Roger Ailes is dead
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Was he a jew?
Don't let the media ruin you opinion of him.
ailes more like ailed
So, what did he know and how did they kill him?
No, which explains why Fox is so bad.
>what did he know
That he was old and fat
>how did they kill him
By letting nature handle everything
kek nice one schlomo
Explains why Fox News can get slightly truthful coverage through every once in a while as opposed to saturating the airwaves with Jewish mind poison
killed because of seth rich story
Get ready for a fresh round of people spuriously claiming he molested them, since you can't defame the dead.
Body will be quickly dispositioned without autopsy.
Was it suicide driven by guilt at being such a molesting creep?
Excellent, user.
Clinton had him killed so he wouldnt speak out against the Russia investigation. Typical Clinton-Obama-Pelosa-Alinskyites.
He was such a good goy.
RIP Roger "Old Podger" Ailes. Your friends will remember you for your amazing superbowl parties. Fans will remember your breakout success as the lead singer of Savage Garden.
What makes you think everyone gets an autopsy?
let's see if this was enough to get Fox News to back off the Seth Rich story. Once the Murdoch kids get the channel it will become another MSNBC/CNN. shame
Just like with Savile, huh?
As a privileged CIS white male he'll get one.
nah, he's probably being cremated within the hour.
yep, Ailes got taken out because he supported Trump.
The Murdoch family is allied with the Judeo-Marxist Globalists and don't like that they're controlled opposition is not so controlled anymore.
This man had enemies. A post is appropriate.
>FOX News
he wasn't which is why he was targeted with bogus sexual harassment suits.
F big guy.
I still enjoy your formula of ridiculously hot, intelligent, conservative news anchors.
I don't blame you for hitting on them.