What is actually his endgame? Out of all the agendas I find him the most confusing
Putin's endgame
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Bomb hospitals and kill children.
>What is actually his endgame?
USSR 2.0
To piss off kikes based on how crazy the kike media is going right now.
Beeing a blood sucking tic and leading and very capable people with half assed intentions. What the fuck is with Russian leaders and their obsession with power and legacy.
>USSR 2.0
PLZ no!
Grab money and assets while everyone is confused
RT which is state owned, hires all the liberal arts kikes.
crashing this plane!!!!!!
Why do dumb peasents believe that?
Being obscured with your plans is a good thing tho right?
Russian cultural empire. He must weaken America's culture empire for this to succeed. Hence why he supports Trump, who all other Western leaders treat like a bad joke.
with no survivors
Hope that United States don't go to war in Syria so that pipeline from Qatar to Europe gets made that would tank the oil exporting of Russia
There is no endgame, except what you'd expect: a stronger Russia.
The whole Trump collusion thing is Democrat crybabies wishing they weren't so fucking wrong all the time. But guess what? They're wrong again. Intelligence community determined "Russians" hacked Podesta's email. Podesta's emails and Clinton's scuminess and the ineptitude of their campaign sank the Democrats, not Russian involvement. If Putin is responsible, it's purely out of spite for Clinton and Obama. Not any nefarious purpose about controlling the WH as TIME would have you believe.
Why do people assume as if world leaders have some sort of grand world goal?
I imagine most world leaders, like Putin, just make a huge family fortune, fuck hot bitches with their money and keep an iron grip on power. They'll occasionally rough some shit up internationally, but they don't really have any clear vision or goal. It's mostly just about the prestige and power they can have, not much else.
Putin for example is one of the richest men in the world, all from the wealth he siphoned off by being corrupt. Not that's a bad thing, I'd rather have Putin over an autistic sperg like Hitler that causes another world war. And he keeps Russians poor and dumb, so that's a plus.
Bottom right
Russian empire without finlan
not to be poor
He still fears, like stalin, that the usa will blitzkrieg the ussr, so he tries to stop them at all cost
Retaining personal wealth and power.
His own brand of globalism.
Control Eastern Europe and destroy nato, us and the eu
>What is actually his endgame?
to shut down the occult financial gang operated by the black guelf out of the city of London
Hello RIDF
Ka Lietuvej galvoja epe Trump? As gybenu amerikoj bet galvociau kad jie zinuotu kokia problema yra kad Putinas taip laimejo su Amerika
Probably just wants to see the rest of the world fall apart while Russia rises resurgent as a superpower again.
>It's working
1. Expose the satanic/pedophilic world order.
2. Make Russia great again
"Anyone who doesn't miss the USSR has no heart... anyone who wants it to return has no brain." -Putin
try again
Imploding Russia with Muslim immigrants while lying to the local drunk population and westerners to fight effects of year long brain drain.
Eurasian Union - autocratic russian dominated EU copy through economy. All of the ex soviet republics minus Balts.
He's going to make Trump ban gay pride parades in America, this is why we need World War 3!
>Bomb hospitals and kill children.
I didn't realize Putin was POTUS from 2001 to 2016.
>minus Balts.
>get access to warm waters
>save economy because now you can make trade with ships since 99% of your docks aren't frozen half of the year
>with better economy, largest soil in the world, and a huge modern army, be the biggest power on earth
This have been the endgame of Russia since the beginning of its existence.
They never ended up completing the first step.
This, he wants to establish a wider grip under his theocracy, I bet he kind of loathes the EU when it comes to that as well
I don't see how he could expect to do that per se. Seems more like he's jockeying in such a way as to let them drop out of power so as to maintain Russia a place at the bargaining table for whatever the future world order holds.
Well you are both in EU and NATO so risks for them are too high. Anyone who claims that they would attack you or pull off polite green men are retarded.s
Ukraine, Belarus? Definitely.
said the peacefull american
You can only accept it, user.
That's literally the kind of thing some people say when they explain that Putin is the most evil person in the world. They are immune to being reminded that the US is hardly one to talk.
I seriously doubt anyone wants to deal with them, Russia just fucked their economy because they wanted to change the status quo, the state Ukraine is in now, a sewage drain tbqh
to hack the world
>They never ended up completing the first step.
Russians having a plan.
Control the bosperous straits directly or indirectly with alliance with turkey separated from nato
It's all just realpolitik
Obama/Bush were not interested in realpolitik and we have the shit that is going on now
>Control the bosperous straits directly or indirectly with alliance with turkey separated from nato
Right, Turkey works its own Russia game, LARPING local power that acts like global one.
Confusion is the endgame. His PR man by the name of Solokov has invented this new method to control the masses, whereby you say and do seemingly random and contradictory things so that people never know what's true and what's not and automatically cling to whomever is currently in power, no matter how good or bad. You announce you're pulling out of Syria, but then you stay, you blow up your own people in fake terrorist attacks, you back and fund your own opposition, you say you didn't use military in Crimea, but then you admit you did, and so on. Google it if you don't believe me. There's a brilliant documentary on this by Curtis.
The trouble in trying to understand Russia is that they look white, so we expect white behaviours from them, when in reality they are more like Asians in their mentality, as general Patton observed. Putin himself is beset by shit Europe to the west, Slanties to the south, and (until recently) insane warmongering neocons to the east just over the ocean. He wants either solid land linked allies, or a series of buffer countries between him and Merkel - don't forget that 75 years ago, the Germans made it right into the heart of Russia and only really had Stalingrad left to take before ending the eastern front war more or less. They remember that, and their culture has only barely been freed from the soviet oppression, so Russians will hold their borders and maintain a buffer of weaker countries beyond that to avoid land incursions.
>muh new Soviet Union
The Russians really aren't interested in a repeat of the 20th century
The endgame of a man like Putin is still to recover from the Cold War adequately, the USA is making that very difficult
Is it bad I like Putin?
Can I get some specific insight from you seemingly knowledgable anons regarding Putin being anti-NWO, and how he's battled with Jews/globalists?
He battled with jews because he realised that, why should he, as yeltsin - leech the country dry for jews if he can leech it dry for himself and his posse, most of which are prolly jews as well
There are mixed reactions imo. Liberals and conservatives both share the hatred for putin. Then there are pro putin shills named vatnikai. These nutcases are mostly conspiracy terrorists, ex commies or etc. They believe that Trump will help Putin to restore USSR or whatever. So they support the hell of him. There are a lot of people with conservative beliefs who believe that Trump will btfo putin and stop him in some way. And well liberals hate Trump ofc. If he does something like for example, airstrike at Syria, they say that it's his team decision and had nothing to do with him almost. But there's always one thing with us in common (except for really retarded putin shills) that we hate Putin and want him as far as possible for us. Nerašiau lietuviškai, nes na gal kitus ir domina.
That's where my confusion stems, I think he's based, cunning, intelligent -- and I admire anybody who sticks it to the Jews, but he's not exactly a champion of the people, or freedom.
He's not an ally. He has some interests that align with ours, but that's as far as any cooperation would go.
Stop quoting 1984 faggot.
>Russians are subverted by double-think KEK. Lats wait the day when your government makes that book illegal.
>The trouble in trying to understand Russia is that they look white, so we expect white behaviours from them, when in reality they are more like Asians in their mentality, as general Patton observed.
Russians are white Asians and Japanese are Asian Europeans.
> They remember that, and their culture has only barely been freed from the soviet oppression, so Russians will hold their borders and maintain a buffer of weaker countries beyond that to avoid land incursions.
There is no Russian culture anymore.
this. Some things he does are very anti ((them)) but then again if he wasn't with ((them)) he couldn't have this much power
Russian culture was put in stasis during the soviet era. This is why they seem much more traditional and are immune to social justice faggotry. They see the sort of creeping politically correct socialism presented by globalism for what it is - a gradual, worldwide communist revolution - and they are checking out from that if not directly opposing it.
I doubt Putin is blind to the Zionist menace but he says all the right things to avoid slander, mostly. Plus, he supports middle eastern regimes that Israel opposes. See their attacks on syria recently, and also of course the innumerable Islamic extremist agencies they agitate and prop up every decade or so.
Manlets have no purpose, only a napoleon complex
They can't survive cold winters.
I find it unlikely (((they))) could just out Putin like nothing, though.
Trump/Putin need to unite against the kikes.
His name is sulokov you domb hohol its vladislav surkov! And yes the man is a fucking genius
Now you're thinking with Power!
He is just thief. So his end game is to keep all he stole to himself and not lost it.
>Imploding Russia with Muslim immigrants
yeah, filling us to the brim with MENA refugees as we speak. en.wikipedia.org
vast majority of our muslim population is our own citizens from our very own muslim enclaves.
we do have illegal immigrants, and they get deported the moment they get caught. no gibs, no healthcare, no school for their children, no sanctuary cities, no mercy. they come to work in construction, then get reported and deported when it's payday. and if they come legally with work visa, they can't even stay here for longer than X months per year. getting citizenship is hard to impossible without money.
Trump on the other hand is a complete jewish shill
I'll take a guess you aren't from the BIG cities.
Sounds familiar, almost a copy past of our political/media situation
>vast majority of our muslim population is our own citizens from our very own muslim enclaves.
They are still Muslim.
Muslim=/= Human, due to interfering with basic freedom of actions by cutting dicks.
I'm torn between that conclusion and the idea he's "trying" but met with overwhelming resistance.
Dude you haven't been here. Identity p[politics is the only thing keeping people going to elections.
This is why I hate people born before Latvian independence.
First and foremost, think of what USA would be if a ex CIA operative would be running it, and had a ruling hand over all institutions - media too, there you have Putin
When it comes to jews, in no way he's sticking it to them, I mean his first deputy chief of staff is jewish, one of his closest oligarchs who is the main guy of the largest construction company for gas pipelines and electrical power supply lines in Russia is a jew
I can go on and on
Roight. With all the different agendas, interests, and intrigues it's near impossible for me to discern what's what.
They won't, but people can only ignore what's in front of their eyes for so long. All it'll take right now to really screw up our perfectly balanced world is a natural disaster in the wrong place, and we'll be in the same situation as the Bronze Age collapse. The current age will pass away like a morning mist, and only a lucky few will live to remember it, fewer still will be able to make something of it by teaching their grandchildren.
hes a billionaire. Hes been in the elite circles for a long time,has secured himself a place in whatever ((they)) are trying to do with the world,why would he just turn around and fight for the people now? hes controlled opposition
It is probably fight between Zionist and Globalist Jews to deceive us from the reality.
also made holocaust denial illegal
>hire illegals
>report them to the authorities when its payday
>illegal gets deported and you save money
Its so cynical its funny though i find it hard to believe that its actually whats happening
Russia wants to keep their warm water ports which is why they took Crimea and are helping Syria. In the long run, this is actually a great strategic move if Russia wants to have an effective navy. Just read up on Heartland theory and you'll see where they're coming from.
Russia also likely knows something that isn't public knowledge in the west, we probably wont learn about it for 40 years. It was widly accepted for decades that the Soviet Union was the aggressor durring the Cuban missile crisis. But it came out in the last 20 years that the US put nukes in Turkey unprovoked and made russia play their cards.
The reports by western media don't always add up and are somewhat baffling, Especially in Ukraine.
If I had to put my money on it, I'd say there are two sides trying to build a pipeline and corner the market on cheap oil for Europe.
An interesting story I found recently is Ukraine thinks Russia is to blame for the entire war but is still getting their gas from Gazprom.
Its the Eastern tribal kabal jews fighting the western nwo globalist jews for control of the world. Goyim being cannon fodder ofc
I thiink Putin wants Russia to be an uncucked version of the west. Prosperous, free of the constraints of religion and SJWs,
>i think
Don't do this anymore, please
Come on roo, the fuck is that
he wants more yachts and funds in his swiss bank account
Dude you are on the same conclusion as I am.
Always knew that mainland Denmark is based.
>An interesting story I found recently is Ukraine thinks Russia is to blame for the entire war but is still getting their gas from Gazprom.
What's so surprising? Where else are they supposed to get it from
Those are your Muslim brother you fascist.
>No more internet for you!
I feel you. Before last year's election there was a lot of hype in youth that we will finally get rid of ex commie left fucks. However, we got even worse in the end. Guys with alleged russian ties, who wants to ban alcohol and stuff. All because old people voted for them and the young voters who supposedly were tired of old shit didn't turned out to vote as much as was expected from them.
>those are good muslims, you must love them
Yeah, i've heard that shit before
>G HW Bush
Former CIA Director
Son of former CIA Director
CIA boy from multi-generational CIA family on his mother's side
Same old same old.
They are important because of their location and control of the bosperous. They are powerful in comparison to the Middle East states to the south but most of them are basket cases.
while I do agree, my point was that there's no "imploding russia with muslim immigrants" being done. our population decline with solved by incentivizing russians to have more children and ethnic russian immigration from former soviet republics. lots and lots of gibs.
it isn't the only thing that happens to them, but shit like that happens often enough. you come here illegally, you get exploited, kicked out and banned from the country for 10 years. stark contrast with what happens in the first world.
Wtf are you retarded Russia is Multi national country and it is not meant for Nazi Fascist like you who state that it is for Russians.
Just look at Belarus it is white,poor, crime infested shithole.
>I feel you. Before last year's election there was a lot of hype in youth that we will finally get rid of ex commie left fucks.
Established in 1991.
>Guys with alleged russian ties, who wants to ban alcohol and stuff
Because economy they are trying to lobby can only produce alcohol.
>All because old people voted for them and the young voters who supposedly were tired of old shit didn't turned out to vote as much as was expected from them.
You understand that biggest voter demographic here is 60+ women we must literally take away women suffrage for 50 years to fix this country on even better propose poll tax so no old fucking pensioners can vote.
>our population decline with solved by incentivizing russians to have more children and ethnic russian immigration from former soviet republics
Yeah by taxing working class people.
You think those Chechens who shit out 5 churka durkas per women pay taxes?
> lots and lots of gibs.
There are no Gibs in Russia you have fucking 13 % tax on wages where the fuck you will get money for your Commie libertarian state, considering that oil money is used to fuel wars.
It's interesting because they have no choice in the matter. Meanwhile people are being told that none of this is about building pipelines. Media on both sides keep pushing the story as "debunked", even after Iran and Qatar both proposed pipelines that would require governments to be toppled.
If I had to guesss, I'd says russia is protecting their corner on the market while Qutar and their allies want to take over.
The west has condemned Russia while siding with Turkey and Qutar. Both of those countries are just as fucked in the head at Iran.
>What is actually his endgame?
A strong Russia who is a leader in international affairs.
A military which is feared.
The expansion of the Orthodox Church.
The establishment of a fair and equitable world financial system where currecies are backed by quantifiable resources rather than debt.
The elimination of the banking elite which has ruined our world.
Did I miss any?
>Did I miss any?
Yeah :
>Robbing country dirt poor.
>Being a shitty neighbor
>Funding even more """(((media)))"""
>Destroying ethnic Russians
>Being a manlet.
Misquotation are fun.
"Anyone who doesn't miss USSR has no heart, anyone who wants it back it's back just as it was, has no brain"
Hence 2.0
Shut up weakling, or be removed from table.
Putin is, quite likely, an atheist. When asked if he believes in the power of God he answered that he believes in the power of Man.