Redpill me on global warming

Who better than you autists

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Doesn't matter unfortunately because fucking chinks will never care

Polar bears r gay

Sea levels are rising, that's the only real problem. All this crop yield and worse storm shit is just scare tactics to get your money.

Yeah 2 feet in the next 100 years might be a problem for Miami, but it's not happening overnight. They'll install better flood protection shit, and we'll be fine. We already have cities below the sea level, so we can definitely make shit work, especially with the advancements we're sure to get.

As for polar bears, fuck polar bears. They'll evolve or die. Do you really care? I know the fish they eat don't. If you're arguing that all life is special, then global warming is a net positive because it will open up previously uninhabitable land in northern canada and russia. If you're arguing that diversity of life is special, save a panda. If you just don't like sad videos of polar bears stranded on ice sheets in the ocean, visit a slaughter house and tell all those cows about it.

Global warming might be a problem, but there's no way in hell our government or every government working together in perfect harmony can solve it. It would require us to stop driving cars, stop using AC, stop eating farmed meat almost overnight, and that alone would kill off millions of humans. And for what? Slightly better beach front property value? Slightly cheaper flood insurance? It's just a big fucking game man.

i just downloaded random picture,couldnt care less

It's real but there is nothing we can do, we are still at the tail end of an ice age.

It's actually a big problem

it's a lie.

to prove it, all i need to do is go outside. it's may and it's still fucking cold.


Isn't it interesting how none of the people who think the world is ending due to climate change actually live like they truly believed it? If I thought the sea levels were going to rise drastically enough to engulf entire cities I would move to a mountain. If I believed that climate change would trigger some sort of mass migration that would cause lots of death by starvation I would be putting all of my resources into building a bunker and hoarding supplies on that mountain. At the very least I would be devoting my life to religiously learning everything I can about survival.

Al Gore and Bernie Sanders own beachfront property. They and people like them are my canaries in the mine. When they start living like they believe their own shit I will start to take this world ending climate change seriously.

fair point

What they are, yet I know not: but they shall be
The terrors of the earth.

this "tail end of an ice age" (I think you mean glacial period) was about 11,000 years ago

if you ask some paleoclimatologists, we're actually overdue for another major glaciation, not the other way around

earth heats up but not from humans

yep. nothing gets done but the average joe needs to change. either tax china or they should fuck off.

34 mm a year. That's a third of a meter in 100 years. Lets say 2/3rds why the hell not. 2ft 4in.

Do you live in a house that is only 2ft 3 inches above sea level? And do you plan on living there for the next 100 years? Lets say yes.

How much will it cost you to move inland and build a brand new house? 200K. (2K a year over 100 years) How much will it cost you to stop eating meat, stop driving your car, and plant 3 trees every year? More than 2K a year.

So who the hell cares? Even if estimates are off by a factor of 2 again, and even if you happen to live in a place that might actually be effected in the next century, it's still cheaper to drive your car and move than it would be to bike to work and stay. So who fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

the problem with sea level rise is that it is very likely non-linear.
That's the conclusion climatologists came to when they looked at sea level during Earth history: they didn't see smooth linear trends, they saw very sudden multi-meter oscillations in response to even small orbital forcings.

Evidence for this can actually already be seen, since the rate of rise has doubled two times in the 20th century

what do you want to know?

t. Msc in Environmental Science, worked in the Arctic studying trophic ecology.

There's no sea level rise, many big cities around the world are sinking because of subsidence

there isn't a contradiction there
sea levels can still rise (they are - we can measure it easily around the world), it's just that with a rise of just ~2cm, the subsidence effect is the more dominant one right now

Polar bears can swim so who gives a fuck. Stupid photo.

look carefully, the polar bear is obviosuly shopped onto the ice

this is accurate

>trusting nasa sources

global warming my ass! its only getting colder here every year the spring comes later, we had snow in May and no green grass till just few days ago

the 'greenhouse effect' actually lets less sunlight in

It's fake.
That should be enough of a RedPill

CIA's Brennan admitted that the gov't uses chemtrails for geoengineering. There are patents for the spray planes. They supposedly use fine aluminum particulates to deflect sunlight and prevent the greenhouse effect from cooking us. It's also worth noting that there is a lot of strange video involving chemtrails, the sun, and the sunset. There are many conspiracies about the earth and its weather and the nature of it all. Perhaps there's a unifying secret.

>as for polar bears, fuck polar bears
Polar bears are based, white predator, should be offical animal of Sup Forums.
But there numbers are increasing due to or in spite( depending on which source), global warming.
> “There’s a whole area of climate so-called science that is really more like a cult,” Happer told the Guardian. “It’s like Hare Krishna or something like that. They’re glassy-eyed and they chant. It will potentially harm the image of all science.” The word “cult” may be a little over the top, but whatever it is, it sure isn’t science. –Francis Menton, Manhattan Contrarian, 17 February 2017
if people have an agenda, they will omit data to fit it.

>tropical ecology

shill detected

Im pretty sure its just a big distraction one one hand and more profit for companies who are investing into new types of energy (solar panels, electric cars etc) playing vs oil business
Always follow the money!

lmao do you even etymology

trophic you fucking inbred nip

What uni you go to? How many shills are in your field. Serious question, since government I assume funds your work, your department would want to find research that fits into that agenda to get funding. What is the true affect of humans on climate change being objective as possible.

it is fake
we are heading to an ice age
t. biologist

That's a polar bear's natural habitat, ice floating on water. It's not trapped at all it can swim away. The ice caps aren't gone like so many alarmists predicted, in fact they are bigger. Warming would actually be good for life on the planet, there would be more plant life and more arable land. It's another ice age that should be feared. But you can't blame global cooling on human activity and tax people for it.

Ice floats on water, therefore ice is less dense than water, but just barely, that is why there's a lot more iceberg below water than above. This also mean the area ice displaces is close to equal the space water does.
What does this mean? The water level will barely rise.
>but what about the ice that is on land?
Well, luckily for you, the Antarctic is gaining ice, it's only the north pole that's melting.