destroy.
You keep leaking.
that happens to castrated cats
tell me ONE good thing about this shithole
hardmode: no food
sultan tayipp
Lots of black propaganda over here to cast China as the potential next big bad guy, if Russia tanks or something the jewluminati need a new specter to keep the goyim scared and fighting, instead of coming after them
You savages attacked Amerifats the other day
I don't think about you at all actually.
I don't hate all Turks, pic related
just most
That's a big kitty
I don't hate you roach. ;)
Kitty so fat!!! I want to rub it's belly!
ask the Greeks
only your pastries are great, rest is average to ugh
admit armenian genocide
whats wrong with conquest? Cultural assimilation?
I don't like your leader, akp and bozkurtlar.
I am on the side of the Kurds
You were already told in /sg/, it's because you supported IS financially.
Also I personally hate Turkey because the majority support Erdocunt
I always get my hair shaved by cool Turks who aren't mudslime. They like to get drunk too. They're always smiling and happy and interested in my after shave. I like their funny accents and garbled English. They are terrific barbers.
You're probably mudslime with that flag though.
I have nothing against Turks, I don't think I ever met one that was rude to me.
However, Turkish nationalists should fuck off to Turkey and stop destroying communities in other countries.
I have no problem with turkish nationalists, until they hate the country they're in. If you don't love it, leave it.
>I supported IS
>I gave them weapons
>I bought their oil
They took Constantinople!
Is what leave behind. Constantinople, the city of wonders, the second rome, was turned into a complete fucking shithole
I won't hate if you do the following:
>Admit Armenian Genocide
>Stay the fuck out of Europe.
>Get rid of your current leader.
I want to get to space and have cool technology, not stuck in Brazil 2.0 on earth paying for your welfare.
I have no problem with you. I have a problem with political Islam, you aren't by any chance a Muslim, are you?
Because Turks have the intelligence of Indians, attitude of Arabs & smell of niggers
Imperial Palace got destroyed and Hagia Sophia got 4 minarets around it. The city stayed the same
I don't hate Turkey as a country or Turks in general, I just hate every single Turk individually.
Is that tiggo preggo?
You are ugly, smelly, brown shits, it is unpleasant to look at you. Moreover, you have no manners or respect for other people. Also, you have only two-digit IQs and often become criminals.
>be turk
>grow up in small village with extremely racist people everywhere
>become extremely racist myself
>always get invited to dumb stuff people do
>always get the gold old"yeah l hate dumb turks but you're the cool kind"
I wish l were french, this is fun stuff desu
>non white muslim comes to a christian natsoc board
>guize y u no lov???
Jesus you muslim swines are retarded
muh 150 years
There's like 40 million of your people in Europe destroying everything and starting turkish political parties like DENK.
Never liked proxyfags. Especially the "let me have an Israeli proxy so I can post unironically" fags
Turks are semitic-tier subhuman.
You are just far more degenerate and low IQ compared to Jews.
No Albanians
That's a blatant lie, it looks like all the middle eastern big cities.
Or if you meant that it still looks like the way it was conquered in the 15th century, than you are right. By being 500 years behind any european city.
As I said, the majority support Erdocunt, who in turn supported IS, so I hate the majority of Turks
Because you are muslims with constant blood thirst.
Not as much as an ounce of Godly behavior.
But are you terrific at shaving guys hair? The Turks barber shop here opens 8am - 6:30pm everyday, they like to work! Also they don't bring all of their family here.
>see roach flag
>see posts
>haha I like fucking little white children
>haha look at this dead American solider
Gee I wonder why?
Because your country is a giant shithole, that lead you to flee to the west, and when you are in a better country, not only you make it worse for everyone, but you also annoy local inhabitants with your shitty culture/behaviour that caused the country you come from to become a massive shithole.
this. i got to turk barbers near me. they are open 9am to 7pm everyday and are based
>mudslimes larping as europeans
Barbarian shitskins, threat to world stability, still no Bannerlord. The list goes on.
Finish Bannerlord and then kys yourself.
Turkey a shit that's why mate
Devshirme system, Barbary slave trade, East Slavic slave trade, Bulgarian genocide, Pontic Greek genocide, Armenian Genocide, introducing Shitslam to the Balkans, turning Haghia Sophia into mosque, having the nerve to claiming you are heir to the Roman Empire, you are brown, you smell, your females are hairy as fuck, you meddle in Syria...
>Turkey a shit
Choose one
>about to become a full arab springer caliphate
>being mudslims
>arrogant smelly cockroaches
>made a shithole of Anatolia + Constantinople
>left almost unrecognizable the Balkans
The brintbong is still right, degenerate little ape
I don't, most Turks I've meet were pretty friendly and well behaved people to be honest. Although, that might be because I look Turkish apparently, some Kebab owner kept talking to me in Turkish thinking I was just bullshiting him when I told him I was not a Turk....
I don't hold it against you, but we should resist it. It's maddening to see your people gain ground when the west could crush you in a matter of hours if the need arose. But from your perspective, it makes perfect sense.
says the westerner whose history consists of systematic rape and destruction
traitor gonna get executed soon
uncucked leader? eternal anglo?
pkk terrorists. not americans.
those who invaded and burnt down our cities during ww1? those we let live for 500+ years with their language, religion and culture?
google masonic-donme young (((turks)))
so your nationalists are ok but turkish nationalists are not ok?
says the inquisitor. the only thing survived in spain of 800 year muslim rule is alhambra and its magnificent!
easy there pinoy. do not project.
says the guy who doesnt know how to clean his ass after taking a shit.
don't forget you are also Turks HUNgary
projection again
shoo germ. your history is a history of barbarism.
You vote for a pay taxes to the people that do. Same logic your friends in Raqqa use to justify attacks on civilians.
KEBAB'D the balkans and greece, conquered constantinople and turned it into your average middle eastern shithole, shit up european cities, muslims, we wuz ottomans etc..
But really the one true source of my antipathy for roaches is how many of them live in western europe, if it wasn't for that I probably wouldn't care about them.
Because Turks fucked over Jesse Stewart
also you guy won't shut the fuck up with trying to convince people you're 'white' and european. it's sad as fuck and pathetic. bordering on unhealthy obsession.
Because if earth was a body Muslims and Turks would be a cancer tumor
>Thinking I was just bullshitting him when I told him I was not a Turk
So go back and be a racist turk in Turkey. At least that'd make sense.
Because you worship a pedophile bandit, and you opressed christians throughout your history. Not to mention, you inhabit land that is rightfully christian.
>says the guy who doesnt know how to clean his ass after taking a shit.
Yet, you need much more cleaning because you are such a hairy animal. But when you clean your ass you are still a full shit Turk.
people in turkey are generally good people.
those turks that migrate somewhere elso tho.. even 3 fucking generations after their grandparents came here they still refuse to learn the language and either make lots of children and live off child support or they start a turkish bakery or kebab shop where you can't even read the menu or talk to the cashier because everything is in turkish.. they are rude, their children are agressive and racist towards white people
pls keep your nigger tier scum within your own borders instead of sending it out into the rest of the world
You must be 18 to post on this site
>pls keep your nigger tier scum within your own borders instead of sending it out into the rest of the world
will do
Muslims bring nothing to the table but destruction
The worst culture on earth
Every civilization's history consists of systematic murder, rape, and destruction, including yours.
>when we do it it's glorious conquest and to spread civilization
>when you do it it's murder and oppression
Since you're still doing it in Europe, why shouldn't we oppose you?
first clean that ass, than talk to me. you literally stink shit.
turks conquered those lands but did not kebab them. it is them who speak of "kebab removal". if we wanted to kebab them we had 500+ years to do that. ask yourself why we didn't.
thats because you europeans don't let them coexist without assimilation. first check your behavior then shitpost about others.
lol a burger literally says that. how ironic.
Turks are not the one destroying to europe. The third world shitskin barbarians are one doing it
no leaf, not ours. only yours. you want others to be the same with you. so you can clean yourself. but they are not. the whole world knows what you did to them. including leafs genociding canadian natives. heard of kevin annett?
>Turk telling a German that his history is barbarism
My sides.
Do I even have to disprove that myself, autistic cockroach?
>They are terrific barbers.
Pretty decent, especially for the price.. I like Turkish bakeries and barbershops. Turkish politics and Turkish nationalism, not so much.
>SJWs are morons for expecting me to take responsibility for the slave trade when it took place centuries before I was even born
>Also I hate modern day T*rkroaches because of what the Ottoman Empire did centuries ago!
Your flag.
> let live for 500+ years
yeah, thanks. And you didn't let us live, ass-wipe we fought you for 500 years. Also don't sugar coat it because I still remember the stories of the girls who would throw themselves off of cliffs when the Turks were coming so they wouldn't rape them.
Go back to your Armenian Christian roots, reject your false Turk rape baby identity and pedophile God, re-establish Constantinople and we will stop hating your people
yeah you are right. It's not the best of the flags
>so your nationalists are ok but turkish nationalists are not ok?
How many Dutch nationalists have you seen waving Dutch flags in Turkish cities lately?
maybe not so much for greece, although some of them sure look like turk rape babbies, balkans are a different story though what with all the muslims and everything.
I heard Constantinople has a lot of stray cats that are remarkably groomed but I am hard pressed to find another.
>Buttfuck each other and boys, Evan the sultan is into it and proudly displays his buttfuck buddies in parades
>Your wwi era leader came to power by assassinating previous leader
>Immediately joins nazis side
>Ottoman Empire completely destroys Mideast, never recovers and turns into most destabilizing region on earth for nearly a century on end
Gee I wonder
>defending pedophilia.
As expected from a t*urk. You said nothing about him being a bandit though, but i'm sure you see no problem with that, considering your history.
>Went to Turkey
>Turks salute me as a comrade.
Fucking hell, but they're pretty diferent (light skinned & dark skinned).
because you're a bridge to Europe disguised as a democracy.
Cool fat tiger
>That there problem you had with the military and thangs.
>those we let live for 500+ years with their language, religion and culture?
You were stealing children. Fucking children.
>only yours
This is why we hate you. In Canada we at least acknowledge our past faults and try to correct them. You cannot say the same, you deny any of your crimes, past or current.
>ever hear of kevin annet?
Kek, did you just google bad parts of Canadian history and throw the first name that came up? As if you have a single care about the suffering of natives?
>thats because you europeans don't let them coexist without assimilation.
Because that's what you cockroaches are supposed to do! You go to another country, you integrate and assimilate! You don't go and bring your baby-raping and self-exploding antics to your host country! Either you fit in or GET OUT, OR BE DRIVEN OUT! Your choice, cockroach!
>Imperial Palace got destroyed and Hagia Sophia got 4 minarets around it. The city stayed the same
Yeah, buts its infested with roaches
how is this Sup Forums related?
good to know some people remember.
Tell me what's good you've done to anybody?
>says the inquisitor.
Shit they got me