Why is America such a joke of a country? How stupid do americans feel being American?
Why is America such a joke of a country? How stupid do americans feel being American?
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>Why is America such a joke of a country?
No leaf it's one of the greatest nations IIT
>How stupid do americans feel being American?
They're proud unlike you
Meh. I identify more with my region than the national concept of 'America.' i couldn't give a fuck less what happens to liberal yankee and california multicults. i'm a diehard southern rural retard who voted for trump and seriously guys we can't let him get the nuclear codes.
them kil senf rinch!
Yes, its such a joke and feels so bad at the top. Fuck off leaf.
OP, you haven't given any reasons as to why America is "a joke of a country".
By the picture i assume it's because of "muh russia conspiracy theory". Which probably means you're intellectually challenged.
Not really. It's more like how whatever Trump touches turns into fucking sand. Has he gotten ANYTHING accomplished that didn't fall apart? Budget? Healthcare reform? Muslim ban? It's amateur hour with the mom-and-pop corrupt businessman trying to play administrator.
If the most powerful country in the world is full of idiots, it says a lot about the rest of us, don't you think?
Why are yanks so brainwashed. They out brainwash north Koreans lmao
Dumb Southern faggot. Only Kentucky/Arkansas/West Virginia are cool
No. Not really. The US has been so geographically isolated from fucking everything that there's no culture that appreciates how important history is, unlike European states in general.
Moreover, Bob in Tennessee doesn't understand why a random Muslim isn't going to suddenly attack his local Walmart. There's a good reason why NY, DC, and coastal states with world significance are prime targets. Flyover country isn't even on the list.
>st Basil's cathedral in image
That's not even part of the Kremlin, how fucking stupid can you be.
Does the foreign nation Israel have more of an influence over our government than the foreign nation Russia?
Why doesn't anyone in the media talk about that?
It's not. Anybody who believes the lying press giving second hand accounts of anonymous sources is weak minded.
I think (OP) is a full blown retard.
As an American, I value your non-American opinion so highly. Please tell me more about how the USA is such a bad place, my opinion on my homeland is easily swayed by some foreigner.
This whole "muh Russia" thing is really getting out of hand
AIPAC has had members found guilty of spying on the United States for Israel and yet it still exists and is allowed.
>be America
>take over land from backwards natives
>become leading world power economically, politically, technologically, and militarily in less than 300 years of existing against in some cases millenia old world powers
Yep, sure feels like the top
That's because your country is like a theme park mishmash of other countries.
Better than being a fucking leaf
No matter what level of education murcans recieve they are all told from a young age, murica is the greatest and land of the free yee haw doodle dandy and the majority grow up believing in this and spouting shit all their lives and are unable to admit when things are fucked up with their country or being an america citizen.
Also they cant say Santa properly, dumb fucks always say Sannah
'Murica is is so great that we've even created ideological movements that will kill us. Feelsgodman.
Honestly though, America is a pretty great place to live if you're not an idiot.
No matter what shit people talk about us they cant take this away.
Disclosure: I am partial Native American and am thankful for the white devil. Fuck Niggers though....
It's not just America that's a joke, it's the entire world.
People were a mistake. Apocalypse when?
why do the jews do this? no doubt this will cause antisemitism to rise
The Holocaust is old news and gettting older everyday. It's getting time to put them back in their place....