Prove to me there's no patriarchy

Prove to me there's no patriarchy

what is a patriarchy

Watch "The Red Pill", faggot. There's no patriarchy

bitter manlet please go

Prove that there is one, what does patriarchy even mean?


she looks like a retard

Stop being upset at everything and there's nothing to be upset about. Stop trying to look at other people's lives to reaffirm your own warped philosophy and just live your life and stop caring.

But you seem too insecure to do that.

watch the red pill
it's more just everyone has their own fucking problems and no one is actually oppressed based on gender in western societies

Poor dude

This a million fucking times. You live for about 80 years and then you disappear for eternity. So then, live your life fully and as virtuously as you possibly can.

>women can be elected to every government position available


gas the tall, height war now

Prove to me that you can't shapeshift into an ostrich

There is a patriarchy. But it's not held by white men. It's held by Jewish men. You see, Sup Forums and faminazis are looking at the same cake but say they taste different flavors. Feminists say that males, usually white, are what's controlling the media and society's standards. Sup Forums says it's more than just males, it's jewish males. Both are right, but feminists just deflect this point for some reason. I don't understand why it's ok to say 'men have power' when you back it up with statistics of male ceos, 1% of earners are mostly men, etc. It's not wrong, but why is it not ok to say 'jewish males have power' when you can do the same fucking thing. They control most of the wealth for such a small minority and most are noble peace prize winners. Wtf?

So whenever some bitch is complaining about how men are dominating in some field, break it down one more step of what kind of men are dominating and see how they react. Whether is it be blacks in sports or jew/asians in IQ. It will make them seem like a sexist.

The accuser has the burden of proof. How am i supposed to deny something i cant even grasp..."The patriarchy" wtf is it exactly?

Please tell me more


Kikes manipulate everything.- Kikes are the Patriarchy

Prove to me that patriarchy is a bad thing

At last I see someone who is truthfully Illuminated here.

There isn't, i'm currently talking to my ex and she's saying she have started selling her underwear for 100 bucks each.

How tall could she be? Judging by the picture ?

Manlets BTFO once again

Again, shill.

yes you got me

i have been paid by clinton & the rothschilds to distract Sup Forums from the truth by posting threads about other things. you have seen tthrough my scheme

It is hard to prove a negative. Give your argument for patriarchy and I will prove you wrong.

Shill; a person who pretends to give an impartial endorsement of something in which they themselves have an interest.

To be fair most of us are shills.