Daily reminder that the most beautiful women in the world are all Jewish.
>but muh blue eyes/blonde hair
You can't stick your dick in a hair follicle or an eyeball, faggot.
Daily reminder that the most beautiful women in the world are all Jewish.
>but muh blue eyes/blonde hair
You can't stick your dick in a hair follicle or an eyeball, faggot.
Other urls found in this thread:
Hello rabbi.
>muh models
All races have good looking models, what matters is what the average woman looks like
And most Jew women look like over grown goblins
There's a difference between finding blonde hair blues eyes beautiful and wanting to stick your penis in their eye.
I challenge you to find any women more desirable than these three.
>protip: you can't.
No, Just no. Japanese/Korean Men and Women are the most beautiful race. Jews are ugly with big noses, nappy hair, and ugly lips. I would rather fuck an Asian Dude than a Jewish woman.
Korea = surgery lies
Stop falling for the memes.
Are you fucking gay
>You can't stick your dick in an eyeball
That's what you think.
> jewish
> Beautiful
Putting those two together is a oxymoron.
>kike blood
You forgot how brie looks like absolute shit these days.
Doesnt change the fact they jews are parasites. I've seen people have rats as pets that are well groomed and clean. They're still rats though. Stop promoting degeneracy and maybe you wont be kicked out of the West..... again!
She looks like a shit tier cam tranny
For tinny jewish dick.
No, But if given the choice between an Asian man and a Jewish woman I would choose an Asian man. I am Jewish, an Italian Jew and I know we are an ugly race, no need to hide it.
Those are 5/10 at best.
>Implying Jews don't have surgery to fix their ugly noses
Almost all of the middle east, North Africa, and Southern Europe are filled with hideous people
Asuka nice, you a Kike.
Clearly Padme in the middle, but who are the 2 jews on the sides?
All that nice brunette hair would make a great blanket.
Right is alison brie (who aged like milk) and left looks like the chick who's playing wonder woman (not sure though).
All the better for jewish girls to be BLACKED
Portman is fucking ugly and always has been.
Rest are filed under 'nothing special'
Didn't they all used to be women?
Hmm... an eyeball fetish... this is certainly unheard of.
alison brie has always been my kiketonite
i don't care what ethnicity you are if you look like that
Jewish women have the potential to be really beautiful because they have a lot of money they can spend on operations. Also these can easily be blown out by most scandinavian girls
No thanks
Oy vey! Shut it down!
Oy fuckin' vey!
are you saying their vaginas are attractive becas if eyes and hair dont matter what are you looking at?
??? who?
Stupid Redditfag
Learn how the fuck to use Sup Forums or leave.
i, for one, prefer our women
>jews are ugl-
Fuckin Raysist
Show your low towards immigrant women.
You produce some of the best cow women in the world.
you will never have a jewish qtie gf :'(
what is a cow women
why even live?
This isn't political...
>You are not a kike shi-
dash and everything. Proxy kike, take a look at this, pushing racemixing with niggers and kikes. Reminder this is what kikes do, its in their blood to fuck our society up and try to wipe us out. They must be dealt with.
wow man i hate kikes as much as the next guy, but they do have some godnesses.. granted they are far and few between
No good jews. You dont belong.
jews are trash
>you dont belong
why are you being so mean leaf? :(
big breasts makes men happy.
its a great thing
Also thats a Russian jewess reaction face. Typical kike shill, you cant trust me goy, why so mean?
The kike cries out in pain as he strikes you.
The greatest tactic against cultural Marxist multicultural pushers is using their propaganda against the (((home base))) via the same tools: SJWs. Watch how fast they get nervous. Play the part. Be the hypocritical racist. Be the SJW. Culture is a war and a game.
have you no respect for the memory of the 6 GAZZILION that died?!
>jewish controlled media tricks him into thinking the most beautiful women are jewish
oh boy.
this how do we make this happen. If anyone knows a Jewish girl introduce her to a good looking nigger and uptalk him like crazy
>tfw no israeli gf
You're right OP.
This is a dime.
>tfw no jewish gf
dont forget
dont forget
dont forget
dont forget
dont forget
dont forget
sssaaagggeee-ing ^^
p-please don't sage me :(
>And you are, mesieur ?
: I am the Maquis de Sage!
uh lala. jewty beauty just look at that
thx greek fag for crashing thread
new lullaby:
dont forget to
....sage this thread
....sage this thread
....sage this thread
don't forget to
....sage this thread
sa-age it to ob-liv-vion
Not gonna lie would definitely procreate with the left 2
youre welcome you. fucking leafe whore
once upon a time ...
put a few jews on the line
aim.. fire .. boom- boom!
this thread :
jewish girls remain the most beautiful
>Daily reminder that the most beautiful women in the world are all Jewish.
more like: pushed into public view by Kikewood
the Jew wants the ideal of beauty to be defined as Jewish facial features
you meant fuck didn't you?
take a blond whitess into bed (caucasians only)
jews blax ricey slides,
shot on sight,
hoho my sides
It's their germanic genes that makes these women beautiful
Normal Amy was a real qt
just love to shit on slider threads kikeware, or otherwise intended
Pirates on Corsair s,
dogs of the Chan
keep saging these threads till they lose all the fun
sure kike, just as a cutie as this combojew combucha
dont foret
Second from right is qt
Good job, you found the three attractive women th Jewish race has ever produced.
She's one of my favorite actresses
did we all sage our optioooons field ?
frum karate
> lmeo
forgot about her. beautiful
did you remember sageing baltosnigger ?
baltos (greek) : swampland
baltic (greek) :adj. 'swamp related'
check out this actress
lel, gotta sage thém all ! pocketjews
>jew humor 'self-sarcäsm'
/sagey/ !
It suddenly struck them the white human would get vicious when annoyed.
And they remembered, it all came back . Torture, savage killing, expulsions, executions, forced conversions, and the white man's favorite . Setting their people on fire.
A noble race and exalted one but wicked when annoyed by other races. The kike gasped, they have thousands of silos filled with solid nuclear fire, they will burn us all .
And the heavens smiled because it was not only probable but also very likely.
pic is a futureburn kikes , with spawn