You have ten seconds to give me one good reason why Europeans are more superior than east Asians.
Korea/Japan vs Europeans
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we don't eat dogs
Fuck off with the yellow fever thread Tojo
gooks have small dicks
There is nothing wrong with that.
they are not white, dumbfuck
I read somewhere that almost all their women get surgery done. Is this because they would look like flat chested fish if they didn't?
You fucking weebs aren't helping. Whatever I'm done. Final words lad, SAGE
Because asians look like roswell greys.
But want makeup invented by Brits to hide their poor genetics?
Their bodies are awesome but I can't bring myself to like their faces.
the fact that they try through plastic surgery and makeup to appear more white?
We've been to the moon.
Also, I can tell you that a ton of Koreans get their jaws cut so they look more white, Japanese are the moat racist people I've met (great thing imo), mainland Chinese are all retarded, and HK/SG/Taiwan are all better than the mainland.
t. I've lived everywhere.
>> no ass
>> ugly face hidden by makeup
Industrial revolution
europeans are superior because asians wont fuck me
anime website
lol asian girls wear the makeup too. what are you even arguing? Asian girls look like a dry scab if they didn't make up.
Pretty much all the science and technology they take for granted.
Anything else you'd like to ask?
but they're not
it's almost like taste is subjective and racial pride is for people with no accomplishments of their own
i dont see good european porn anymore - docel vision sucks
gooks live in a world built on european standarts. european civilization is the only civilization that exist. others only can emulate it.
>implying any girl looks decent without makeup
yes that was my point user. I'm glad you got it
because 99.99% of them are butt ugly
>b-b-but muh iq
come back to me when asians ever invent something on the same magnitude as whites
Because they are fake as fuck.
Always lie, all they life are just a recital.
Gne gne, kawai, sugoi, anaseyo, chin chu lai
nothing wrong at all.
While that is true, they are straying away. And in the past Europe was built off of middle eastern standards, regarding religion, agriculture, and writing.
yes! took me lot of time, but finally
Literally any history book will explain 100 times over
Asians are smart white man is clever and based off history it looks like clever beats smart
They can't open their eyes enough to see the road when they drive.
that model is wearing jeans
>complaining about weebs on a site made by a weeb and owned by a Jap
Fuck off back to plebbit.
I can't if that is a trap or not
But culturally is mostly based on Roman, Greek and pagan culture. Christianity changed to fit us.
We have better morals and values. Chinese will sell their mothers if you offer them enough money.
Asians by western standards are regularly autistic which is interesting. They are very capable logicians but need strict regimentation and are often incapable of abstract and creative thought.
Koreans are plastic robot drones
Nips are respectable
Europe is world history
Asians need too much surgery to look good.
are you sure this is not just a meme?
You forgot Chinks are soulless assholes
Impossibiru, ru are arr inferior
whateva, feminine penis or no, she a cute.
that bitch is viet fyi
no brendan wong, it isn't
Even Arabs have a richer more interesting history than Asians
Asians just aren't go getters and don't like risk. They will always be one step behind the white man for that reason
Only perfecting, never innovating, never creating only taking the already pre defined path.
>literally no creativy
>no balls to take risks
>no cognitive empathy. incapable of reading emotions and showing your own
asians are literally robots. nietzsche warned us that mankind objective is not to become a robot, but a force of pride and strenght. my wife is japanese, i talk with knowledge of the subject. they have this gift of giving 10 hours a day for a task and achieving nothing, because they cant decide stuff - simply no balls to take risks.
How do you explain anime then? It seems pretty creative imo and has a lot of emotion in it.
We started both world wars :)
>How do you explain anime
a mistake
Japan was redpilled on the chink question and hopefully one day they will finish them off.
Perfect example of their mindless cruelty
Chinese and koreans are fucking soulless bots, the first are like that because Mao basically exterminated their culture and the second were just always like that.
Japs deserve respect as being the only country that resisted european worldwide domination (at least until the americans nuked them) and dispaying a comparable level of sophistication.
I went to seoul, this is a shithole full of broken buildings. You can walk in the luxury area and you will not even notice it because everything is so ugly.
This is like china but worse
+ pathetic anti japanese propaganda on the tv in the trains
On the other hand, Japan>EU
Not an argument. Looks like you're burnt.
We aren't, but that doesn't mean we should interbreed
we should both remain what we are, the two best races on the planet
japs are more autistic than koreans from my own experience, on par with chinese but they're obviously more creative than the chinks
>Makeup changes your ears
>says the guy who literally brought up anime as an example of asian contribution to high culture
>Evidence that shows that Asians experience emotion and have creativity
>Dismissed on the basis of??
Yeah you are burnt dude.
Good thing we aren't European.
Anime isn't that original though, it takes a lot of concepts from western media and jumbles it into the manga format which is also a deviation of western comic format. I'd say that japs are probably the most creative east asians, they have at least preserved enough tradition and heritage to inspire them, but they are infamously obsessed with western culture.
>plastic surgery changes your face
>being this triggered about fucking anime
only for male manbabbies with no social life. which is like 90% of the population of japan.
i, for one, cant stand anime since ive grown - everyone is fucking awkard as fuck
>come back to me when Asians ever invent something on the same magnitude as whites
Alcoholic drinks
Rowing oar
Paper currency
Mechanical belt drive
Mechanical chain drive
Modern toothbrush
Finery forge
Fishing Reel
Helicopter Rotar
Land Mine
Using natural gas as a fuel
The concept of negative numbers
Oil well
Restaurant menu
Rotary Fan
Toilet Paper
Original thought and creativity. Western concept of individualism yo
Star Chart
Astronomical observatory
Naval artillery
Armored warship
Bulletproof vest
3D hologram
Instant noodles
they sat on all those inventions for centuries and did nothing.
His name was seth rich
They show this picture of Korean plastic surgery as a bad thing, but it is a great thing... they take a 3/10 and turn her into a 8/10, Now if we could only get more ugly Americans to do this we would all be having more sex.
but also ugly kids
>but also ugly kids
More plastic surgery... none need be ugly
it doesn't matter whether you like it or not. The fact is it shows that the asians aren't creative thing is a meme. Asian pop music is another example that debunks it.
I can't stand it when people consider us japan and them korea as one group.
it's better to be told that we are far worse than them.
Fuck off gook, don't try to group yourself the japanese master race you inferior filth.
these are european inventions chang
chinks invented nothing remotely useful for modern science
stop meming them into importance
Despite the occasional Hitomi, they are mostly poor and trash.
would give the jews a lot of money i guess
She is proof that God loves us!
we invented the modern refrigerator
>Astronomical observatory
who invented the telescope lol
sheeeeit I didn't know asians can go wewuz on us, thought it was just a nigger thing
>more superior
I want to race-mix with one of these girls so bad.
Compassion for fellow humans.
i never thought I'd agree with a leaf
Ah yes, humanitarianism.
Check the following to see the long-term viability of civilisations with this value.
( SPOILER : collapse at best, extinction at worst )
>people actually highlight anime and K-pop as 'creative' and a true testament to what asia has to offer the west
after usurping, all the achievements of previous dynasties were often burnt/destroyed. This has happened in Europe countless times as well, but Christianity and Islam preserved some knowledge that was recovered. That never happened in China.
I love the general "Weeb Supremacy" going on here.
Also regarding OP, i would never fuck anyone whose body is not completely made of over 18 y/o parts yunowadiamsaiyan
Based off of the Chinese fire lance, which shot projectiles using gun powder
Invented in China for decoration, it was the Byzantines who first put it to practical use though.
>chinks invented nothing remotely useful for modern science
Did you forget to thank Japan for 80% of the digital technology you're using today?
>we invented the modern refrigerator
Good thing we're not talking about refrigerators, just refrigeration.
>who invented the telescope
Telescopes are not Astronomical observatories. They are telescopes.
Stop moving the goalposts, Uluru.
Nice goalpost moving, Achmed.
>Western nations have abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage
Fuck off retard whites aren't compassionate
if they invented stuff and never used it what was the point in the first place? Europeans utilised guns, they never did.
like what exactly did Japanese INVENT from the GROUND UP?
you dumb fuckstick
Japanese are good at TAKING what exists and REFINING it. They haven't created anything themselves from the ground up.
Even their remaining culture is largely based on a mix of Buddhist+Chinese influences.
European men have a greater appreciation for the shining glory of Asian women.
That's literally it.
Everyone worthy of being called a man should dream of being dominated by these goddesses.
>if they invented stuff and never used it what was the point in the first place?
Again, nice goalpost moving.