Iconic and powerful photos thread

iconic and powerful photos thread


me too user, me too


Is she a quadroon? I'd cum in her pussy, if you catch my drift.




sargent peper






more /fit/ related

That photo of based Mel
Iconic: No not really
but powerful: well, once again, no
but I like it and it is a good little picture


i feel bad for him
i guess i was blessed with my height



Where is that photo of that bin on fire?

What's her name?

What came of this, were the charges dropped when they seen the crowd encircled them and the snowflake attacked first and got BTFO?




i want to milk venti's ventis

Brittany Venti

>old pol
>pictures of hitler
>pictues of other nazis
>stalin, qaddafi etc.

>nu-Sup Forums
>see thread

fuck off t_d

Is it just me or does she look like a light skinned nigger in this pic?


I don't know what would be worse, being a manlet or a black guy.

>tfw no hot police daddy to arrest me

stop whining and post hitler

How much she charge per hour to polish my knob?




probably a manlet


I really really like this one


Kebab being removed.


its cuz she is. in the blood there somewhere.

Average dinaric height is like 6'/185 cm, so i'd probably kill myself if i lived in a giant country

old pol never broke an antifa nose in self defense

The most aesthetic photograph I've ever seen in my life. I almost can't believe it isn't a scene from a movie.

Witnessing everything on Sup Forums made it even more surreal.



Manlet for sure

antifa never wasn't a thing until last year.










Spanish hero

I like her face tbqh, she's super cute


truly a hero


vomit inducing

this face just screams "I've made a huge mistake".

You're swedish so I assume you're both.

haha two finger salute

I love how they put this shit everywhere.

It really shows they have no idea why people rape.
Those naive fucks.

Love that smile


>mfw I want to be blacked now.

When is she gonna pull those things out already?!

Can you imagine how powerful that would have been if it didnt become a meme 30 seconds late?

>obtain this gear
>obtain heavy war-horse
>obtain this gear x10 and make it into horse armour
>find bunch of protesting lefties
>already rock hard from expectations
>finally kick the horse into full fucking speed
>run into special snowflakes
>leave trail of cum spilling from my trousers legs
>xises and xeses covered in cum also, while being trampled on by my horse's hoofs
>they like it

>cucktholics will defend this

she already did

never 4get ;_;7

top kek


>pink nipples
Not her.

There's a hitbox vod of her boyfriend saying she has pink nipples.


What's that dark thing just below the bull's head? "WTF girl, did you just take a shit in my pasture?"

When the weak betaman supports the true alpha and is not an orbiter.

Pink? Have you ever seen pink nipples?


>bitch with nice tits getting arrested while a diverse crowed protests
Oh wow, so inspiring, iconic and powerful.....

I love it how liberals treat getting arrested by police the same way they would have as if they were kicked out of class in high school
>teehee i'm so badass

I think that's a pigeon.


never forgetti

Another possibility

Wife material desu senpai


stronk independent wymon

And another

That's Greece.


That's Britanny Venti. She's not a lefty (so to speak)

Lurk more.