Did we deserve it?

Did we deserve it?

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fuck's even happening?

Checked, and agree, what's even going on?

Did who deserve what?

Did who deserve what?
You stupid fat burgerfag.



Secret service agents assaulted
Officers assaulted and pushed and threatened by the roaches
Americans attacked

All by roaches

Pisses me off

Aren't those the roaches?

they're anti-erdogan roaches retard
your secret service is protecting the wrong people

Use some raid

remove the t*rk for good
destroy the roach

>anti-erdogan roaches

Who? The protesters standing around with signs and with citizenship? They're still Americans to me, and that to me makes it okay to consider it an attack on Americans by foreigners. I'm not going to find a reason to side with the Turks, they were completely on the wrong here. Fuck roaches. Even if they attacked niggers they are still roaches.

islamic califate (roach subdivision) attacking americans on their soil...
let's hope in the next round they protect their first amendment right with their second


Roaches stomping roaches. I don't really care.

all those Sup Forums tards that got btfo by turks


And police officers

and secret service agents

All assaulted, all disrespected. You can watch officers get pushed back by those roaches as they try to stop them. It's disgusting.

Yes every last one of the antifux ppl deserved the beating.

t-thanks Trump, so stronk

All protesters are not antifa. Seriously, shoot yourself in the head. You're defending roaches. Two secret service agents were attacked are you defending that? Anti-American roaches deserve nothing but the worst.

the people fighting
you should be glad that they're standing up to that crazy fucker instead of cheering his visit to the US

There's hardly any fighting, I just see pro-Erdogan roaches/bodyguards attacking them and our officers. One article said two agents were attacked. Why shouldn't this be seen as a serious attack on our people?

looks like matrix in the vid.

No, this does:


Guy kills all of them swiftly. Apparently they were mall cops in Ukraine.


because they're trying to attack erdogan and his supporters
and your retard secret service is standing in the way, defending the Islamic sultan of Turkey

HAHAHAHAH We shoot Russian planes, kill kurds in Syria, threaten Europe with immigrants, and now we get in your country and kick the shit out of people who talk shit about us.

We get away with everything and we'll keep doing it.

Cry some more.

>trying to attack erdogan and his supporters

Bullshit, they're kicking people who are lying on the ground. Our police were there to allow them to continue to peacefully protest. They were chasing after the roaches to stop them, because they were running up to people lying on the ground and jumping and kicking them.

You can't make Americans act like these savages, you just can't.

Wow Turkey why do you want to be nuked so badly?

kicking erdogan supporters to the head is completely justified

>CNN ignores

No you didnt deserve to have Obama back out at the last minute and not support the coup like he promised.

And nukes won't stop you either, filthy roaches

We just want to show the whole world that all your threats are as fake as everything about your country.

at least the dumb turks come here now instead of shitting up the remnants of Sup Forums

You're intentionally turning this one around. The dudes in suits doing the kicking are Erdogan goons with diplomatic immunity kicking Armenians, Kurds, etc who were protesting an Erdogan motorcade.

Pay attention to this sort of tactics user.

Someone release the dogs on this Muslim pig.

>Pay attention to this sort of tactics user.
If you noticed. They don't give a shit as long as the person getting assaulted isn't white. Confirmation bias on Sup Forums is real. They see what they want to see and make their own assumptions that they bandwagon on.

>be a mud
>flee to the us and get citizenship
>claim to be loyal to the us
>oh look at that they actually care about mudistan bullshit instead
>cause problems with mudistan
>claim they are americans and need whitey to protect them
It's almost as if they are parasites and liabilities that will entangle us in crap that is detrimental to us.

>It's almost as if they are parasites and liabilities that will entangle us in crap that is detrimental to us.
To be fair, Erdogan's bodyguards tried to pull shit in the Netherlands. They almost ended up getting shot by the police there.

I hate non whites but watching faggoty communists getting their arses kicked is so sweet. I'm really conflicted here.

Obviously the best course of action is to repatriate all mud races back to their ancestral homelands along with the jews and libcucks who fight so hard for the open borders that allowed them in to begin with,

>Sup Forums tards
nice try leftypol
those were antifa commie cucks like you

So because they had to flee they aren't allowed to complain?

Jews who fled Germany in the 1930's also aren't allowed to complain about the holocaust?

>muh second amendment

And this is what happens. Americans are pathetic. Maybe you could lay off shooting drunk niggers that stumble upon your backyard for once and actually use your guns for the purpose they were intended under the second ammendment? Nah, requires too much balls - Americucks will never do it.

You're speaking to an echo chamber buddy. They don't understand anything beyond 6 months in recent memory. Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. We're talking about these clowns. They don't get the irony.

I've seen less grainy UFO videos.
How about you loose some fucking weight, and learn how to focus a camera. Just how about it?

>Tegenstanders van de Turkse president Erdogan raakten slaags met aanhangers en beveiligers
Opposers of the Turkish president Erdogan clashed with supporters and security
Literally how the Dutch state broadcasting describes it
Eat shit you pseudo-intellectual piece of garbage, it's not an assumption

>When roaches are treated with impunity while dealing with protestors

Can we get a Turkish embassy in Berkeley please?

>muh second amendment
libshits don't believe in the 2nd amend

I love how the cop hits the guy with a baton and he's like "wtf man!"

This guy asked the real question
You're nation is a melting pot of political hatred and stupidity
Keep it up,its free entertainment

And who is charging who exactly? That's right, the foreign roaches with suits attacked the anti-erdogan protesters plus US law enforcement. Are you fucking retarded?

Maybe you should read beyond the headlines.

Just a thought.

everyone is fighting like a pussy, almost look like they're acting. did anyone get hurt at all?

Amerifags act all tough and macho with they guns and freedom but when they see a roach they scream and run like bitches.

Turks beat the shit out of protestors. Yes they deserved it.

go read the article

they were fat and wearing maga hats


You might be retarded.

Coming from portugal - do men still even have penises there?

They knew Trump was weak and would do nothing to stop them.

You can watch the webm up top idiot. Where the fuck is the red hat?


Yes. The tranny threat is contained in the US, thankfully.

They're antifa because they can't comprehend Trump allowing foreign thugs to beat up american citizens. So they must belong to some group that deserves it.

we showed the world how real men behave when they see a threat to homeland and people.

Deserved what?

The Turks are already back in Turkey.
None of them will ever get fined for this.

Next time expect more attacks because clearly they can get away with it.

Better than you abomination of a """"'"" flag"""""""
Every sunny day when you look to the skies,you see my colors,burger

americans are just gun consumers. these morons buy guns but don't have courage to kill someone.

without technology and airforce american military is also full of cowards.

Erdogan security forces attacking pro-PKK kurdish american protesters

>they were fat and wearing maga hats
No they weren't they were waving PKK flags moron

They deserved it for being liberal pussies. I doubt the protestors even knew where the fuck Turkey is and assumed they were Russian.



>contained in US, kek

whats a "roach" i missed the memo

anyone from Turkey

No they are Antifa because the woman who organized the protest is the same woman who organizes Antifa riots on Facebook. She just called the Kurds to protest instead of the black bloc.

Enough is enough. It's time for the final solution to the turkish question.

>I doubt the protestors even knew where the fuck Turkey is

They were mostly Armenians and Kurds.

Turkey will be responsible for the third world War. They will get wrecked of course though by usa.

A liberal wouldn't know what those are and just call them Russian. Kinda why they were saying Flynn was a Russian operative when he had ties to FUCKING TURKEY. You know that fucking country that has been shooting down Russian jets?!?

Turkey gets away with murder because of their strategic position.
Erdogan's entire tenure as leader of the roach motel has had him just threaten anyone and everyone in order to get whatever he wants because he knows that the west feels it needs Turkey on their side.
Personally, I think it's well past time to kill Erdogan off, purge the entire government and replace it with a pro western puppet regime.

>Kinda why they were saying Flynn was a Russian operative when he had ties to FUCKING TURKEY

They said that because he had taken money from both countries

They follow him because they don't want a massive wave of roaches released on the west.

So you kill him and replace him with someone willing to butcher the islamists and force the rest of the country to stop being fags.

It's debatable he took something like $400k from Turkey and the Russian money was from a firm within Turkey.

Every time we kill leaders like Saddam or Qaddafi we realize they kept the immigrant shitters in check. Killing him would cause more bad than good.

reminder that t*rks want to start shit with Russia

reminder that erdogan helps ISIS

reminder that t*rks talk shit about USA

i think i know just the right guy...

reminder that Trump has no problems with Erdogan since he gladly invites him to 'talk' about things

>inb4 b-but its political

Yeah but Erdogan is anything but political, just a crazy salafist

Who cares what he is as long as he keeps the shitskins in Turkey he can rule them with an iron fist.

So, he's doing exactly the opposite right now.

Everyone looks so exciting! :D

A bunch of Erdogan's security force attacks a few retarded protesters. Did the protesters decide to get beat? No. They could be the most effete, pussy, dumb-ass, bed-shitting, tree-fucking, limp-wristed, turbo cucks, and they still wouldn't have deserved it.

"Why?" You might ask? Because they were non-violent protesters. As long as they stayed non-violent, their First Amendment rights should not have been infringed like that.

The way I see it, Erdogan's security force has no respect for our laws. Those involved should not be allowed back here.