ITT:commies you respect



Fucking kill yourself.

All commies are either dirty, sexually perverted or both.


I have no respect for communists.


Sure, pic related.

Nothing respectable about a communist. I choose capitalism over standing in food-lines everyday

Communists should not be classified as human. Good communist is a dead communist.

Communist and respectable are mutually exclusive.


I respect most of the old commie leader like georges marchais


For your consideration: Stalin

> Put the "national" in "communist"
> Promised the Nazis that he would get rid of "Jewish dominion", then directed his foreign minister to "purge the ministry of Jews" - beginning a multi-decade process whereby Jews were removed from positions of power
>Forcibly relocated Jews during WWII to Siberia, where they were put in work camps
> Had his daughter's Jewish boyfriend sent to a workcamp in Siberia
> Had the Jewish leader of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee assassinated and charged much of the rest with treason
> Said "[e]very Jewish nationalist is the agent of the American intelligence service"
> Had over a dozen leading Yiddish poets executed
> Had the Jews purged from the KGB
> Took care of the internationalist kike Trotsky

Fun quotes from Marx:

> "What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money… Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist"

> "Thus we find every tyrant backed by a Jew, as is every pope by a Jesuit. In truth, the cravings of oppressors would be hopeless, and the practicability of war out of the question, if there were not an army of Jesuits to smother thought and a handful of Jews to ransack pockets."

> "Thus do these loans, which are a curse to the people, a ruin to the holders, and a danger to the governments, become a blessing to the houses of the children of Judah. This Jew organization of loan-mongers is as dangerous to the people as the aristocratic organization of landowners…"

I hate commies but I have to say, Stalin was a madman with iron will.

I only respect ho chi because he was a nationalist, not a communist

pic related

nice pic


It was impressive how he got millenials to send their parents money to him.




Dead commies

all of them post mortem
