Can I do more, to clean my country from pisslam?
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I'm a Ukrainian immigrant, living in germanistan since 2001.
Can I do more, to clean my country from pisslam?
Pic related
I'm a Ukrainian immigrant, living in germanistan since 2001.
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Germany isn't your country
Ohh :_(
Vote, pay your taxes, convert others.
redpill them on the sorrow that the Islam is not their friend no matter how the media would like to make them think so.
They are a violent cult, hanging the gay, stoning the adulterous, killing the.
Swedistan user can also shut his ugly tits, german's don't expect much but INTEGRATION and following our western model of civilization.
Herzlich Willkommen in Deutschland, mein Freund.
The fact you didn't go to fight in Ukraine when your country needed you confirms you're of no value to anyone.
I've been in the German military myself in this period, I would go to the Gail.
Danke im Grunde tue ich all das bereits, habe meine Freundin und die ganze Familie redpilled.
Also I don't hate Russia and I realize the territory they fight is their.
Kek I mean jail of course
Are you a German citizen? I'm not allowed to vote and have lived here for 4 years now.
What do you mean your country? You are a fucking immigrant you arent German.
Where are you from?
Yes I am. I have a German grandfather.
Also my mother married a German.
why are you not in ukraine for the fighting coward?
Du warst also einer von den die es schafften die AfD auf 7,4% und die Linke auf 4,9% zu bringen, OP.
Hab den AfD Stellvertreter gegooglet. NRW, richtig?
Read the thread
also if you hate Muslims why don't you go to Syria to fight isis?
Go back to Ukraine, you dirty gopnik.
this will be the most futile of elections, honestly.
Knarvik in nordhordaland near Bergen, Norway.
Its surreal that refugees get to vote and I don't.
Yes, Gott sei Dank haben es die scheiß Linken nicht bis zur Hürde geschafft.
Do refugees get to vote? Wtf?
Abandon ship while you can. Germanistan is doomed...and so is my country since we've always been German Arabia's little bitch. Where Germany goes, so do we. Very sad.
Ich habe keine Ahnung wie sie das geschafft hat. Soviele Linke Ratten in NRW. But also a FUCK LOT of turks and other arab rape babies, who all vote CDU now since the Merkelnator still wants more shitskins.
(fyi I didnt even vote. Im waiting for this whole shitshow to crumble)
Ich redpille
Du redpillst
Er/Sie/Es/Xer redpillt
>Bündnis Grundeinkommen
fucking kill it
Hab genauso gewählt. Wo bleibt mein Lob? ;_;
Who else will defend Germany from mudshits, since the westerners don't breed?
Also I'm more white than the most bong's I've seen in London.
You can't help Germany through election.
Merkel ruined their country and still leading in the polls, in no other country could this be possible.
Tuller ikke. Jeg så flyktninger fra senteret gå Inn I valglokalet of komm ut smilande med en kvittering.
Only people who pay taxes should be allowed to vote.
I haven't seen a single Dutch women with a Arab in Enschede, you guys are still fine.
Dude you have to vote 0.0
Helt sykt. Hvor i Tyskland bor du? Er det my verre der enn her i Norge?
Yeah I know, it's like the Germans want their country to be destroyed
>Deutsche kommunistiche Partei at the bottom
I hate Islam more than anything.
I had to choose from like 15+ parties.
I could also take the pensioner party..............
>immer noch in deutschland
choose demokratische burger deutschland to be more free like america
Nær Kiel. Jeg har ikke ord hvor mye jeg hater tyskland. De fortjener utryddelse.
Dont consume american media
Embrace old school german customs
Support local german owned businesses over foreign ones
Speak out when you have
Hvorfor bor du der?
Og veldig få folkegrupper fortjener utryddelse ass
As a immigrant I would even fight for Germany against Islam.
I will not run like rapefugees do.
If I would have children, I would simply sand them away with my wife to somewhere safe like Poland
He has no country he's from Ukraine
...", said the Anglo
>defending germany
You have to go back!
I never eat Döner, I've always prefer bratwurst.
Also I've redpilled my family and my gf.
Do you have any more ideas?
He is a European, so any European country is his country.
Now you on the other hand, need to get your black ass back to Somaliland.
>make a difference
Pick one
How many black Somali dicks has your sister sucked today Sven?
It's time for a Russo-American crusade of Europe
Can any Germanbro give me a short idea of who the other parties listed are?
Aufbruch C seems like a christian conservative party.
BGE look like dreamy socialist parasites.
DBD??? ADD???
>Do you have any more ideas?
Target german teenagers (legal ones) like the kebabs do and groom yourself a wife because you wont find one 20+ that isnt fucked up
It should be listed somewhere, give me a minute.
Go to "Parteien und Kandidaten" section
What do you? Fighting them?
What are you doing to make a difference?
Shitpost on pol?
Konsulent for et norsk rederi. Tjener like mye som I norge men har mye mindre utgifter. Lever veldig godt for å si det sånt.
Tyskland er så råttent det er ikke tvil im at den eksister ikke I sitt nåværende form om 50 år. Folk er oppgitt men tor ikke å tenke på å gjore en forskjell. Alt du gjor og alt du sier skal være sosialt akseptabel ellers så kommer Antifa Eller PETA Eller hvem som helst etter deg.
Råttent selskap tvers gjennom.
I want to understand ;_;
Faller Tyskland så er det over og ut for oss også vil jeg tro.
"Germany is so rotten that I don't doubt it will seize to exist as it is in 50 years"
>"Germany is so rotten that I don't doubt it will seize to exist as it is in 50 years"
Germany will be the next France for sure but they will still exists, I'm pretty sure
Shitposting unironically goes future than voting
You can't just get rid of islam, because you simply can't get rid of a religion. But you CAN save your country and the rest of Europe. This is what you should do: Go to the nearest place where newly-arrived regufees are housed. Become a volunteer, educate them in the German language and learn them to respect women, homosexuals and the law. Teach them the value of hard work, education, history and kindness. Make sure they become model citizens, like you wanted all German people would act. You can't get rid of evil, but you can help make the world better by actually doing something instead of telling others to hate. Evil is a choice, I know so many kind and intelligent immigrants, and so much dumb leechy "kill all refugees" white trash. Evil or good is not in race, it is in environment, culture and education.
>He is a European, so any European country is his country.
Amerishart detected. Nice proxy
>Working with Muslims
no thanks