Other urls found in this thread:
>cropped screenshot
>no source article
i know my country is famous for pandering, but fucking kill yourself for making this shit thread
Nobody understands Shakespeare anymore, even scholars.
This is so racist, "Shakespeare" was originally a black man named William lamaar shake-a-spear.
His surname is an ancient african name for the tribal hunters who used a advanced spear shaking technique to kill their prey humanely and quickly, Spread the truth my african brothas n sisthas
Natives never developped a written language you dumb anglo
Did they had some writing system at least?
What they wrote?
"OOgha boga ahga"?
>Read the name
>Amelia Bassano
>There is also a financial incentive, in that the board gets more funding for offering courses on indigenous topics, money that Sherman said has been used for professional development for teachers, many of whom are not indigenous themselves, and to hire a special projects teacher for indigenous studies.
>As he describes it, parents and students could not be happier.
>get out started by an illiterate retard
Gg niggra
>education must come second to patronising racial inclusiveness
what's wrong with this?
Ethnics are culturally appropriating English REeeeeeee!
Their crooked ass union gets rewarded for destroying any European identity left in this fuckin country. That's whats wrong.
I did a dissertation on Shakespeare conspiracies and theres literally no evidence of this woman being anything, if she even existed.
>European identity
What are you, French? French people are the niggers of Europe.
Ontario is full blown insanity with the rapefugees and SJW multiculturalism. Their school system teaches anal sex to grade 3 children and proper pronouns and gender fluid tranny shit on top of "new math". Its the ultimate melting pot of insanity.
Shakespeare is overrated as fuck, probably the most in the English language.
Right one is hot
The following are some of the premises and recommendations included in the Toronto Action Plan to Confront Anti-Black Racism:
Anti-Black racism happens today.
Anti-Black racism is deeply entrenched in Canadian institutions, policies and practices, often making anti-Black racism appear normal or invisible to the larger white society.
Anti-Black racism is micro (as seen in day-to-day interactions) and it is structural (as seen in laws and policies that govern this country).
Black Torontonians are overrepresented in the criminal justice system, in the child welfare system, and, among the most poor, unemployed or precariously employed.
Increase access to high quality programs for Black children and youth
Increase hiring of Black people & partnerships with diverse Black communities
Meet the specific needs and aspirations of Black queer and trans youth
Communicate to the Province the need for improvements to the Child Welfare System to better serve and support Black children and youth
Outreach, recruit & appoint Black people to City agencies, boards & commissions
Provide incubation space and start up supports for Black businesses
Conduct an audit using an Anti-Black Racism Lens to evaluate City spaces and programs
Create a Black Advisory Committee to work with City staff to review routes, sites & policing for Black cultural festivals
The problem isn't so much school boards farting around with the curriculum, but more the fact that people don't read him unless they're forced to (even people who are focusing their study on english lit!). The same goes for most other literature. You can access it all for free, right now, but how many are scrambling to do so?
Stabilize funding & supports for Black arts & culture
Provide public education on how anti-Black racism is a trigger for mental illness for Black people
Stabilize funding to Black community organizations providing core services
Outreach, recruit & hire from Black communities to increase number of permanent Black health, social & community workers
Develop & implement an outreach initiative to recruit & train Black people for leadership & governance roles
Coordinate with funders to require the collection and public reporting of health & community service data disaggregated by race and other characteristics
Coordinate with funders to invest in community capacity to comply with the collection of data disaggregated by race
Improve recreation spaces in neighbourhoods with high proportions of Black residents
Ensure shelter staff are trained on anti-Black racism as a trigger to mental illness
Collect race-based data on the needs of Black queer and trans youth for shelters support services planning
Outreach to, recruit & hire Black people to increase the number of Black employees at the City of Toronto
Engage Black experts and community members to provide Anti-Black Racism training for all City staff
Engage Black City staff to create a Black Caucus to support professional development, ideation, and strategic planning at the City
Provide free police reference checks, training and certifications for Black youth to access volunteering & entry-level jobs
Develop & implement an incubator program for Black-owned businesses
Implement measures to stop racial profiling & over-policing of Black people
Review use of force protocols from an Anti-Black Racism Lens
Collect & publicly report mandatory race-based data for greater transparency
Strengthen community capacity to report & police capacity to investigate Islamophobic, transphobic and anti-Black hate crimes through a Community Police Hate Crimes Advisory Committee
Collect and publicly report race-based data on student achievement and student discipline and address disproportionality*
Review policies, procedures and disciplinary actions using an Anti-Black Racism Lens*
Increase the number of permanent Black teachers, early childhood educators, support staff, and administers in schools*
Create and implement a Black Children’s Aid Society with an office for supporting Black Queer and Trans youth*
Apply an Anti-Black Racism Lens to child welfare guidelines and standards to remove anti-Black biases and practices that lead to unnecessary apprehensions of Black children and youth*
Establish an Advisory Committee of Black community organizations, foster parents, and youth to advise the Ministry of Children and Youth Services on child welfare issues*
Improve the quality & effectiveness of community health services for Black people*
Provide essential extended health insurance coverage for precariously employed families who are not covered by employer funded extended health insurance program*
Remove barriers for Black people to apply for criminal records suspensions*
Invest in subsidized child care, tuition funding, and other supports to enable Black people to secure employment*
Make the Ontario Human Rights Commission more accessible to Black people*
Create a paid community oversight committee with Black civilians to act as a community police watchdog*
Develop and implement an accessible, responsive complaint system for Black people to report grievances with policing and justice systems*
Looks like Canada has its own deep state.
Sweden, you're alright
Ode to Canada;
By: Leaf McLeafy Face
OH eternal Leaf
Look we not United States , eh?
Muh Mighty High Taxesez
Actually she has an Italian Jewish name, reading wikipedia seems she was from Venice.
It is possible that she told stories about her cities and kikes an that ispired Shakespear.
Just that.
But England was full of italians (expecially from Venice) at that time.
How to deal with "anti-black racism":
Treat em like normal people and not special kids and then see what happens?
>As he describes it, parents and students could not be happier
Obvious blatant lies, parents couldn't give less of a shit about indigenous studies, but even if they did care, why the hell would students be happier? Much less "Could not be happier".
*smacks lips*
maybe they have a positive world view and arent filled with hate?
Black people arent "normal people" though. You cant treat things that are different the same. The greatest inequality is attempting to making unequal things equal. If an entire race is statistically lower IQ, quicker to anger and violence, and lack the same cognitive dissonance as every other race, why are you trying to treat them equal?
>why the hell would students be happier?
because shakespeare is somewhat difficult to learn and test on while indigenous "writing" is a bunch of shallow ooga-booga and wewuz shit
>shitskin writing is as good as shakespeare
tip top lelling cuck
well as I said I did a dissertation. For sake of being an user I cant share it hear but look into it. I found many conspiracies, some with evidence, but nothing about her or anything that suggests she wrote them.
>cognitive dissonance
Okay, but won't that leave them with a lot of free time now?
>she told stories about her cities and kikes an that inspired Shakespeare.
when? where? I agree others either helped or donated plays to Shakespeare but I've come across nothing suggesting this woman was one.
Better than the poetry I had to read in high school.
Good by what measure?
Shakespear is full of social commentary that hasn't been relevant in 300 years
>>literally, more money for them programs
>that hasn't been relevant in 300 years
ask me how i know you haven't actually read shakespeare?
Shakespeare is an infinitely easier subject simply because there's a million online sources and summaries on it.
Trying to make sense or writing essays on Indigenous works is a nightmare. Mostly because their writing is shit but you have to write about it as if it was really deep and meaningful. Basically think about writing an essay on why the drapes were blue but you have even less to work with (Most writings are short stories), it's usually under the guise of a poem so it's written awkwardly, and it pretends to have a deeper meaning, usually by trying to appeal to emotions or having massive plot holes or non-nonsensical bullshit. I had to write on a few indigenous writings when I was in middle school and it was awful.
okay, 250 years
and don't talk to me about language arts while you're ending commands with question marks
>Good by what measure?
>Shakespear is full of social commentary that hasn't been relevant in 300 years
Jesus Christ, man...
Kids are getting dumber. 20 pages is a lot to read nowadays.
>> indigenous
So there will be no muslim or nigger materials in the classrooms? Good
>Mostly because their writing is shit but you have to write about it as if it was really deep and meaningful
sounds like the faggots circlejerking over modern """"""""""art""""""""""
>losing an argument so you get pedantic
top. cuck.
Talking to an American about English, politics, or history is like...
... talking to an American about evolution or global warming.
At best you get mad.
Did you forget your proxy?
Italy are the nigs of Europe, and American is the giant nig haven of the west
So... you are telling me that native canadians were fkin SHITTY writers?
Why waste time studing them?
One study classics because they were popular at their time and they have such of a strong message that can be understand and assimilate even from the people of today.
If some illiterate idiot write something uncomprensible, why the national school have to force citizens to study their shit?
>sending your kids to public school
Intelligent parents should be homeschooling their children. You can do more with 3 hours a day of schooling at home than a public school could do with 6.
Never mind the secular humanist brainwashing. Catholic schools are a little more resistant but ultimately they give into the secular humanist dogma.
>What, specifically, were (and are) the teachings of this new philosophical-spiritual impulse? They can be summed up in one phrase: “Man makes himself.” That is to say, the universe is bereft of transcendental meaning, it has no inherent teleology, and it is within the power of humanity to comprehend natural phenomena and to control and manipulate them so as to improve the human estate. Creativity, once a divine prerogative, becomes a distinctly human one. It is in this context that the modern idea of progress is born, and the modern reality of “progressive” societies takes shape. These are societies dominated, not by tradition, but by a spirit of what F. A. Hayek calls “constructivism”—the self-confident application of rationality to all human problems, individual and social alike.
Also two books every Canadian should read:
The War Against the Family
The Trouble With Canada...Still
>Why waste time studing them?
because white privilege. because wewuz kangs n sheeeeit.
>You can do more with 3 hours a day of schooling at home than a public school could do with 6.
I completely agree with this but some form of schooling with other children is necessary for social development. If i could afford it I would send my kid to a private school that isn't bowing to leftist cuck politics.
>not trading Shakespeare for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Wasted potential is wasted.
Hey man can you hook me up ?
>na sorry
Can i bum you a smoke ?
> sorry i dont smoke
Do you have some change thooo ??
> only have debit/credit srry
Ok but can you give me a ride
>fuck sakes dude sorry no !
Every fuckin native i met outside of quebec