This is the beginning of the end. South American carnage soon. Civil war in South Africa by August. You're in for one hot summer of happenings, anons.
>the last hue
Give me more details about South Africa, user. Here in Far West Africa we don't have too many informations about it.
Why is South America so goddamn unstable?
Get your shit together, you fucking spics.
Why is this getting slid so hard?
For the same reason you didn't join US appropriately: dumbness
great becoming Venezuela is now withing our reach
>puelto lico
>You're in for one hot summer of happenings, anons.
I sure hope so. Been fucking boring lately.
Gonna get a gun soon enough. My house has a nice wall, sturdy gate. There's a small but nice garden that could alleviate a bit the food needs. Just need to get a solar panel and stock up on non-perishable food.
Won't say I'm ready for the happenings, but I could hold on for quite a while and take at least a few monkeys with me if they tried anything funny.
Don't forget about water, sewage, cleaning supplies, and medical supplies.
There's a stream some 30 meters from the gate, would need to be smart about getting to it.
I'll read up on the other stuff, can't be prepared enough I guess.
But most likely nothing will happen, monkeys are lazy and unmotivated.
Are brazilians commited to making at least a major political scandal every year?
God is great
time to kill off the mud peoples
We are great proud nations, that drink.
Im scared bros
Thats a sick way to look at the world
>. Civil war in South Africa by August
For five years, fuckign chairos kept insisting we had to be more like Brazil.
hue hue hue
>give people south of US oil
>they create their own oil corporations and become corrupt as fuck
>political scandals
>Brazil and Venezuela heading to the dumpster
I like it
Please let a war in South America happen. We need another conflict to get pulled into
The excuse we need to finally clean that mess up
>every year
Every month, yes. Every week if you count minor shit too.
I have some money at home, did the time to buy that house I've ever wanted near the river, under a forest and at the feet of a mount, to live eating the food I cultivate, while protecting it with shotguns, has come?
Shit, it was about time. May Jesus look for us all.
How is local news looking? Have they said whether markets will recommence trading tomorrow or are they calling an early weekend?
Good thing we have a strong leader with a level head, who has deep insights into the global economy.
president temer will make a speech 16:00 brasilia time (in 3 hours). will probably renounce if you ask me
Fuckin Normie.
GG huebro, your country is kill.
No sense of group.
South americans are the most egoistical people to has ever lived.
Hopefully, user, hopefully.
It stopped for half an hour, after it fell hard. Now it's more or less stabilised, don't think they'll close it for the week. Then again, the shitstorm is only beginning, so only God knows what's to come.
See the numbers yourself:
Because it's full of spics
You don't belong here unless you're being ironic.
Either way total crash would better than slow death.
You should keep a eye on your own country first.
Last time I checked, a bunch of niggers were rioting because some criminal was killed by cops and you did nothing
triple leveraged bull brazil ETF
Brazil will never have a civil war. Whites are pussies and refuse to act to retake the country. Spics and blacks are content to get gibs and subsist as street scum. Venezuela is a million times worse than Brazil and it's still not in civil war.
Spics are too dumb to fix their countries. Sorry.
Ya hoard those supplies so 6 Juans can storm your miniature fortress and take them from you within a week.
First dogecoin now brazil. Lowtax was right again
bumb for shills
That is a FULLY SICK dead cat bounce there
The world will follow.
Sell in May and go Away.
little bit of damage control
summer recess.. and its gone.
time to flip the table.
>Brazil will never have a civil war
Cisplatine War (1825–1828)
War of Cabanos (1832–1835)
Cabanagem Revolt (1835–1840)
Ragamuffin War (1835–1845)
Sabinada (1837–1838)
Balaiada Revolt (1838–1841)
Liberal Rebellions (1842)
Praieira Revolt (1848–1849)
Federalist Revolution (1893–1895)
War of Canudos (1896–1897)
Contestado War (1912–1916)
Tenente Revolts (1922–1927)
Brazilian Revolution of 1930 (1930)
Constitutionalist Revolution (1932)
Araguaia Guerrilla War (1967–1974)
We were at in civil war ALL THE TIME
When is Ghost on next? I'd like to hear his thoughts on what happened today.
Not in this hemisphere nigga.
I wish I was american so I could buy a gun at a drugstore to defend myself
Can't wait, it's gonna be very exciting.
Chaos and Bitcoin to mars.
>American reading comprehension
just nuke us already, i really just wanna die
Anyone got a Brazilian news channel stream?
Because they have to be used to invade the United States and Canada with "refugees"
Can confirm, work with them every day
can't find any reliable stream sorry
How do I capitalize on this crisis to import some hot Brazilian mail-order brides?
do you own bitcoins yet brazilfags
>You're in for one hot summer of happenings, anons.
When the electric grid goes down in summer, the air conditions stop....and there will be a chimpout.
>Brazilian Stock Market
Italian Coast Guard
The markets dropped this hard because our dear corrupt president was trying to push 2 major reforms since he came to power, a labor reform and a public pension reform.
Both reforms came from extreme lobbying, labor one from industry associations, public pension from banks. They were being sold to the general public as the saviors of our economy, but in fact they're profit guarantees to whoever is affected. Both laws are now dead in front of public opinion, hence dollars running away from the country.
thank god
>You're in for one hot summer of happenings, anons
not to mention the inevitable burgerland chimp-outs
shitting B.R.I.C.S.
If i learn spanish, can i come and participate?
If yes then who is the bad guys and how do we fuck em up. (Im really just up for anything that includes killing and diying myself as long as its slightly fun)
>If i learn spanish
Anyone can give me a quick rundown on what is happening on Brazil?
Your president is being removed again?
Our ex-speaker of the house said the republic is about to end.
I for one welcome this change.
do you want the basic gestalt or the big enchilada?
tanned hotties are getting squeaky live
He may have meant south america.
we could use a purge.
bad guys are the pro-US and pro-corruption parties (PMDB, PSDB, DEM)
good guys are the nationalist parties (PT, PCdoB, PSOL)
Give me o gigante
oh right you apes speak portuguese, nvm then, not gonna learn tier2 languageeven for potential sweet release of death in combat
I am Also betting on Monero some slander
fake news came out about malwar mining
software based on wannaCry NSA software
>Your president is being removed again?
most likely
He got caught on tape aproving the monthly bribe to a jailed politician
>[we] have to keep this, see
Is that the guy who likes Pinochet? I was in the comments section of a Cato's Speech video about Pinochet and this Brazilian said something like ""Pinochet should have killed more communists", "Pinochet didn't do enough to remove Marxists"- our next president". He also said that he's one of the only politicians who isn't corrupt.
>will probably renounce
Top kek. Honest question, what was the last time a corrupt president resigned in LATAM? They stay in power until they are impeached, killed or overthrown away.
Go to South Africa then. There's a thread just above this one where people are preparing for South African civil war between blacks and whites, apparently it will start on 9th August.
Is that possible, politicians are by my definitions professional liars
>Is that the guy who likes Pinochet?
The guy in the pic is former president Luis Inácio "Lula" da Silva from the """"workers""""" party
>stock market
not the same thing you fucking monkey
The whole government is involved in a bunch of gigantic corruption scandals, the biggest of which involves one of the largest meat processing companies in the world. And the owner of that company is snitching on fucking everybody. President Temer was caught on tape telling said guy to buy the ex-speaker of the house's silence, and an ex-candidate for presidency, who is also the leader of one of the largest parties, got caught on tape telling someone to literally assassinate some dude.
The whole political system is crumbling, my nigga. We have elections next year, and at this point said elections would actually get in the way, because any electable politician is a part of the scandal. So it would just give them power to stop the investigations by force.
Lula will become President in 2017 and Moro will be arrested.
Whatever you don't pass the pensions reform, for fucks sake don't do it or you are doom to die homeless in the street.
>South American carnage soon.
Free helicopter rides?
You know what will happen anão.
Bolsonaro will soon be either president or dictator.
Actually his renouncement is quite probable
After the whole scandal he has no legitimacy with the population and no support in the congress
It's a matter of time for him to be impeached
We won't all reforms are now ded
I don't think he's electable, honestly.
I think I trust him more than Doria, but I'm not sure Bolsonaro could handle the economy well enough. He's too nationalist, it's gonna end up with some cheap protectionism and sink this shit even further.
no, that's our illiterate commie ex-president. seriously the guy spent 8 years in office without being able to read.
I have the solution!
Everyone go to Canada as refugee
The want to stop lava-jato, strategically speaking there's no point to him renouncing, it's not gonna restore people's faith in the institutions.